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Everything posted by Pepinio

  1. Pepinio

    Comedy Central

    How Countries fight their wars
  2. Wie darunter schon einige schrieben, kein Scherz. Vermute die sind gekauft. Da tut sich auch nichts daran. Seit gestern beobachte ich die Entwicklung des like/dislike Verhältnisses. Es gab lediglich 1 Daumen pro seit gestern Mittag. Mich erschreckt sowohl das Video als auch die Kommentare die vor ein paar Wochen darunter gepostet wurden...das Leute da emotional darauf reagieren usw. und das feiern und Scheckig lachen. Bin mal gespannt, bis sich Space Frogs oder Kuchen TV oder wer auch immer mit etwas Reichweite darauf stürzt , wie das ganze dann aussieht. Sowas kann man mit etwas gesunden Menschenverstand nicht Gutheißen.
  3. was FUNK da im letzten Jahr über diverse Kanäle raushaut....meine Fre....
  4. Herzlichen Glückwunsch @Loctoc
  5. Try to find a no CD Crack. otherwise search on ebay or other resellers.
  6. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und bleib Gesund @Hetzenhauer Happy Bday @Wasteland_Hero
  7. fuck. doesent work with my links
  8. Hello, I've always noticed that we have tons of guests in the online status on the website. I thought back then that there are bots and search engine crawlers. I just tried it myself earlier and googled my name Pepinio with the following combinations on the startpage searchegnine. cmp Pepinio and cmp gaming pepinio. The latter offers even more hits because more explicit searches have been made. Is it necessary that everything that takes place in communication on CMP gaming really has to end up public in the network? Can you please add a Robot.txt to certain areas or what is currently being done about it is not clear to me, I am not a web designer. So that the search engines and any wayback machines do not save everything. My suggestion is not aimed at hiding everything from search engines, but CMP is just too open to my terms. For me, for example, directly a hit where we had spoken about the European elections at that time. Would be great if you could revise the page and decide which areas are public and which are not.
  9. Herzlichen Glückwunsch @aquintus and the others.
  10. nope war genau anders herum
  11. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Hochu, siehste geht auch ohne Whats app bleib Gesund.
  12. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
  13. Best: - To play with you together on this battlefield that evening. Worst: - It really sucks that we only started the battle at 8:40 p.m. That has to work better in the future. Funniest: - What I enjoyed most was killing @Achtungsnow 1 against 1 three times in a row. Most hated player: - @Akikyo killed me many times Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - forgot to take enough pictures this time. But I frame the photos where I killed Achtungsnow: D https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3141-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - everyone stays healthy until the next meeting on the battlefield.
  14. (147) Tafel stürzt beinahe auf Dozenten | TU München | Elektrotechnik - YouTube
  15. 04:36 ist my favorit. OBERKRAINER PANZERLIED
  16. Best: - @Blander says WTF^^ as he got money in his stream^^. Worst: - Arti. Funniest: - Most hated player: - @ Outlaw with the Arti. Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo -I just wanted to enjoy my beer after work. But the Germans don't allow me to do it. https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3141-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
  17. :gift:happy bday.

    1. OpaHoppenstedt


      Hallo Pepinio :) Vielen Dank für das schöne Geburtstagsständchen :oldtimer::guitar:

  18. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag. @OpaHoppenstedt 10 min Version , nur für dich. Alles Gute und bleib Gesund.
  19. Pepinio

    Comedy Central

  20. Incredibly great contemporary document. It's really impressive. It makes you think when you see this video. I think this video is great. The lightness, for example the rocking girls. No cars. Great landscapes. Chickens and carriages on the streets. One wonders at random what kind of life these people had. How did they fare a few years later in World War I? I especially find the comments from all over the world interesting. If you have other great pictures or videos, please share them here.
  21. Pepinio

    Comedy Central

    When Germany wins in Hell Let Loose
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