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Everything posted by CptBocquier

  1. Salut à tous, La nouvelle campagne FH2 va bientôt démarrer. Pour cette fois-ci je serai HQ et la squad française sera aussi présente. N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre ! Nous allons d'ailleurs tenter quelque chose : l'idée est que ceux qui le désirent puissent essayer d'être squadlead le temps d'une bataille ou d'un round. Vous pouvez me PM à ce sujet si vous êtes motivés. Les inscriptions commencent à la fin de la semaine. À très vite !
  2. Best: - Froggies rolling thunder, Spaniards being spaniards, and HQ being drunk. Axis & Allied teams having fun. This week high motivation on the team, pushed by @FunnyBombarik Worst: - People misbehaving after battle. That really serves nothing. Funniest: - Full retard strat for the win ! Most hated player: - People who decide to sneak on their own on a flag a whole squad is trying to prepare to assault. Most loved/liked player: - Drunk @turbomursu @Sir_Kowskoskey & @Papillon, @0utlaw for deing such a great work, and all the frenchies who fought in a nice squad that kept up until the end ! @thunder493 @Heia Safari! @Garfield @MedicalWanderer @La-Hire @SputnikFighter @Druidix @_Arras_ @Master_of_Pain_25 @Temp3st02 @Faolan04 !! Also @BaskaBommi @caeno & @Ronid it was a real pleasure to fight with you ! @gen.p @TomTom39 & @Zabstone for their amazing work with the polish community and their commitment in the team ! @kutuzovrusss @radiosmersh @Slepov92 for their hard work with the russians until the end and of course grumpy @Erwin for being grumpy @Erwin Best Battle Photo - Currahee ! Other: - Hope to see you @jojosensei on the next campaign ! GG to all of you guys, a bit sad we lost, but it was a hell of a fight and we had so much fun. @thunder493 polishing his melee stats little @RayderPSG unaware of Rocketman @SputnikFighter A strong opponent rekt by rocketman! gg @Ombustman you were great this campaign ! same for you @WOLFXL @turbomursu's nightmare Push it !! Axis being real even after the campaign @RayderPSG all the spaniards & @BaskaBommi ! Such a great regiment you have become
  3. Best: - Taking a huge blow from the spaniards at first and then slowly taking the upper hand. @RayderPSG zouaving me all the night Worst: - Lack of spots & no @thunder493 grunting with us Funniest: - Going on a suicide mission with already a burning jeep and only a zooka and a pistol. Went to hauconcourt from the bridge near hall then @Hawk start firing with his halftrack. Trapped him with a bazooka shot then rushed the flag with a good RP, and i have ofc a nice Kommissar moment on @RayderPSG Most hated player: - people not following the rules in my squad, hope i won't see that again Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG, @MedicalWanderer & @Garfield on fire, @Druidix mocking me as always, well all the boys ofc. Best Battle Photo - Same as @RayderPSG but in french. Other: - French pics Spaniards & frenchies pic
  4. Best: - @SputnikFighter zouaverie Worst: - @SputnikFighter zouaverie Funniest: - @SputnikFighter zouaverie Most hated player: - @SputnikFighter  Most loved/liked player: - @SputnikFighter and of course @RayderPSG Best Battle Photo - Taking a short break after a successful assault with the zouaves https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - French & Spanish picture "Soo at my go, you fire that guy. You cover me. two of you get ready to set a RP near the chimney, last one follow me on the left." "Go go go !"
  5. Best: - Playing with the boys and also @Sir_Kowskoskey and @turbomursu Worst: - whole match was a joke, looks like half our team was asleep Funniest: - Bren carrier vs sdkfz 251 fights ! also Russian Officier moment with @RayderPSG Most hated player: - @RayderPSG who killed me in the worst moment (i just stuck my bren carrier while trying to sneak..) Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG for giving me some epic fights and @Master_of_Pain_25 for his insane grenade kill on a panzer IV Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Gladiator feeling "Don't Fail us driver !" too late... and then @RayderPSG got us Epic "Bullit" moment with the spaniards Reminds me of the good old times from first campaign with @Sir_Kowskoskey bagging some spaniards "Dans le dos !" Spaniards 1 Spaniards 2 Spaniards 3
  6. @turbomursu "eh most deaths" @Sir_Kowskoskey "me or you ?"
  7. Best: - Froggies were awesome that night Worst: - couldn't use those 88s at full potential. Funniest: - Some Western action with the spaniards /// bothering @RayderPSG on Fields all night long Most hated player: - People not being able to set a defence properly /// people ruining the after battle pictures (they will recognise themselves) Most loved/liked player: - @gen.p & @TomTom39 for the after battle chat. thanks for that, you know why i was a bit deceived and your words were enough to make me forgive. Best Battle Photo - @thunder493 doing @thunder493 things Other: - Spaniards & @Druidix picture
  8. Best: - .50 cal action on @RayderPSG's squad // French focus Worst: - crashes... and not enough spaniards to bag me... Funniest: - doing some AA stuff with @Garfield @thunder493 & @Druidix with mgs and hmgs Most hated player: - myself for falling from Mont Ormel's cliff Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG & @Sir_Kowskoskey not asking me to sing, @Heia Safari! for his amazing work Best Battle Photo - Other: - Rayder knowing things are getting worst Coordinated strike on @RayderPSG with @Garfield ... who knifed rayder but i got the kill ! French picture French & spanish picture
  9. Best: - That sneak on chateau at the end of the 6th round was perfect. Worst: - Not enough room for a 12 french squad ! Funniest: - Sent by @Sir_Kowskoskey to try to put a sneak. As i leav River Farm i saw a wild silhouette moving in the bushes. hum. who the hell can be that sneaky bastard...no. It can't be...starting to run after him while the whole squad fires at him. After a 150m run the poor bastard fall dead, killed by @Druidix...and yes. It was you @RayderPSG !! Oooooh what an evil laugh i had on your body ! Most hated player: - Myself and people whining. What the hell guys ? No spawnpoint is not that bad. And complaing about some divers or hoppers won't help us win. Come on ! Most loved/liked player: - @Temp3st02 was amazing, and @_Arras_ for his first game with us. @Sir_Kowskoskey, @0utlaw, @turbomursu & @RayderPSG Best Battle Photo - Teabagception with @Ombustman, @Sir_Kowskoskey, @AdmiralBG .... and everyone that wasn't in the killfeed Other: - French picture Spanish picture French & Spanish having a drink
  10. Best: - @Sir_Kowskoskey asking me to whisper "hon hon hon" on the enemy back flag Worst: - a few mistakes that makes us lost some important tickets Funniest: - some fun with the mortar // germans trying to kill me and that didn't succeed. Most hated player: - Myself on that PzrIV chase Most loved/liked player: - @Sir_Kowskoskey & @turbomursu be my HQ every night (we miss you @Ronid) Best Battle Photo - Titanic on low budget Other: - French squad after battle picture Spanish regiment picture Franco spanish mess
  11. @TomTom39 "a moment of silent for @AL-SAHAD" literally 2sec later @Sir_Kowskoskey : naaah i hate him @CptBocquier yeah me too
  12. Best: - French squad showing impressive skills and iimprovement. Worst: - Those Fuse shells not showing effects properly. Funniest: - Round 2. We were defending WN31 and nothing happened. Then suddenly me and @Heia Safari! said maybe we've got a wild @RayderPSG on our back to awaken our guys. Little did we know that 2 minutes later, @Temp3st02 would actually rekt a wild @RayderPSG with its .50 cal Most bagged player: - I hear one of my froggies talling that @Sir_Kowskoskey was on a flaghouse with a MP40 and just killed him. Thinking of epicness and bravery, i take my knife and run towards that house. I then enter the first room to disccover this filthy finnish waiting crouched with his MP40 aimed at me. As a pure frenchman, i fenced him hard in a noble way. My revenge from your backstab in the fields of St Marie du Mont is taken.  Most loved/liked player: - @La-Hire being the generator of random things battle after battles. Also @MedicalWanderer holding a whole squad while we sneak around with his BAR. Best Battle Photo - Not this week Other: - Spaniards photoo !! French squad on the sneak !
  13. En tout cas merci à @Garfield @MedicalWanderer @Temp3st02 @Faolan04 @Druidix @SputnikFighter @La-Hire @Master_of_Pain_25 @thunder493 @Heia Safari! @CptBocquier pour ce début de campagne plutôt incroyable au niveau de la qualité de jeu et de l'ambiance ! Elle promet d'être épique jusqu'au bout !
  14. Best: - Intense and close fights. French squad being focus and with a good attitude ! Small chat with @RayderPSG after the battle Worst: - Multiple Dc's on our worst round (where we loose 246 - 0). My squad was attacking an important flag and i couldn't help/lead it for like 10 minutes. Solved by restarting the game Funniest: - My squad getting full 7e Compagnie style. Multiple tks in a row and when i say "RP here" (we were all looking to enemy RP) someone come and put OUR RP at the exact position of the marker ahaha. Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG & @Sir_Kowskoskey as always ! @Druidix was impressive ! Best Battle Photo - @RayderPSG's greatest nightmare / Welcome to the Fistinière ! Other: - French Squad ! Spanish regiment & French squad, a real pleasure to fight with/against !
  15. Euh alors oui, mais pas dans la bonne équipe... après vu l'avatar et le pseudo c'est peut-être un choix réfléchi ? ou je me trompe ?
  16. Well the order for the admin was don't take enemy AA...so I don't think that's the fault of the Yankee Who drove his own...
  17. @Druidix : "Oh no @Sir_Kowskoskey just kniffed me...i heard something crawling and then i saw his ugly face" @CptBocquier : "Ahah you know how i felt last week then !"
  18. Best: - Numbers ! // Managing to kill a diving fock wulf with a 75mm ! // French squad giving some good vibes Worst: - DCs and tensions over CC on some rounds. Funniest: - Wild encounters with enemy tanks (some french screams were heard that night) // Wild encounter with @Sir_Kowskoskey (only once...) // Wild encounters with @RayderPSG Most hated player: - Myself and people not using their assets (empty tanks in main for all the round is a PURE shame) Most loved/liked player: - @Pantyfas and @Hispanec on last round ! Was a pleasure to play with you Best Battle Photo - not this week, thanks for the medal ! Other: - Hope that next map will allow us to express our full potential and have a chat with @Sir_Kowskoskey and @RayderPSG on some flags
  19. Thanks @RayderPSG for bringing me into this lovely hell hole ! happy birthday lads and congrats for the amazing job (mapping, tournaments, etc.) !
  20. Best: - French full squad for the win & full server all night long. Parachuting moments and epic french fails. Also some epic defense actions ! Worst: - The downside of having people to wait to play... Funniest: - @RayderPSG suffering all the game from me and getting his revenge at the end of last round ! also @Sir_Kowskoskey knifed me so hard (wasn't expecting it AT ALL) that my body went through the map. I felt so dirty but then when i respawned a wild @RayderPSG tryed to run over me with a kubel. I managed to kill him and 'honor' him while his fellow passager killed me. Really couldn't care last at that moment ahah. I still managed to get my revenge on last round on @Sir_Kowskoskey, but you clearly won this one. Most hated player: - / Most loved/liked player: - French squad was epic. @Erwin bring a good support to us in some dire times. Best Battle Photo - Guess who ate beans before jumping ? Other: - GG everyone !
  21. Ah zut, prends soin de ça ! Tu sais le souci pour l'instant ce ne sont pas tes performances (car on agit en équipe, les qualités individuelles n'entrent que très peu en compte sur le rendement d'une escouade), mais ton attitude qui lors de la dernière campagne ne m'a pas permis d'apprécier le fait d'être capitaine d'un régiment. C'est quand même dommage d'avoir quasiment 30 personnes enregistrées et actives dans un régiment et de ne pas vouloir être au jour de la bataille à cause d'une ou deux personnes... et je pense que rayder ainsi que d'autres joueurs feraient le même retour. Ce n'est pas notre plaisir d'engueuler des joueurs, loin de là...
  22. Best: - Full server and 9 player french squad, encountering old chaps in the battlefield like @Sir_Kowskoskey @Ombustman @WOLFXL @RayderPSG and all the others from 71ID and the other campaigns ! Worst: - Full server dark side ! Funniest: - Melee sessions ! Most hated player: -  Most loved/liked player: - @Temp3st02 @MedicalWanderer @Garfield @thunder493 @Heia Safari! @La-Hire @SputnikFighter @Druidix Other: - French squad with @McCloskey & the infamous FARMER KIT
  23. Best: - Finfing @Sir_Kowskoskey Worst: - Internet went down, had to play on 4G all along Funniest: - fighting with and against friends ! love you guys (even you @RayderPSG or @Ombustman !) Most hated player: - Already ? naaaah Most loved/liked player: - @La-Hire @thunder493 @Druidix @Temp3st02 @Faolan04 @Garfield @MedicalWanderer Other: - French squad and spanish regiment !
  24. @ahmed:) @Captain DiDou @ghighi @Ronin12 @Arnaud @hight_tower @MajorW @Versus @wrenchorbinoculars @Awisko @DeeDyLis @DickVanDoos @DylandBass @Hawk_345 @kkdubs @Lahdgren @LoneWolf320 @Meekola @Solid @TAWint @Titanium237 @Trigger Lock @whiskers @3rd-para.neige @AgentProvocateur @ALEX3129 @Archer_SRY @azney @BIG_J_06 @_baba2004_ @brk5300 @Cake @CapitaineBarbo @Caractor57 @CestMoi(*) @Chicon @Coldbestau @CptBocquier @Drelid @Druidix @EWkevin @Faolan04 @Femisto @[FRA]_Mightoup @Fritz99 @Fritz.The.Cat @GABBOTTO(*) @Garfield @Heia Safari! @Helmut Mout @Humledrik(*) @JARHStarkiller @Jundox @kaiser185 @DER_KAISER_SEIN @keo @Khaine @kieffer95 @Kirov71 @Kubik(*) @kustom666 @La-Hire @Lolo89 @MajorWanka @Master_of_Pain_25 @Max3400 @Maxr35[fr] @Mlgfrancaiflantier @Minijim @mogami @naceo @Nathan4012 @neissman @NONO63FR @Pierre @pinpinflex @piot @pollux98@Pytoney @rasbobonaya @RayderPSG(*) @Reeorgh Arrgh @robert Foch @romu292 @Sgt.Michael.Wittmann @Snafu_Il2 @Solarriors @soukax @SputnikFighter @Starkill76 @squad2242 @Temp3st02 @Toka @[TTF] Kmikaz @Thibault Depuydt @thunder493 @VinVin @ViquelOoste JENKINS (⌐■_■) @Warlate @wazza972 @zarbyLeFr @Владимир Польска @taoufik @Gringooo667 @Nikkopasqua @Solarriors @roeschti @Chakroun Bonjour à tous, pour les amateurs de campagne FH2 nous serons une petite escouade dans la 517th PRCT (82nd Airborne Division). Si vous voulez nous rejoindre merci de vous enregistrer dans votre régiment de remplir le sign up. Vous pourrez ensuite venir discuter de tout et de rien ici ! Vous êtes tous les bienvenus ! Par contre, une bonne humeur, du sérieux et une certaine maturité sont requis .
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