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What does Battlefield became

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After having played some rounds on 762 server (where the community is becoming the same as BF1, sad thing) and some BF1, I've remembered my afternoons on BF1942 and... what a shit BF became. 
I will not talk about the communitycause I don't remember well how it was on BF1942, and didn't played BF2 when it was populated. 
Where are our old big maps? At the beginning I was througing that, cause there is no smog on BF1, maps just looks smaller. But I've made some measures (on Argonne and Empire), maybe not perfect, and maps are really ridiculous. 
0.05 km² for Argonne, 0.4 for Empire... please tell me I'm wrong...And as it was not enough, most of them are just flags aligned, most of the battles are the sames. 
Jeeps and bikes loose their interst, you're faster on foot. 
And about vehicules, why planes have all the same gameplay inside categories? If it for doing this, they should have put only 3 planes in the all game, it will not have make a huge difference. 

Then weapons, not better. Besides the fact that 70% of them are automatics, what's happened again? First thing which has suprised me is the fact that germans can use british, french, russian weapons and vice versa. This is really the sign of a lack of volition (oh and for sure putting 60% of the game in DLCs doesn't help). But the worst is the sweetspot concept. Since when a fucking K98 doesn't kill you whereas your are 2 meters away... But in the same time you can get killed without problems by A10 whereas is 60m away. Everything is normal. 

And all this ansistanship... Thx 3D spot, thx autoregen
Don't talk about teamplay cause there 75% of the time is absent. 
The saddest is that this game exasperates me, but i continu to play it. Those bastards of EA/DICE have succeeded their shot. 

Do you feel the same? Do you think that one day a game will give back us everything that made us loving BF? Or all the hope is lose? 

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I bought BF1, the graphics are perfect, atmosphere is great, but the gameplay is incredibly shit. 

The fact that you cannot really control your own server is horrible, maybe it's changed now, but when we evaluated it back at FHT the server configurations was a joke.

The spam of full-automatic SMGs is simply absurd. DLC and all that shit is the bane of all the new FPS.

I will stick with FH2 for tournament playing, I personally almost don't play public anymore cause of time restrictions and I am really sick of playing the 1000th round on Lebisey or Mersa Matruh.

I found PUBG to be a real good game, as it has no DLC and everyone starts afresh every round, you cannot level up with DLC or bought weapons and shit, it's really down to the personal abilities of the player.

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I played BF42 and most of it's mods(pirates!), and BFVietnam.  I bought BF2 just to get FH2.  I doubt I played more than a couple of hours of vanilla BF2.  I haven't bothered with any of the others.  I got a copy of Bad Company 2 sitting here, I never got past setting up an account.  The point is Battlefield started sucking immediately after BFVietnam.  Since it stopped being mod-able after BF2, there is really no point IMO.


Hope is lost. I was just thinking about this yesterday when I was playing BF3. Maps became much smaller than before, so much that the "battle" mostly takes place at one flag at the time, only Armored Kill DLC maps are big enough to play without being shot 3 seconds after spawn. Is impossible to play on non-hardcore servers cause of all kind of shity features they added, like 3D q-spotting, autohealing, autorepairng for vehicles, extreme survivability (yesterday I needed 3 javelins to destroy a Vodnik, it is useless against tanks, and you see people running all around because the can take a full magazine and still alive, there is no feeling of war), vehicles movement are just wrong, tanks can turn their turrets 180º instantly, jets turnings are ridiculous, explosives barely do damage to infantry.


Best battlefield will ever be BF2. Since then everything has gone worse.


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Well I played 1942, Vietnam, 2, Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3.

I liked to play all of them, but my favourite by far is battlefield 2. Battlefield 3 has a little lost it's "battlefield charme" IMO, but still is a very good game. Bad Company 2 is/was also really nice, I played this nearly as long as battlefield 2.

The problem with the newer battlefields is not the game itself IMO, but the community that gets saltier and saltier. But that is a thing I cannot only see in the battlefield series, in nearly every game I play the community grows more strange in the last years. It is like every second guy only wants to put his anger into the game and on other players... and is not playing the game because he likes it, but only to let off some steam.

And about battlefield 1.... yeah most probably it is a little more arcade like because of EA.... they want to sell as many games as possible. And a "realistic" WW 1 shooter would not get enough players and money... so they have to modify the setting a little.

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  On 12/4/2017 at 10:12 PM, JoenM said:

The problem with the newer battlefields is not the game itself IMO, but the community that gets saltier and saltier. But that is a thing I cannot only see in the battlefield series, in nearly every game I play the community grows more strange in the last years. It is like every second guy only wants to put his anger into the game and on other players... and is not playing the game because he likes it, but only to let off some steam.


Not to get into any specific political discussions, but people generally get increasingly more angry, stop talking and start yelling at each other. Video games one of very few "safe" ways to blow off steam, which in turn makes communities playing them shite.

It is places like CMP to keep up old style communities, but even here there are lot's of frictions as I heard (also, don't want to discuss specifics).

What is a problem now, is that people are getting estranged. I started playing in FH2 tournaments quite a few years ago first because I was curious and then because I met some awsome people, with whom I could talk on TS or at least share views on forums. Now, except for the furm here, I didn't experience much casual talk on CMP TS. Granted, most of you guys know each other back from FH and this makes me as ex-WaW person more difficult to fit in. Still, there was much talk about lack of communication on the allied side this campaign, but I get a feeling that people ignore one important thing. In order to have good tactical communication, people should be used to talk to each other in general, know each other voices and engaged in small-talk. As a person who used to live in a real backwater, it was awsome to me to be able to talk with someone from across the globe about a hobby, history, or other interests. The best way to build every community is to base it on interaction such as this. And this is what is generally lacking, though I still hope there will be a way to bring it up.

Sorry for going a bit off-topic here, but I do see a relevance in my ramblings when it comes to playing BF, espcially as it becomes more and more "single-multi player game," because you may be playing with other people, but you are not playing in an actual TEAM.  

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