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Everything posted by WOLFXL

  1. #12 and Final stats?
  2. Don't burp near @CptBocquier, because a monster poping out from that gentelman french man.
  3. Funniest: - 5th round, our attack direction was changed, RP gone, team divided on map in 2, and we had more than twice tickets than enemy but enemy has 90 tickets and as always there was a potential that things get worse for us in last minutes even if it seems that we have enough tickets to win. While waiting for rp from SL, who was away from rally deployment position. I saw @Ombustman on map with two guys, preparation for heroicly charging without rp to village flag from its back. And i said: hey ombust, put rally Ombust said: 100 etc seconds need for it. And enemy has only 90 tickets left, I am charging. I said: hey tomatoman, rally will be available when enemy tickets reach 50. Ombust said: How do you know? (He didnt believe in me, and laughing) I said: Please wait for it, you will see. Then they waited and we started countdown the rally time and tickets. Enemy tickets reach 52. And rally was available. We started laughing for that miracle. And ombust said, how the fuck do you know this? I said: Years of experience (like a boss) Then we cap the village with full force of 288 less than 15 seconds, from back door of village. It was very fun and epic moment in this battle.

    Hell Let Loose

    Early access is up on steam. For my country it is 8.6 dollars.
  5. PR:WW2 is coming this year, according to the announcement in pr web page. Who is actively playing PR? Sent me PM.
  6. Somehow it is giving the same warning as before. But downloading is fine.
  7. D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 2 Complete Collection\ Same here, and working very fine. Apart from this, On every first run, it gives warning (not error) in pop-up screen as: "Version doesn't match, please download new version at Https//cmp-gmaing.com currently available version is 0.03, you have 0.02" But it is latest from provided link
  8. Working smooth and study. No crash in server. Thanks for your time for doing this.
  9. Best: - Our planes are like buzzing in air all the time. Worst: - Crashing round. Kicked axis naval players 2 out of 4 due to low allied numbers. Then we it become 3 out of 4 Funniest: - No one knows sujuk in my squad, when i am yelling it. oh man, i am getting older. Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Sujuk spaniards. We have feelings it in our hearts. Best Battle Photo - This is HQ Sub's Anti Air reporting! (It is @SturmFlim on the deck) Other: - Some moments from the game. Somebody wants to play Deep Silence, it seems. Burn Burn baby! This is a talent (Flipped landing craft). Next challenge is a ship! It seems enemy whale hit the land Sujuk BBQ and a beer will we good against the sunset.
  10. Best: - Radar for friendlies. Worst: - Server crash, and it expose our secret plan on server restart. Funniest: - Killing sub with sub Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - Killing a sub. with a sub. Other: - Where is my Sujuk brotherhood? Ohh they are hiding, sshhh...
  11. Me love you, bro. We will have a sujuk party in my JP in next campaign all together.
  12. You can't and never hate me @Sir_Kowskoskey
  13. I knew that, you took that moment's screen shot Your wreck caused me flipping
  14. I think, i should be more active in here. Best: - Mighty Sujuk Spirit. Worst: - The ones not loving the Mighty Sujuk Funniest: - Return to the precious Boobies! Most hated player: - Protesters of mighty Sujuk Medal. Most loved/liked player: - Mighty Sujuk supporters. Best Battle Photo - Come on! We just want to play with my friends, little kitty (Check the mini map)
  15. ooh yeah, i remember that hill. Actually i jumped many times that hill without any problem due to hight speed of T34. However, your curse hit me badly, because i drop my sujuk protection emulet somewhere in main base, before i entering the tank Your %0,01 luck work that time LOL @SturmFlim I still love you Note: I knew someone took my picture, damn!
  16. It didn't work on me... It says connection error even in supported games.
  17. I was using Ts notifier with TS3 in WIN7. However When i upgraded to WIN10. It is crashing the game or game even not starting up... Couldn't find how to fix it. But i will try Overwolf, which is too complicated to configurate the thing.
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