Don't forget the mighty Sujuk, otherwise the curse will be upon you!
Good old sujuk times with Hans and French friends.
But the mighty Sujuk will rise again with Spaniards!
World of Sujuk
Check if you want to learn how to spot and help the team.
The rain of rpg43, was devastating. It look like getting killed by 500k damage bomb while you have 10 points armor
But i escaped from 6x rpg43 grenades with 2 health bar left which were exploding on my ass, You missed it hahhaaa
That moment was fun for me.
I am using TS notifier:
Be sure that you have TS notifier helper plugin for TS3 in options/addons: (It should be come with TS notifier together, can't remember now)
Note: You can see people's talking who sits on your channel. Not other channels.
If you have any issues, i will try to help you.
My French buddy Pierrot (you know him from previous community.) shared a nice link with me.
Game is about WW2 based FPS and Teamwork base, and it is developing under Unreal 4 engine... So we will see how it will end up soon... Here is the link:
Oeverwolf sometimes working on me and sometimes not... I found ts viewer... Simple it is, only see who is talking in channel, not showing whispers or CC...