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Everything posted by Pollenz

  1. Pollenz


    Gracias smash! Ahí ví, no me llama mucho ese tipo de jugabilidad
  2. Pollenz


  3. Thanks for the data! More WW2 movies are always welcome! Im gonna check those out.
  4. Pollenz

    FH2 TeamCup

    Contá conmigo @GGarrido
  5. Pollenz


    There is still a community (and server) that plays FHSW that is even better than FH 0.7. You should check there http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/
  6. Pollenz

    FH2 TeamCup

    Uh, parece interesante, pero ni idea donde puedo caer muerto. Supongo que estaré a la espera de que alguien me invite a algún grupo ajajajaj.
  7. @Papillon Are the numbers correct? I don't remember making 35 tks. At least BEFORE the battle ends. Then, of course, fun happens Same with the numbers of all of the 41
  8. lol, that was me. Panther came from a hill in front of me, so I panic'd and started to retreat while praying for some miracle and firing at his turret at the same time. Really don't know how he missed 2 shots and couldn't finish me, and when I was about to hit him once more on the turret, another tank finished it for me
  9. Last battle 0 (zero) conection problems!
  10. Best: -As @JoenM already said. I was able to play full battle not only without crashes but without a single conection problem!! Worst: -2nd time I came in the middle of the battle and suddenly my team starts to play worst. I think I cursed my team :( Funniest: - @Ombustman randomly killed me at base while waiting the respawn of the tank Most hated player: - @radiosmersh and his sneak attacks on our tanks! Most loved/liked player: - Other: -
  11. Only one crash and a few conection problems. I guess that the problem is solved, at least so far. Thanks!
  12. Well, I deleted some stuff of C/ and on last battle I got way less conection problems so far. I'll update next week
  13. Best: -Being able to play with only 2 crashes in the whole battle. Worst: - Funniest: -Stopping next to a dropped MG, then realizing that was an enemy. Funniest2: -Allied plane taking off in my direction. Luckily Realized on time and went down with no casualties Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Other: -
  14. Nope. I didn't found any program that wasn't normal. And Im starting to think that it's something with my CPU. On the last battle I got a lot of conection problems again and even several kicks and crash to desktop, and the only time I that I had the same problem was when I was using another program to record the battle, and on that time, only after stopping the program the problem was fixed. But on this last battle I wasn't using any program at all besides TS3. So I checked the CPU and found that one was at 99% only using FH2+TS3. Suggestions? Ideas?
  15. That was me! I was retreating cuz KT was coming and saw you on my side. I only was able to hit you once sadly
  16. Best: FH2 Worst: 70% of my deaths were due disconections Funniest: Me Most hated player: My computer Most loved/liked player: Anyone that I was able to kill in between discontects
  17. Thanks! Will do
  18. Well that. Im constantly getting that message while I can see (and know) that there isn't any problem with my conection since my ping stay the same. Comes like every 5 minutes or so, the game freezes and after a couple of seconds all come back to normal. My PC: AMD Athlon II x245 4 Gb RAM AMD Radeon 6670 Windows 7 (64) Im conected with Ethernet, not Wi Fi. I have the problem either with low graphics or medium/high.
  19. Best: Play FH2 Worst: Still having problems with my conection. Funniest: Run with the Stuart killing 10+ guys trying to get me before get Pak'd due a conection problem lol Most hated player: Anyone with a hafthohlladung in hand when I was in Sherman. Most loved/liked player: @RAnDOOm, his good spanish got me unguard and confused me at the start
  20. Ey Rand00m I uploaded to twitch some of my videos. Like 5 battles of Ortona, and the first one of Bloody Gulch. I'll try again today to keep recording because on Bloody Gulch had some issues and couldn't do more than the first one. Here is the link of my videos: https://go.twitch.tv/pollenz/videos/all
  21. But $talkker and me did pretty well with bazookas
  22. Voy a tratar de estar!!
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