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Everything posted by SturmFlim

  1. SturmFlim

    1 Mai

    Ich hab noch nichts vernommen @Pepinio. Hier FH2 website hat mann anfang April gesagt das es in einer woche ein update geben werde (etwas mit einfachere waffen handlung so das noobs schneller mitmachen könnnen, hört sich grausam an das die den weg von commerciele spielen folgen werden). Also abwarten. Warscheinlich wissen wir nur donnerstagabend ob es loss geht oder nicht.
  2. I feel sorry for you guys, because we where have a real shitty start of that round indeed.......
  3. Best: The very intense city fighting Worst: Everyone got tired and did not want to play 2 more rounds. Funniest: @kunderico tk on @DerSohnGottes Most hated player: The revengeful Rumanian who destroyed the fifth round in game and on team speak. Most loved/liked player: Me! Of course! HA! But really squad 7 was pretty awesome also. Best Battle Photo: "Male bonding" In order of appearance (from left to right) @Blaze, @ColonelDeepthroat, @Pepinio and @NUKE Other: -
  4. Ouch, it was actually my first "good" evening so far......ah well.......we get plenty of chances to do it over again...
  5. Does anybody take screenshots of every round ending standings? As it is now I am sure part of last battle endings have gone missing. It would only work if we could get together round endings for all players each round only. I did take ss, but somehow they all got lost in the heat of the fight.
  6. Indeed the statistics are not complete. Don't get me wrong, like @Pepinio said, something is better than nothing. Just pointing this out again. @Papillon did you unfortunately loose some data from certain rounds? Besides the Head Title of this topic is "Battle 1" should be 2 right?
  7. Uhum, I try also to improve the NOT TEAM killling part of my play today
  8. Haha me to , the Chi Ha's are renowned for being 'FLIPPY'
  9. Best: 86 players Worst: time is ticking Funniest: Flipping Chi-Ha's Most hated player: me Most loved/liked player: YOU Best Battle Photo Here A tweaked version
  10. Somehow the Ihantala playerstats are replaced by the battle 12 stat
  11. @GeoPatThis is not very reasonable towards @HaLoAL since 'we' (yes also my regiment reported this during the first round) only found out when the battle had already started. In the hectic I did not report it to you, should have, did not
  12. Uch me bad, well actually I did not shoot a single person in your main base, I always waited before you came close enough for some good old tb'ging. You can ask @Hawk he was in my squad, he did tell e to watch out, whihc I already did. The problem was, the 2 of the flag spawns were on top of the hill 30m away from your main base zone. Good day to you sir.
  13. Best: - Worst: - Funniest: Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo: ''Landfill with teabags'' Other: -
  14. I remember giving you one ......... but I guess you probably paid me the favor "Sir TbagAlot" versus "HeardYourFootstepsOnTheWay", at least you have had some nice opportunities to make pictures of my beautiful ass
  15. hehe the discussion was slowly heating up, was just getting popcorn and beer ready.......
  16. Yes yes, fair enough, it was not a big thing (yet) just something which came up when I saw the picture actually, good to mention this, good to get new players in but also good for them to learn there are some rules which cannot be broken. Let it be a reminder to everyone that it is no fun ruining your opponents victory party. If you guys see someone on our side misbehave, we gladly hear about it.
  17. That was no luck, that was 99,99% hard work, hence the enormous value of my achievement, killing the 'Mighty Sujuk' Hehe, That's great @WOLFXL, I love it to share 'Sujuk heaven' instead
  18. I know, I just spare my best moments and post them 2 weeks late from now on......
  19. Best: Although we lost @eXHaLe and his German crew invited me in at an 'after party dance' upon the enemies 'Wulfgerät', we where disguised as 'Germans'. NIIIICE! Worst: I was crap this week, sorry to the enemy, next time I will try to do more my best, actually this was the first time this campaign I did not tea bag @Sir_Kowskoskey, .... #SAD! Funniest: I forgot to mention last week 'Strong Point Joki' funniest, when my squad was sneak attacking 'forest camp' It was mighty @WOLFXL who stood there in his tank waiting, he wiped out some of us as usual, and then I got his full attention. I ran away northwest of the flag towards the steep hillside and managed to slide down the slope. I knew he had seen me running there, but I was surprised when, driven by his GREED @WOLFXL tried to finish me by following me down the steep slope with his tank....hehe this is how it ended, I managed to send him to 'Sujuk hell' Most hated player: @CaproGreene, je hebt me (alweer eens?) aardig te grazen gehad deze keer, volgende keer stuur ik al mijn mannen op je af , pas maar op hehe Most loved/liked player: @RayderPSG, thanks for helping us in the last round. Some people where not sure why you did not join us at team speak, but you explained to me you are on holidays and team speak is impossible there. You where in my squad and I know you did your best! Best Battle Photo: Out of competition, one from last week, It's a nice example as the 'sorry state of mind' some of us are in sometimes, playing this game .... Other: Look at the second picture, special mention to @Anguita36 who has the habbit of ruining our victory pictures a couple of times in a row now, right @GeoPat, this is the player you meant right?
  20. Hehe, at least last 3 battles I have been able to TB @Sir_Kowskoskey a couple of times, I make screenshots, I think by the end of the campaign I will make a nice compilation @fabrigrinovero35, Our rp at Milly was blown up by one of you in the end by a grenade, we placed it far West just outside in the red zone, I saw you guys walk by a couple of times indeed, maybe that was the funny moment inthe battle I missed? @Sir_Kowskoskey, Aaah I already could not place that Milly, but hey I thought maybe in Finnish it makes sense, it's not Estonian.
  21. Best: I agree with @Sir_Kowskoskey this map was super! I could not play all rounds but it was big fun. Worst: Time passing Funniest: I guess nothing funny happened to me this time. Most hated player: Me when I team kill Most loved/liked player: All of you Best Battle Photo - Being Silly at Milly (Silly at Millou when spoken in English (Silly) and Finnish (Milly) .... I think) with @Incognitoand @crapinabox127 Other: -
  22. Best: Having a real Battle evening again Worst: Shouting in HQ Funniest: Shouting in HQ Most hated player: @Achtungsnow and @Matsku, my friend, ofcourse , you really had to own our attacking area on Mantymaki that much? Most loved/liked player: Everyone who showed up Best Battle Photo: Battle always destroys you! (just jeep'd over Nightwing but by then our jeep got damaged a lot) Other: -
  23. 'I love that song' hehe that's me
  24. Best: First battle ending in some sort of draw, that is a nice beginning of this campaign. Worst: Our general @florianmehneon his sabbatical, he must addicted playing minecraft or something Funniest: -Round 3, @GeoPat sending us over to the enemy Hq squad. In there first minute @Sir_Kowskoskey tells us there was a quest going on who could teabag @Pr0z4c the most. Worst 2: Killing @Pr0z4c a couple of times without being able to teabag him...aaarrgggh Funniest 2: Crouched behind @kunderico, who near north field just killed a couple of the Finnish guys, and trying to knife him, but fail. I better stick to the mg I guess Funniest 3: Running behind enemy lines with @Sir_Kowskoskey into Eastern Fields, with our knives out, and while running in getting ordered to shout Huraaaaaah. But at that moment to find out that I am Finnish now and I can not shout Hurraaah! Funniest 4: Back on Russian side, start of round 4, I drive in Eastern Fields with this Bren gun carrier, and after flag capture I ignore @Spindrifter49 telling me there is an enemy apc behind me (@Breddy), while I try to set u the carrier pointed towards the river to start making some killing sprees, and at the same time wondering what idiot behind me is pushing me all the time..... Most hated player: @HaLoAL for slaughtering without any reason us (me and @Sir_Kowskoskey) while we where just driving very peacefully our BMW motorcycle somewhere south of northern fields, really was that necessary!? But @AL-SAHAD, @Yehiel and many others make good seconds for killing me haha Most loved/liked player: @GeoPat, After sending me to the Fins, I must have killed him at least 3 times on his way to set a rp for his squad. Best Battle Photo Other: I am not sure if it is a good thing that during a battle everyone has been able to kill me. Next one I am going to stick to my team....I promise
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