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I'm playing FH2 with an AMD Vega 64 card and Freesync enabled on a 60hz monitor. No matter what graphics resolution I'm on below 1440 it seems to stick at around 60FPS. (At 4K it's stuck around 40). Would expect much higher frame rates at 1080 than at 1440. Should be seeing a higher frame rate - as I disabled "limit max frame rate" in game config and also set it to 200FPS in the chill function on the Radeon settings. Does the game FPS viewer detect FPS post Freesync? Or is there something else going on?
Best: -Some good close battles, with lots of fast flag captures that had to be recapped again soon after. Probably the battle that was most fun for most players so far, even if it didn't suit my own personal skills so much. Worst: -Was already really tired before battle even started and had to leave early to finish a translation job. Numbers could have been better. Crash/pickup kit problem. Seemed we had a few issues with either tank distribution or maybe Axis were just better at tank coordination. Had even slower reflexes than usual due to fatigue. Funniest: -Being so tired that I got killed in some ways that should really never have happened. Other: -I hope to be better rested for next week's battle.
Best: Map looked great. Worst: Map was broken. Without ship artillery, the balance was always too much in favour of defending side. And I concede - we didn't need the Sherman, which was an imbalancing element. Crashed server. Funniest: I didn't see anything that made me laugh, unfortunately. Most hated player: Bad losers spoiling victory pic - should be given battle bans IMHO. Other: Axis appeared to blame the broken map for their own inability to change tactics, like we did in the last round which allowed us to win despite the ship artillery problem. Garand balance issue is overstated - had terrible accuracy with Garand and could only hit using Springfield. So Garand does not cancel out imbalance that knee mortar brings to the table.
Sir Kows is watching the IT Crowd and didn't deem any of it funny enough to share here. Disappointing. Can someone turn him off and on again?
Moin Pepino. Mein deutsch ist sehr scheisse so in English. (I understand a lot of written German but am very bad at writing and speaking it myself) The campaign per se is not FUBAR. But the team composition IS. Until it's fixed permanently so one side does not have most of the best players, it will continue to be FUBAR. Campaign design etc there is nothing wrong with in general, apart from a few imbalances like Japanese overpowered MG compared to BAR and the knee mortars., whereas only spotter kit on Allied gets Garand and number of grenades for assault is just rubbish. Maps are great., apart from foliage being an issue when many players are using low settings. For future campaigns it is ESSENTIAL that the best players are better distributed over the two sides, or it is just no fun for anyone.
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Best: Being on Ombustman's squad again (no offence Kows but small squads and harassment is what I am best at). Almost capping enemy back flags single handed on more than one occasion. Success rate of my s-mines in first 2 rounds. Worst: Number of Allied players who didn't showed up for our best round so far. Now it looks like we only won this because we borrowed so many players. BUT I think this fact also highlights the team imbalance as well as that this map was probably badly balanced in favour of Allies. Funniest: Taking out 2 key Axis players with one S-mine while hiding in their flag zone. Most hated player: Hjaldrgud again for killing me so many times when he should have been on our side all along! Traitor! Most loved/liked player: Kows, Ombust and Randoom for the laughs. Other: I still think this campaign is FUBAR. But tonight at least was a bone thrown to a very hungry dog.
Best: -Going out for dinner in Montmartre while it seems my team got our asses handed to us yet again. Worst: -Being in France when all the Frenchies were on our team for once! Blisters from walking 22km around Paris. Funniest: -Taking picture of my wife at the Eiffel Tower at the same spot as the famous picture of Hitler, and not telling her till afterwards. I'm still not forgiven. Most hated player: -Me for missing it. Most loved/liked player: -Anyone who forgives me Other: - I think this campaign Is FUBAR. Will be joining still, but only for the great company.
What's the PSU and how old? Some of the cheap ones are terribly unreliable? Stopped using cheap ones eventually as they just gave too many crashes as they wore out so fast, no matter how many watts they were rated at. I only buy Gold rated ones now. Am getting the occasional crash now I switched to a very hungry Vega 64 graphics card, which is strictly speaking rated for 100W more than my current PSU, but system was rock solid until then.
Bad SATA cables caused me some big problems a while back so certainly a possibility. Sure your power supply is big enough for your graphics card?
Best: Fighting a battle with better balanced teams. Far more fun than last week, which was just silly. Worst: Some players are so good at hitting distant pixels, first time, rapidly, that one has to wonder how they are doing it. I'm playing on 4K,28" screen, wearing very strong reading glasses and I spotted several players before they spotted me. Got on the spot aim on static target, but missed. Second later the target is able to hit me, first shot. Sorry but I have to wonder about this. Also imbalance between Japanese assault it and Allied assault kit - but we won so I'll let it slide. Funniest: -Ensign "Humle… For Fuck's sake why did you s-mine the exit to the tunnel?" Most hated player: Has to be Randoom for constantly suiciding on my s-mines like a noob and making my scores look terrible. Most loved/liked player: Randoom for being a good sport about it. Other: Agree with Al-Sahad that this map was too big for number of players. It was either really intense or really slow. And nothing in the middle.
Probably fair enough. Just I think this theater particularly emphasises the slightest degree of imbalance if the teams are not well-matched and playing on similar settings. Same could possibly be said about last campaign and the woodland combat. I think teams were better balanced last campaign though, so it was less noticeable.
It's good to see you back Hjaldrgud… but you joined the bloody wrong team you muppet.
Best: Ensign being in a good mood for once Worst: Team balance is completely askew with far too many of the players we know to be really good at this on the same side. This needs to change in future campaigns as it must be boring as hell for Axis and it ain't exactly fun to play as Allied either. We need a new way of looking at how teams are allocated. Also noticed when rehearsing before the battle that some of the Jap kits are way better than the equivalent Allied kits. But I bet we don't get Garands later in the campaign... Funniest: 20 second lag where I shot a guy on Axis who was still firing happily away in front of me who then suddenly died with message "xxx. killed by Humledrik" or whatever it says. Forgot who it was but a real WTF moment. Most hated player: Anyone who plays on potato settings when they don't have to. And anyone who exploits it. Most loved/liked player: My squad for maintaining good humour despite all the crap. Other: Yet more confirmation of why we should never ever play Pacific again.
Best: Nothing Worst: Everything Funniest: Leaving early to go to the pub with my wife, who ended up with a five day hangover. Most hated player: People who play on low graphics settings Most loved/liked player: My squad Other: Confirms EXACTLY why I was unhappy about a Pacific campaign. They're just no fun.
Battlefield has been crap since Battlefield 2 IMHO. Moses Herodez has been binging Battlefield 1 and it just looks nonsensical. Good FPS practise I suppose, which is why he kicks my ass in FH2. He played the free to play Battlefield V weekend a few weeks back and that looked even more nonsensical. Utter rubbish from EA games, as usual. He'll probably buy it for X-box.... I bought Post Scriptum and all it needs is more players! But to be honest, graphically it's not that much better than FH2, apart from the tank interior modelling and explosions. Even joined WAW to play their campaign which is still not up and running. Hell Let Loose looks awesome too. Specs for both are going to be a problem for the people in our community who are playing on potatoes. Upgraded to a Vega 64 so I could play these games in 4K in Freesync.
I agree with GeoPat and have nothing to add or dispute in his excellent post.
Best: Winning the campaign Worst: Not enough players for this potentially great map Funniest: Ensign's mood swings, driving around for ages on the kettenrad and not seeing a single enemy Most hated player: I was so crap this round it has to be myself Most loved/liked player: Moses Herodez when he brought me a beer. Other: Despite 2 maps that were quite boring and unfortunately having to miss 2 battles, the most fun campaign I have played, ever.
Best: Winning again. Fighting off surprise attack with sniper rifle. Worst: Most boring battle of the campaign. Funniest: Number of TKs I made with S-mines. Getting teabagged by Kows before the battle even started. The bikes. Most hated player: The guys who can shoot through walls. Most loved/liked player: Ombustman for letting me play so freely and to my skills. Other: JS tank was a bit overpowered but we won so it was OK.
Best: - Winning last round as attackers. Long range sniping from cover of woods by the east lake Worst: - HQ getting their heads round the choke points earlier on. That we weren't more players - this map would have been perfect for a large turnout. Funniest: Daniel getting upset because I TKed him with a flag zone s-mine because he didn't know standard Axis tactics after he joined to help out. Most hated player: - Sturmflim for borderline cheating in round 2, camping and firing at edge of Axis main base boundary. Crapinabox for being too good at hiding and looking like a corpse. Most loved/liked player: - Nobody stood out Other - I did a lot of sneaking around and attacking from behind this round. Didn't realise how much fun this was.