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Everything posted by eXHaLe

  1. Uruguay vs France / 1-0 Brasil Vs Belgium / 1-2 Sweden Vs England / 0-2 Russia Vs Croatia / 2-1
  2. Uruguay vs Portugal / 0-2 France vs Argentina / 1-1 Spain vs Russia / 2-2 Croatia vs Denmark / 2-0 Brasil vs Mexico/ 1-0 Belgium Vs Japan / 2-0 Sweden Vs Switzerland / 0-2 Colombia vs England / 0-0
  3. Panama Vs Tunisia / 0-0 England Vs Belgium /2-2 Japan Vs Poland /2-0 Senegal Vs Colombia / 1-2
  4. Serbia vs Brazil / 0-1 Switzerland vs Costa Rica / 2-0 Mexico vs Sweden / 2-2 Korea vs Germany / 0-3
  5. eXHaLe

    FH2 in 2160/4K

    Which monitor do you both have ? I can´t decide between Viewsonic XG2730 (WQHD, 144 Hz) and Samsung U28H750U (4K, 60 Hz) both at the same price of 370€. Which cpu and gpu you need at least ?
  6. Denmark vs France / 0-1 Australia vs Peru / 0-0 Nigeria vs Argentina / 0-1 Iceland vs Croatia / 2-0
  7. Iran vs Portugal / 0-2 Spain vs Morocco / 2-0 
  8. Japan vs Senegal 3-1 Poland vs Colombia 2-1
  9. Tomorrow Belgium vs Tunisia South Korea vs Mexico Germany vs Sweden My prediction Belgium vs Tunisia 2-0 South Korea vs Mexico 1-1 Germany vs Sweden 1-1
  10. Serbia vs Switzerland / 1-2
  11. Denmark vs Australia / 1-0 France vs Peru / 3-0 Croatia vs Argentina / 1-1
  12. Uruguay vs Saudi Arabia / 3-1 Portugal Vs Morocco / 4-0 Iran Vs Spain / 0-3
  13. Tomorrow Colombia vs Japan Poland vs Senegal Russia vs Egypt My prediction: Colombia vs Japan 2-0 Poland vs Senegal 1-0 Russia vs Egypt 2-1
  14. Sweden Vs South Korea 3-0 Panama vs Belgium 0-2 Tunisia vs England 0-2
  15. @Incognito wrote, may I be allowed to quote him: Additional notes: I tested out an overlay for TeamSpeak called TSNotifier. It does the job, but I don't know how it affects the performance.I didn't notice any problems though. I tested it too and it really works https://www.myteamspeak.com/addons/52028d68-cd1e-40d0-91a0-8297ea6b21fa Install the TSNotifier from the shown link at first, then the Helper Plugin.
  16. Germany vs Mexico 1-2 Brazil vs Switzerland 6-1
  17. Peru vs Denmark 2-2 Argentina vs Iceland 1-2 Croatia vs Nigeria 1-2
  18. eXHaLe


    40 menos para Finlandia hoy ?
  19. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Hawk, bleib´ uns treu
  20. Morocco vs Iran / 1-0Portugal vs Spain / 2-0
  21. Egal, dann warten wir halt auf die Japaner, Hauptsache Achsenmächte für die Russen
  22. Estate ist schon Finne, bleiben noch Hochu, Gunhead und Shogun.
  23. Wo bleiben die Recken aus der Ostmark
  24. Bück´ dich endlich
  25. Ebenso
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