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Everything posted by HaLoAL

  1. It's nice to hear that, but... I dont care and, well, pretty bold to put arty next to enemy inf, you know? So... I just killed for your impertinence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Btw, I'm the only one who heard your shots
  2. Best: Nice battle Worst: Boring map (for me) and whahappen like this Most loved/liked player: Positive ppl, but unfortunately, their positive mood didn't apply to me. Especially when I don't understand them Best Battle Photo - Any final words, @knokworst?
  3. Best: Without my game crashes Worst: Unlucky and sad, just like me. I hate BF2 engine. Funniest: Just like a safari Most hated player: It's not public server, so, guys, follow the rules and stop jumping like bunnies. @HaLoAL no flaming. Report it to HQ or admins. Most loved/liked player: That's a difficult question. 288, I suppose. Best Battle Photo - Stop camping https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2128-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: Or just "It's my tower! It's my Finikas!"
  4. Best: Very gut numbers Worst: Server connection lost Funniest: @turbomursu's laugh is pretty interesting Best Battle Photo - Hello there https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2128-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: Don't scare me like that anymore, @HochuDeutschmeister
  5. Don't mind me, Spanish guys, I won't be long Yo, @Wualy, I was just passing by and I noticed something: update the Admins's list, General (about squad names) and Air (kamikaze, for example)
  6. Изменился слегка список админов (1.3): вместо RAnDOOm и Wualy будет Hawk. Других изменений вроде как не нашёл.
  7. I just gave answers to one thing or another while maintaining a neutral attitude, nothing more.
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