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Everything posted by genp

  1. truly happy it is!
  2. Best: - paradrop was great, also I had great action with raming into kubelwagen with jeep and killing driver and his friend who came in other kubel to help him Worst: - bit of chaos with waiting rooms Funniest: - "matrix ride" with matyszg when we were under fire grom MG, Puma and pak. Great action https://youtu.be/K1SiEhoGENE Most loved/liked player: - @matyszg as a driver in "matrix ride"
  3. Best: - So much players - old and new ones, great! also map with parashooters Worst: - in half my game crashed so i was only able to stay at TS Funniest: - Tractorfahrer charged again I got You @svakidan! Most hated player: - Error 404! Player not found! Most loved/liked player: - I would say @TomTom39 for his organization skill when my FH2 crashed, but I think everyone was great and was playing fair and well! Other: -
  4. slow and relaxing, I thing You know artist personally
  5. Best: - That we met on battlefield Worst: - being tired when it was ending Funniest: - When I unfortunately fliped Halftrack dwo seconds after @Doktor told me that is "good that you have this halftrack"... Most loved/liked player: - as @RayderPSG mentioned, especially new players, but old dudes too! And of course Polish Team Other: Artificial fog.
  6. This is great idea. We also could be playing with just teams in public servers (we were practising it with polish team) and it is great way of getting know each other and practising. Good idea Baśka. //Baska sorry, my keyboard autocorrelation gone wild
  7. genp


    @CLavish zapraszamy!
  8. Best: Campagin - time I spent with great men. Thank You all. Worst: Maybe crash? Or maybe headache? Funniest: Human catapult i was driving fast and @Cpt.Polandjumped out of jeep the exact moment I've hit. (After edit I will present you a video of this) Most hated player: Bunnyhoping men. Don't do this please. Most loved/liked player: I agree with @Cpt.Poland that @Doktor truly is one of the most liked ones. But also @RayderPSG who after battle stayed for photo and who was helping us with makeing Polish Team. And of course everyone, You all are great for doing this together (bunnyhoping men you will be loved one also if you stop bunnyhop ) Best Battle Photo - 'BBQ before fight - life in army ain't that bad' Other: - 'Enemy submarine spotted' 'We do bury our companions' (during training) 'Look at me! I'm Australian now!' @CptBocquier I've took your advice to my heart. No HUD this time!
  9. Red Poppies on Monte Cassino - polish song that was created in honour of polish soldiers that fought in this battle. (ENG lyrics)
  10. Best: Whole map was great Worst: Doesn't matter we lost again. Funniest: Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: everyone Best Battle Photo: Just a Peaceful place. Other: I like pancakes.
  11. Best: killing my own capitan without consequences (change teams as volunteer) Most loved/liked player: @Kwiotand his Vickers and ofc everyone Best Battle Photo: Hide and seek Forgotten Hope 2 edition.
  12. @TomTom39 jest mały problem... jak ci wysłać 25 gb?... a będzie więcej. Myślę, że prościej będzie jednak, jak sam trochę je obetnę i co najwyżej ty będziesz je szlifować, bo to jest 1080p60fps...
  13. Wiecie, może się wstrzymać jeszcze chwilę i dopiero z tego co będzie dziś nagrywane robić, bo wczoraj faktycznie nie ogarnąłem w całym zamieszaniu treningu tej grafy. Mea culpa. Teraz już będę o tym pamiętać. A na razie z tego tylko zdjęcia się wytnie.
  14. genp


    A witajcie!
  15. mogę też dźwięki ogarniać (zajmuję się też muzyką) choć obróbkę filmów zleciłbym komuś, kto się lepiej zna na tym znaczy od nas.
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