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Everything posted by Humledrik

  1. No. Axis scouts were just better than you have... Namely moi!
  2. Best: Great map with lots of choke points and hiding places. Suited my play style completely. Worst: light tweaking needed Arty spotting was FUBAR on this map. Only 1 in 5 times I spotted actually registered as a target even when spotting vehicles directly. If spotting hadn't been broken we would have won every single round, I think. Funniest: 1) Hiding in the north-west field behind the rocks, sniping a tanker while he repaired and watching the tank just stand there for 10 minutes unused, sniping people who were trying to get in. Eventually they had to call arty in on me as they couldn't find me. 2) Sneaking around in the first round, harassing back flags and killing Spieler a few times when he least expected it 3) Sneaking into enemy flag zones and S-mining them 4) TKing MosesHerodez right at the end of the last battle with a random PAK HE shell. Most hated player: Al-Sahad. Because he is too good. Most loved/liked player: Our minisquad with CaproGreene and MosesHerodez. Most fun I have had on a squad for a long time. Actually almost as much fun as playing with Gunghoo. Other: Gungooo come back we miss you.
  3. Best: -Not sucking as bad as I thought I would. Getting my first Allah-al-Akbar tank kill in a points round (got a few in scrims already). Worst: -Thought this map was a bit boring, to be honest. Not a good map for s-mines and spotting, so not a good map for me. Funniest: -Taking out enemy RP with a randomly placed HE shell in the PAK. Most hated player: Nobody Most loved/liked player: Nobody Other: - Nothing springs to mind
  4. Best: Everything about this battle was great. It was close, all rounds were different and a lot of fun. Also first battle with my son on the squad. Seeing how much better I've got at this game... Worst: Realising I don't have a clue how arty system works in this game. Funniest: Long range sniping from log piles up the hill to the watchtower on the top right flag. Took out the same guy in the tower (who had sniper kit) 3 times in a row and getting away with it. Can't believe I got away with it. Trolling Russians up there by going up there on my own and leaving S-mines near their ammo box. Most hated player: Al-Sahad. I only like Al-Sahad when I'm not playing against him. He always finds me, eventually. Most loved/liked player: Kows for being hilarious to have on squad. Moses Herodez for playing a great first proper battle.
  5. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/defense-breslau-germany-fights.html
  6. https://2000ad.com/post/3755
  7. Best: Defending bottom left flag in first 3 rounds and trolling it in the last round. Arty spotting uninterrupted for 15 mins from Orphanage Hill in first round, right under the enemy's nose. Worst: Discovering arty was out of range for most flags in last 2 rounds. Funniest: 2 kills in a row were of Russians who thought they could sneakily knife me. Didn't work! I've got wise to it now guys, sorry. And my PC is a lot faster now too! Most hated player: That squad of Russians at bottom left flag in second round that didn't walk on any of my s-mines in a 10 minute attack! Only player who did was one of ours. Most loved/liked player: -My s-mine victims again, as always Other: A lot more fun defending than attacking this round. At least both sides had to do it.
  8. However crap the gameplay looks it still appears to be a better option than Battlefield 5.
  9. But this is on a system with the very best GPU available, not the ones Rayder is considering which will have the FPS bottleneck at the GPU. Will also depend on what games you are playing (as shown in that video where the last 3 games have identical performance with the 8400)how they are optimised for multi-core. And the OTHER thing that was announced the other day was that Z370 platform will take the upcoming 8 core CPUs... so if you just buy the cheap one you can upgrade to the even better CPUs later on without having to upgrade anything else. All worth considering. I also noticed I got a lot better at FH2 when I bought a bigger 4k screen last month after this thread was started!
  10. Best: Same as last week and I am still not telling you.ot Worst: Lag, size of map didn't suit my play style. Funniest: At top right flag I took out 3 of our team with a PAK shell when they were capping because I am an idiot. HOWEVER at same flag I hid a sneaky S-mine when I knew Russians would cap it as I was last guy there and took out 3 of them 10 secs after they killed me. The guy who sneaked up on me near machine gun nest and was going to knife me and I turned round just in time. He still got me but at least I wounded him… Then the two times our guys walked over me just as I had planted S-mines. Most hated player: Al-Sahad for not staying dead long enough to be TBed. And for killing me all the time. Most loved/liked player: Yehiel for giving me two of the most satisfying rifle kills I ever had in this game. Rifle kills are rare for me! Other: Played 2 of my best rounds ever, the other rounds I sucked so badly.
  11. Samsung EVO 970 NMVe is the best money I spent on PC hardware this year. Looks like a good setup but still consider spending less on the CPU and more on the graphics card - maybe a 1070Ti and an I5 8400?
  12. Best: Not telling or I won't be able to get away with it again next week. Worst: Wishing I could tell you what it was. Funniest: More TK madness with S-mines and my score in round 2. Most hated player: Russians in trenches with SMGs when I only had a bolt action. Most loved/liked player: Our arty guys Other: These maps so far are brilliant. If all campaigns had been this good we wouldn't have bled so many players in the last 2 campaigns at Forgotten Honor.
  13. Super. Noob mistake considering how long I've been playing this!
  14. Humledrik

    FH2 in 2160/4K

    Anyone else playing in 4K. What do you think? Any problems? I'm not seeing player tags but wasn't in 1080 either. Any thoughts?
  15. Best: 2 sounds where it took ages for Russians to find me and I picked off loads of them. My gaming has improved a lot with my new screen! Also being able to play to my strengths - stealthy. Battling in the south-western woods. Worst: Not being able to have M0sesher0dez on board due to key problems. TKing and accidental deaths due to not seeing tags again. Funniest: S mines Most hated player: Litte Russian armoured car drivers Most loved/liked player: Our arty guys Other: -This was a great map. Nobody complaining about balance. Had a great time last night.
  16. Humledrik

    E3 2018

    Cyberpunk... But then I've been saying that for about five years now.
  17. Best: Final round at Riverside absolutely epic gameplay. Worst: Numbers Funniest: Same as TomTom. And discussion about Yorkshire tea. Most hated player: Gunghoo and Ensign for not showing up. Playing with you guys is always hilarious. Most loved/liked player: Whoever was on Axis arty in the last round - got my highest score ever because of your skills. Other: Looking so much forward to these maps in the campaign. All of them were epic.
  18. I was misquoted. It was "My son STILL has an imac".
  19. Also forgot to point out... you quickly run out of space on a 256 SSD if you use for gaming and productivity so consider a second SSD somewhere down the line or just buy a bigger one. I'm just buying another 256 superfast SSD as I keep having to move files all the time.
  20. Really surprised about the improved frame rates on this set up Spieler. Interesting. Maybe there are other improvements like net connectivity and processing that are helping, which your graphics cards have little impact on. I went from an old Quad Q6600 with an AMD 7850 to an overclocked 2600K with a 970 to my current setup of i5 8400/970 and gameplay wise I'm not really seeing any difference in FH2 - but then I haven't upgraded my screen years and never bothered looking at frame rates as game always worked…. This will be my first campaign with a reasonably modern setup. Last campaign was with the 2600K/970 setup but turns out motherboard was faulty. But if you're seeing differences like this it might explain some of the weird stuff that always happens to me when I'm playing - missing when you know you didn't etc.
  21. I saw some footage of extreme police overreaction from the Hamburg protests Papi. I don't claim to know what happened in this case, but it seems to me that often riots get started when police overreact. Violence against innocent private citizens and their property can never be justified of course. Nobody in their right mind could even think that this would even further the cause - it has the exact opposite effect. What's really disturbing is that every fringe group has its own definition of the establishment and its own interpretation of the establishment's reaction to its own agenda. But call me leftist if you want (as a small business owner, that would make me laugh actually) but if the ultra-rich stopped fixing the game to suit their own interests, put money into improving society instead of tearing it down to suit their own ends and stopped ensuring that they win every single match, then my educated guess would be that a lot of the fringe activity on both sides would die down. Economic liberals will argue "yes but that will stop innovation". Rubbish. True innovators will have a better shot at making it to the top. The ultra rich will still be filthy rich and every one would be a lot happier. It defies belief that this class of people hasn't learned from a global history that is a long list of people's revolutions.
  22. Stay put... half of Europe will be at the same level as South America within 10 years anyway, the rate things are going with everything weighted towards the ultra-wealthy and corrupt inept politicians managing things. And much of the USA already seems to be there. The Far East will be the place to be, IMHO. Scandinavia may be the last place to fall, but getting a permit to live here if you're from outside the EU is harder these days than actually getting rich.
  23. All the evidence points towards us having pretty much peaked as a species and, despite some interesting developments in electronic diversions and minor space travel, our culture is still pretty undeveloped from that of basic primates. But Douglas Adams did have some interesting theories about aquatic mammals and pollen-collecting hive cultures.
  24. Best: Being back in this game Worst: No player tags and resulting confusion. Funniest: When I TKed Ensign in a Bren from close up because of no tags and similarity between Russian and Finnish helmets. Most hated player: I hope it was me because I was BAD Most loved/liked player: MosesHerodez because he's my little son Other: First time I played FH2 where all the maps are unfamiliar. Will make for an interesting campaign I think.
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