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Everything posted by Humledrik

  1. Really looking forward to this (if and) when it comes out.
  2. Not reading as such as it's an audiobook.... But Alan Moore's "Jerusalem". That's not for everyone either! When I'm done with that, I have the last 3 Witcher novels to finish.
  3. I brought my kid, Moses Herodez and he had so much fun he wants to joing the next FH2 campaign.
  4. Found a solution on google so we're good now. What channels are we using on TS?
  5. OK got Teamspeak and games working - hoping to have a new player on tonight too but now for some reason it's thinking both installs are on the same CD key. I have 2 CD keys for BF2... how can I change them without installing the whole lot again?
  6. Fixed the above problem but now it crashes to desktop when I click on multiplayer. Turned out I had a Battlefield 2 folder inside the Battlefield 2 folder. Will try on my other PC and see if it helps. This problem now fixed.... Install was in wrong folder.
  7. Attending probably with a +1 Followed instructions for install though and it doesn't work if I change BF2.exe to ForgottenHope2.exe - says that it's referring to a file that doesn't exist.
  8. There was so much attention to detail in it. As a bike nerd and WW2 nerd it was just so satisfying for me to watch. Even the timed puncture repairs and the riding uphill on heavy bikes with no gears and carrying heavy equipment were fascinating to me. Just the 50km bike ride to get to the front in the dark... There was only one bit where they drove past a building that looked too modern that you could see through the passenger window in the truck but you'd only notice it if you weren't reading subtitles which I didn't have to do. Also the farm lady who talked about how that part of Denmark had been alternately Danish and German over so many decades that the people who lived there no longer cared was a nice detail. A lot of Danes from that area were conscripted to the Wehrmacht after the invasion as they were considered ethnic Germans (not to be confused with the Waffen SS volunteers). It showed so well how military combatants are usually just guys who are unlucky enough to be told to do stuff that can get them killed for causes that are ultimately futile. Our house was built in late 1939 so not long before the German invasion and we sometimes find old rifle rounds in the garden when digging - so you wonder what the story is behind them.
  9. Just watched this on Netflix. It covers the events at the German border with Denmark on the day Germany invaded. It's about bravery and futility in the face of a lost cause. Details are sublime. Vehicles, uniforms, tactics... everything is done incredibly well. Only complaint is it's too short. And of course it's in Danish. But it's an unusual and interesting view of that period of the war.
  10. 66% on Rogue Trooper Redux at GOG.com https://www.gog.com/game/rogue_trooper_redux
  11. Best: -Absolutely nothing Worst: -Absolutely everything. This map was broken for gameplay. Should never have started with Axis having all flags when flags were so hard to cap because of lack of cover. Or ticket count should have had much higher difference. There was only one possible strategy for allied on this map and once Axis figured it out, they were going to defeat it every time, as we saw. First 2 rounds were close. Then it all went tits up. Couldn't even get far out of main base before the dick moves started - you know who you are. This was completely off kilter. Funniest: -Nothing Most hated player: -The dick movers. You know who you are. Most loved/liked player: -Kows for staying so good humoured despite everything Other: -Only battle I've played since I startet this that I just had to leave before the end because it was doing my head in.
  12. Humledrik

    Arma III

    The more the merrier but we play a modded version with a steep learning curve. Tutvtys has put together a great game experience though. There's nothing this weekend though.
  13. I tried deactivating everything and just activating the mods Steam says you need and it's at least fixed one campaign, which I'm having fun with - can't remember the name but it's Russian. Other stuff is still giving me headaches. Was already subbing to CBA though. Just checked
  14. I have both of them. Maybe they're clashing? Most of the stuff I downloaded came ffrom SW and all dependencies should be fulfilled
  15. Humledrik

    Arma III IFA3

    Hope it's OK to start a separate thread for this tutvys - not reflecting on anything about the current wonderful campaign. But as we'd been talking about a WW2 campaign at some point I've been fiddling around on my second PC with the IFA3 Lite scenarios. And finding that nearly every scenario requires some file or other that I don't have installed, even though I have about 25 IFA3 related mods installed. So I'm clearly doing something wrong. Google isn't helping and I've not found any IFA resources that don't require more knowledge than I have right now and a lot refers to the previous now-defunct Iron Front port. Does anyone have any good links? Or other advice so I can be up and running when we get the IFA3 campaign on its legs?
  16. https://www.bf2hub.com/home/downloads.php is still up for now. Just a question of time till EA goes after that too though.
  17. Best: - Enjoyed this one, despite not always being able to play to my skills. Getting the closest I ever had to a kill streak since I started playing this game. (3 in about 5 seconds, with Scout kit). Worst: - My stats as people from Allied kept on walking on my S-mines. Funniest: - StoreDyr thinking he could park up a Stug in a flag zone and cap it. My S-mines. Most hated player: Everyone on Allied who walked on my S-mines. Most loved/liked player: - Everyone on Axis who walked on my S-mines. Other: What Pr0z4c said about MG42. These are imbalancing the game as far superior to Bren and Browning. Also had issues with ping myself, where (according to my monitor) I got shots off first, where I know I didn't miss, but I still died first.
  18. Why is Ensign allowed to say "fuck" but I get "thundercunt" starred out?
  19. So EA won't let you buy a game anymore, but won't let you download it either. What a bunch of utter thunder**** they are! And probably just because their old games are better than the dross they release to the public these days. I wouldn't buy another EA game again because of crap like this.
  20. Punisher Jesus Christ... I don't even like the Punisher as a comic book character - I always found him a bit mindless. But this was one of the best Marvel series to date. Second only to Defenders and Daredevil 2 because I'm hot for Elektra. Entirely convincing, took up some interesting issues and was just brilliant all round.
  21. Humledrik

    Arma III

    Finally finished the single player campaigns and there are still controls I keep forgetting... It's a great game engine - but it has serious issues with the AI that mean it's only really playable as MP. It's impossible to keep your AI squad alive as they just run around like idiots. Also been trying some of the WW2 modded stuff and it looks great - but again needs to be a MP experience and the servers just aren't populated enough yet.
  22. Screamers... another great story from the writer who brought you Blade Runner and Total Recall. One that could have made the list - Event Horizon.
  23. Humledrik

    Arma III

    Yes that's what I meant.
  24. Humledrik

    Arma III

    It's like playing an RPG shooter, not just a shooter. Great way of playing online. Only problem I have is that the immersion at the mission start really starts things off very slowly and I only have limited gaming time weekly due to real life commitments. It was asked what people thought about a Sunday WW2 campaign. Here's an idea - What about a WW2 campaign during Forgotten Hope 2 downtimes? Then I wouldn't be having to look at the clock all the time, which I had to do on Saturday.
  25. Humledrik

    Arma III

    Yep... Even those of us who were so bad it defied belief.
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