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Everything posted by eXHaLe

  1. Happy 25th Birthday Bombarik 😚🌈:sunny:

  2. Lass´ dich feiern @Blaze
  3. FINAL Sunday 11 July 2021 Italy England | 1 - 2 | 0 points
  4. SEMI-FINALS Tuesday 6 July 2021 Italy Spain | 2 - 0 | +1 points Wednesday 7 July 2021 England Denmark | 2 - 1 | +3 points
  5. QUARTER FINALS Friday 2 July 2021 Switzerland Spain | 0 - 1 | +1 points Belgium Italy | 2 - 2 Penalties Winner Belgium | 0 points Saturday 3 July 2021 Czech RepublicDenmark | 1 - 1 Penalties Winner Denmark | +1 points UkraineEngland | 0 - 2 | +1 points
  6. Saturday 26 June 2021 WalesDenmark | 0 - 1 | +1 points Italy Austria | 3 - 0 | +1 points Sunday 27 June 2021 NetherlandsCzech Republic | 2 - 1 | 0 points Belgium Portugal | 0 - 2 | 0 points Monday 28 June 2021 Croatia Spain | 1 - 1 Penalties win by Spain | +1 points France Switzerland | 2 - 0 | 0 points Tuesday 29 June 2021 England Germany | 2 - 1 | +1 points Sweden Ukraine | 2 - 0 | 0 points
  7. Wednesday 23 June 2021 Sweden Poland | 1 - 2 | 0 points Slovakia Spain | 0 - 1 | +1 points GermanyHungary | 2 - 2 | +3 points PortugalFrance | 1 - 0 | 0 points
  8. Viel Spaß beim auspusten so vieler Geburtstagskerzen @Hawk
  9. Next time @Tore sings this song during a battle i will strangle him with my hands!
  10. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag @SadCamelion und auch @Hubert(PL)
  11. Victory picture exploration
  12. Herzlichen Glückwunsch @Loctoc
  13. If you wanna play FH2 you just need this (Link removed) - do not post links to games that break copyright infringement please
  14. Best band in the world
  15. Nice music from Austria
  16. ... to complete the trilogy
  17. I wish you a lot of tinsel dear @OpaHoppenstedt
  18. Happy Birthday Buzz 🍻

  19. Alles gute zum Geburtstag @Hawk lass dich feiern
  20. https://soundcloud.com/hallotabby/baby
  21. I started the predownload once again, now i said "no" to uninstall the previous version but the version remained the same: 2.55 I´ll guess the best is to manually uninstall all FH2 stuff before than anything else.
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