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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. its....its beautiful *_*
  2. until
  3. Best: Rounds won on both sides, axis turn over. Worst: - Funniest: 1. Last round, Elsenborn Ridge. 2. Imunkron singing "my head is a ghost-town" Most hated player: @Matsku Most loved/liked player: Allied artillery guy in that close 11-0 round, he made 3 teamkills in the last seconds, thanks! Other: -
  4. until
  5. until
  6. Hawk

    Arma III

    in between the FH2 campaign breaks i think.
  7. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/guns-of-icarus-online?hmb_source=gunsoficarusonline_freegame&hmb_medium=banner Guns of Icarus for free for the next 44 hours at Humble Bundle.
  8. Hello and Welcome to the first of (hopefully) a series of Movie Top10 lists i'm going to compose over time. Ach ja, Halloween is just around the corner and everybody is getting in the mood for a frightening, cold and wet autumn week! While it's a big event in the United States, the wave of cultural-imperialism swapping over the big pond towards Europe mostly takes place in our television sets and the retail industry. For me, Halloween has always been a welcoming occassion to have some long film nights alone or with friends, with lots of softdrinks and snacks, always heralding it with The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrorr Episode. Being a big sci-fi fan and not so much a fan of plain horror and splatter movies such as SAW, i have composed for you my list of favourite lesser-known Sci-fi'esque Monster Horror Movies, which you might not know or forgot about! These will include "Monsters" in form of terrestrial and extraterrestrial Viruses, Bacteria, unknown lifeforms, space vampires, lesbian space vampires, beautiful naked female space vampires, and a pissed mother-nature in one or two cases. Usually, these films weren't Blockbusters, some of them became flops (totally unjustifiably!) or are just plain b-movies for the less sophisticated viewers, but managed to build up a suspenseful atmosphere and absolutely managed to fascinate me. With every movie on the list, i connect a certain mood. Alright now, let's dig right into this list, starting with number 10! 10. Night of the Comet (1984) Hawk's Comment: I'm a simple nostalgic child of the 80's, i see 80's trash - i like. In the classy b-movie "Night of the Comet" you have basically everything that the 80's represent: Smartass one-liners, a bad taste in clothes/hairstyle and generally light-hearted mentality to deal with problems. Another big nostalgia factor is the incredibly cheesy music by Diana DeWitt 1, Skip Adams 1 or Revolver 1, 2 being played during some rather pensive scenes in the gloomy radio station. In hindsight, this movie is more mood- than story-ridden, yet somehow worth to watch. The choice in actors is also worth noticing. Next to Catherine Mary Stewart as main character Regina Belmont, you will soon encounter Robert Beltran playing the heroic truck driver who helps the two sisters surviving what soon turns out to be a somewhat-zombie apocalypse. Yes exactly, Commander Chakotay from Star Trek Voyager! 09. Creature (1985) Hawk's Comment: Yep, this one is a b-movie. Nonetheless, it creates quite a suspenseful space-horror atmosphere. Klaus Kinski's acting is perfect and appears almost over the top in comparison with the rest of the cast. You can tell there are some significant parallels to Ridley Scott's "Alien" that was released a couple of years earlier. Yet, worth watching. 08. The Dark Side Of The Moon (1990) Hawk's Comment: Another b-movie which appears, in hindsight, to be better in the german dub version...mhh. Fascinating how much dubs can sometimes improve the acting skills. For the german readers, the full movie is available at decent quality on Youtube here. The dense atmospheric encounter with the mysterious spacecraft and the total mistrust among the crew members after what is happening then, makes it a exceptionally thrilling experience for a movie of that budget. 07. Galaxy of Terror (1981) Hawk's Comment: Very creepy, pretty gory but honest 80's space horror with a good late night space atmosphere. Take a look at the cast: Robert Englund (actor of Freddy Kruger), Sid Haig and Robert Walston. Oh and that woman getting raped by a giant worm?! - in charge for that scene was a young Second Unit Director named..uuhh... *flips through papers* James....Cameron. The complete movie can be seen on Youtube here. Don't get turned off by the trailer, it sucks. 06. Leviathan (1989) Hawk's Comment: Number six comes with a deep-sea horror. Haaaaah, non-cgi horror movies like these give me a warm fuzzy, nostalgic feeling. The cast is also upper class for that period: Peter Weller (Robocop), Richard Crenna (Colonel Trautman in the Rambo movies), Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters) and Daniel Stern (Home Alone). This one is less of an unknown than more a movie you tend to forget among the row of deep-sea thrillers like Deep Blue Sea (1999) and especially The Abyss (1989) & DeepStar Six (1989) from the same year. There is a HD version available on Youtube here, allthough i'm actually now quite sure if it comes with heavily cut borders. 05. The Mist (2007) Hawk's Comment: What would be Halloween without a Stephen King story? With "The Mist" directed Frank Darabont (Dawn of the Dead) you got one of the most underrated movies of the last decade. A very thrilling story that immediatly catches you and makes you feel like you are also in that supermarket, strongly wanting to keep everything deadly outside and just contain yourself in this heavily leaking lifeboat. The end is grim, very grim. Don't watch it on a rainy day. 04. Screamers (1995) Hawk's Comment: Another movie starring Peter Weller (Robocop). And yeees, it's a b-movie, but a good one, really! This time, the "monsters" come in form of small robots with blades everywhere, making sushi out of all humans they encounter, just to include the precious biomass as source of energy and machine-oil in their own (re-)production - charming little buggers. 03. Ghosts of Mars (2001) Hawk's Comment: Icecube, a relatively unknown Jason Statham by that time, Natasha Henstridge (most of your guys probably "know" her oh too well from the Species-movies :smugface:) and Clea DuVall starring in this John Carpenter movie. Allthough its released in 2001, it feels so 90ish. With a rapper and a future action-star in the cast, the script was condemned to be crammed with cool, yet cheap 90's dialogues. Other than that, the sets do certainly get you in a sci-fi mood. Looking at the villain, it's being confirmed: Black Metal ist Krieg. 02. Lifeforce (1985) Hawk's Comment: Space-vampires with an irresistible hunger for precious life-energy, hence: Life-force. Great bulky animatronics, awesome masks and puppets, a "young" Patrick Stewart and a absolutely gorgeus (nude) Mathilda May gets this movie onto every must-watch list in this galaxy. Effin' nude vampires from space, wohoo! 01. Phantoms (1998) Hawk's Comment: The reason why this is number 1, is, that it was the trigger for this Top10 list all along. I once watched this film in the 2010's and was instantly fascinated by the premise. For years, i thought i would have found it again with Slither which has a similar setting, until i stumbled upon this one by coincidence. In hindsight, and according to the critics, the movie is rather moderate. Slither probably is a good alternative, more nasty though. But Ben Affleck surely was da bomb in Phantoms, yo!
  9. until
  10. or you set textures or lighting to medium (in the gamelauncher) to fix this bug even quicker.
  11. until
  12. Hawk

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, @Pr0z4c ! You crazy dutch person!
  13. until
  14. this is going to be great! Now, i only have to get Tutvys to reactivate 3rd person again.
  15. Best: Finally, the second campaign on the road! Worst: Server crashes & client crashes, i saw odium dropping several times next to me. Funniest: Odium explaining to me the basics of team-leading in FH2 while running into his own S-Mine. Most hated player: Admin-Squad sneak-attacking Plebiscila. Noli turbare circulos meos! Most loved/liked player: @I<ODIUM>I for being there when i need him the most . Other: Do Aircraft Carriers Dream Of White Moths?
  16. With the updater you can download both, the Custom Mappack and the Campaign Maps. In the thread you willl also find manual downloads for the Road to Glory Maps and the Custom Mappack.
  17. until
  18. until
    This coming Friday, 18 UTC, we are going to play warm-up matches on a couple of battle maps (1 round each on 3-4 maps). Scrimmages don't count into the score of the campaign and are also usually not very planned and coordinated by both HQ's, they are however a welcome chance for the members of both divisions to get to know each other, solve any technical difficulties that would be hard to first solve during battle nights and test their squad/group/regiment abilities and capabilities under battle-like conditions.
  19. @Humledrik There are international regiments on both sides, always. Never has been or will someone be excluded from one side because he cant speak a non-english language. Having to offer the possibility of an international regiment is an requirement for each division. Also special tasked regiments such as tankers are also not allowed to be language specific. In case of the axis, the Panzer-Batallion 8 and the 4th Kevyt Osasto are international regiments, where everyone capable of understanding and speaking halfway decent english is welcome.
  20. @kunderico @Marihutz @DerSohnGottes @HochuDeutschmeister @Johonas @ColonelDeepthroat @Yehiel @dugenjaz @Haraldt @eXHaLe @Breddy @ImunKron @KarlGeorg @Shogun @Gunhead @Motta22 @SantaOrc @atElmo @BB666.NL @OnDuty @Belzebuth @jay919 Zeit, aus der Sommerpause zurückzukehren! Die nächste Kampagne öffnet ihre Pforten diesen Freitag um 20 Uhr (erster Scrim dann nächsten Freitag). Wieder einmal wird es die Möglichkeit geben, einem deutschsprachigen Regiment beizutreten. Dieses Mal jedoch unter Führung von atElmo - ich habe mich dazu breitschlagen lassen, die Divisionsführung mit Sandre zu übernehmen. Ihr habt eine Stimme, das Panzergrenadier Regiment 35 ist das Mittel eurer Wahl.
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