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FH2 Campaign #15: The Last Winter - Battle 1 - Wacht Am Rhein - Best/Worst/Funniest/Photo Medal

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Best: - Reaching 100 players, full server in our first battle of the campaign. Fantastic.

Best 2: - Playing FH2 in a tournament setting again. Feels very good.

Worst: - My aim skills need to be improved. Will start to play public more to get it right.

Funniest: - Stabbing skills are still good.

Most hated player: - No one.

Most loved/liked player: - Everyone that joined tonight and will join for the rest of the campaign.

Best Battle Photo - "Spotting for arty and sniping at the same time using the new range feature. Perfect!"

Other: -

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Best: - Reaching 100 players, full server ! nice

Worst: - Tank Flipper n0 1 

Funniest: - Flipping over tanks is good

Most hated player: - No one.

Most loved/liked player: - Everyone that joined tonight

Best Battle Photo: Its all about the spot 


Edited by Heyna
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Best: - Finding a RP in SE corner of Farm, then trying to destroy it with my rifle, then grabbing enemy rifle from ground to finish the job and then throwing a nade at the seemingly immortal RP, just to be killed by a group of enemies who spawned around me. Deathcam showed two of them getting blown up together with the RP, nade did its job.

Worst: - Missing my shots too many times.

Funniest: -

Most hated player: -

Most loved/liked player: -

Best Battle Photo - I guess he thought he could jump over it


Other: - Defending Farm was really hard.

Edited by komejant
it was SE not SW corner
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Best: Campaigns are back on! And teams seem balanced, not only were the tickets close, but Both sides regularly held 5 flags!

Worst: Friendly artillery had it in for me!

Funniest: Trying to go toe-to-toe with Wolf and other panthers repeatedly with a 37mm, I do not learn

Edited by pozzo
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Best: - Intensive battle with good balance and action!
Worst: - My low 20 FPS, because I rec video, and because of that I can not normally playing and shooting(
Funniest: - many epic and funny moments. Twice @Zabstone and @qtaCHRIs boom!ed by my AT mines on road to Village. What vehicle are you using? Also moment with @gerul on AT gun (look at screens) Also cool moment at Flak 18 with @Pr0z4c on Hellcat. And many other moments...
Most hated player: - No one...
Most loved/liked player: - Everyone...
Best Battle Photo - I think there must be screen with explosive @Dansolo Sherman 
Other: - Some of epic screens

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_00.54.54_[2024.04.07_01.52.12].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.35.25_[2024.04.07_01.56.28].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.35.30_[2024.04.07_01.56.19].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.44.04_[2024.04.07_01.57.21].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.44.10_[2024.04.07_01.57.49].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.46.15_[2024.04.07_01.58.29].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.49.50_[2024.04.07_01.59.24].jpg

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On 4/7/2024 at 1:13 AM, ЯÖÏÖR said:

Best: - Intensive battle with good balance and action!
Worst: - My low 20 FPS, because I rec video, and because of that I can not normally playing and shooting(
Funniest: - many epic and funny moments. Twice @Zabstone and @qtaCHRIs boom!ed by my AT mines on road to Village. What vehicle are you using? Also moment with @gerul on AT gun (look at screens) Also cool moment at Flak 18 with @Pr0z4c on Hellcat. And many other moments...
Most hated player: - No one...
Most loved/liked player: - Everyone...
Best Battle Photo - I think there must be screen with explosive @Dansolo Sherman 
Other: - Some of epic screens

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_00.54.54_[2024.04.07_01.52.12].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.35.25_[2024.04.07_01.56.28].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.35.30_[2024.04.07_01.56.19].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.44.04_[2024.04.07_01.57.21].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.44.10_[2024.04.07_01.57.49].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.46.15_[2024.04.07_01.58.29].jpg

Battle 1.mp4_snapshot_01.49.50_[2024.04.07_01.59.24].jpg

The funniest thing about it was that those kills were displayed as "kubelwagen" kill. We with @qtaCHRIs were like - whaaaddaaffuuuk :D

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