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Everything posted by SgtAlex

  1. There are tournaments with prizes every weekend by the way. It'd be great to play together and organised with some of you. We could also create a CMP Squadron/Regiment. I would join for sure.
  2. It only gets better and better. I saw the last episode last week and I was amazed
  3. From today until 18th December https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/event/happy-playdays-2017/
  4. Hope is lost. I was just thinking about this yesterday when I was playing BF3. Maps became much smaller than before, so much that the "battle" mostly takes place at one flag at the time, only Armored Kill DLC maps are big enough to play without being shot 3 seconds after spawn. Is impossible to play on non-hardcore servers cause of all kind of shity features they added, like 3D q-spotting, autohealing, autorepairng for vehicles, extreme survivability (yesterday I needed 3 javelins to destroy a Vodnik, it is useless against tanks, and you see people running all around because the can take a full magazine and still alive, there is no feeling of war), vehicles movement are just wrong, tanks can turn their turrets 180º instantly, jets turnings are ridiculous, explosives barely do damage to infantry. Best battlefield will ever be BF2. Since then everything has gone worse.
  5. C96
  6. I downloaded an ISO some days ago from here http://battlelog.redcloverproject.com/
  7. SgtAlex

    Worst Games Ever

    Battlefront and No Man's Sky look great games for me
  8. Comprueba si te pasa con otros juegas y la temperatura del CPU y la gráfica cuando juegas.
  9. The Walking Dead (Steam) - 1.19€ at Instant-Gaming
  10. Absolutely yes. I bought a few games there and I got the key just one second after the purchase. Never had any problems
  11. Best: finally solved my connection problems and results were awesome, very good self-perfomance Best 2: great US battle planning Worst: map geography. It was difficult to move on vehicles cause of trees, hills, valleys... Funniest: jeeps leaving US main trying to avoid trees. We had a nice rally race there Funniest 2: roadkills in a jeep Most hated player: no one Most loved/liked player: everyone who joined Other: I'm an expert jeep driver
  12. I found out that the XML file is updated and overwrite on each Overwolf update, so if it works one day and then it doesnt, repeat steps to add FH2 manually to the XML
  13. Verdun 1914-1918 Realistic WWI multiplayer game based on trenches war. It has very good graphics and doesnt require a powerful computer. It can be playable if you can play on FH2 well. I've bought it and I really like it, there are many nations and roles, lots of different weapons too. ONLY 2.53€ on Instant Gaming
  14. source:https://warthunder.com/en/news/4952-development-gunner-s-view-en
  15. SgtAlex

    Comedy Central

    Programmers will understand
  16. I'd try on W10 using Compatibilty Mode, or find a solution on internet. That problem may be caused by many things... First, the game is not installed on XP, you just copied the files, but it doesn't include the registry keys and rights to work on the system, install it properly on XP and try again. Also it's possible than your VM has not enough memory assigned so that prevents the game from running, or has any other configuration problem.
  17. Best: allies walking on all my AP mines Worst: Axis team was actually a mess, teamkills (damn that was frustrating) Funniest: placing the Flakvierling at the Panzer-HQ balcony Most hated player: @Ombustman slaughtering us at Garrison HQ plaza with that Greyhound Most loved/liked player: I don't remember Other: none
  18. Can you post your xml file at %localappdata%/Overwolf so I can check it out? Open it, select all, ctrl+c and post it here as code
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