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Everything posted by Pepinio

  1. Happy New Year 2025 I wish all Forgotten Hope 2 veterans a healthy New Year 2025. Celebrate and raise a glass to your comrades here at CMP Good music is provided. We'll see you again on the battlefields in the next campaign at the latest. Until then, take care of yourself and your loved ones.
  2. Best: - It was an intense fight Worst: - I died too often again and the French rifles are shit^^ Funniest: - The evening was a lot of fun, but also exhausting really cleaned up at the end Most hated player: - Admiral bg and Hupert PL, you are so annoying you were really a challenge for my nerves Most loved/liked player: - Aquintus for joining us again, and watchtower and Rayder for team maintenance in the TS channel Best Battle Photo - Other: -
  3. Best: - The campaign has begun Worst: -Teamspeak attack? Funniest: - What is really fun are the guns. If you weren't hit from a long distance yourself, it was really fun to hit people from long distances. Great feeling^^ For the shooter Most hated player: - no one, ok thats a lie^^ @Hubert(PL) annoyed me that evening^^ I simply didn't know where he was. how many times has he put me down Most loved/liked player: - I'm happy to hear about new participant examples @Dr0wNeD @Honky_Wittmann @Atem4444 @Mrdka, but also anyone else who has joined the campaign for the first time. Best Battle Photo - Who blew the ponytail away ? https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/6449-best-battle-photo-medal/ This is a case for the animal protection association Other: - I hope everyone feels that the teams are balanced so far
  4. Thank you all very much. I will also donate 20.24€ by the end of the year.
  5. Zuletzt im Schlappen Trailer gehört. ca 04:33 geiler Song
  6. WARNING: you’ll receive uncontrollable head and feet movements while listening to this album.
  7. Pepinio

    Comedy Central

  8. Pepinio

    Comedy Central

  9. english
  10. I guess this time we dont have a german Regiment. The less German Players will play in International Regiments this year.
  11. Beautiful waltz
  12. Alter Verwalter, was du alles kennst. Krass.
  13. Pepinio


    Sollen wir dir im Herbst bescheid geben wenn es wieder losgeht ?
  14. Best: - it had an end Worst: - we lost Funniest: - nothing special Most hated player: - no one Most loved/liked player: -everyone Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/5600-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
  15. Worst: - we lost and waiting to join the battle. Funniest: - That there was a lot of tea bagging that evening and there was a gangbang almost every time. Most hated player: - no one, even if I was criticized that evening. Most loved/liked player: - everybody Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/5600-best-battle-photo-medal/
  16. sadfdsaf
  17. You often make me smile with your YouTube thumbnails :lol: Keep it up, your channel is growing. Greetings.

    1. Blander


      Hi Pepinio! I am not very proud of my gameplay but I am very proud of my thumbnails haha. See you on the battlefield soon!

  18. Unfortunately only 10 battles this time Then we just have to keep it short and finish off the opponent quickly. Short and painless to victory
  19. Happy new Year for all
  20. 12:23 Здравствуйте, мне нужна ваша помощь, дорогие друзья. Я ищу песню рано утром. Композитор Василий Агапкин - Рано утром. Красиво, но я не думаю, что ее играет оркестр индивидуально. только в этой подборке по ссылке. Если кто-то может помочь, я буду очень рад. Hello, I need your help dear friends. I'm looking for the song early morning. The composer is Vasily Agapkin - Early in the morning Beautiful, but I don't think it's played individually by an orchestra. only in this compilation in the link. If anyone can help, I would be very happy.
  21. popular title during the WW2 for both, italians and germans. Upbeat title, later made famous again in Italy by Rita Pavone in the late 60's. Pippo non lo sa / Lieber Sonnenschein or another titel ,Ich glaube Peter ist verliebt. Wish everyone a nice campaign, may the best win.
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