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Everything posted by SturmFlim

  1. I gehe auch zum Russen :D
  2. Either way I want to thank papillon for these battle statistics, nice to see how often we died and how often I misbehaved (tk's)
  3. Best: Our battle could only start when some axis players joined allies, so I volunteered. Since I have played with the allies several times also, I can tell you all, it was great to play with players from both sides! Worst: Seeing all those empty assets, due to not having 100+ people. Funniest: We had a super funny moment with some jeep VS. kübelwagen accident near Merkstein. Me and @CaproGreene jumped in a jeep at the start of the round (Allied main base in the north) and were on our way to Altsdorf. When we had passed Merkstein through the forest on the north east side we spotted an enemy kübel going the opposite direction: Capro: ''Sturmflim! There, enemy kübel!'' Me: ''Lets go after them'' Capro: 'No no, lets go right here to the flag'' Haha but capro wasn't driving, so we turned around and started following the Germans. We expected they had seen us or at least hear us, since we started driving right behind them, the jeep seemed faster while they seemed to drive so slow: Capro: ''Why are they driving so slow'' We were nearing Merkstein and they really started to slow down now, ok somehow they did not know we where right behind them, but surely they soon were going to stop and lay down their rp. So we, mmmmmm....... maybe more 'I', decided to RAM the jeep into the back of them, and than everything went in flash seconds! *BAM! The kübel turned. The jeep was smoking. I heard capro jumping out and making a shot: *Paow! Capro: ''Yeah I got one! *Paow! Capro: ''Aaarrrrgggghhhh.....'' I drove on keeping the momentum and circled around, then I saw 2 dead bodies and an empty kübel with one last German ( @radiosmersh) standing next to it. Luckely the German was still confused, so I finished the job by Ramming in the flesh metal standing there in front of me, full speed......we survived, jeepie and me, for sure these jeeps surely have been build strong. Capro at least had also a great laugh over teamspeak, haha love it these crazy moments! (sorry I am not the best story writer) Most hated player: Nobody Most loved/liked player: @I<ODIUM>I , when will we stop killing each other? Haha first I mowed you down with the MG, in a minute your came back with the HEINKEL! Nice comeback Odi! I basicly died at the same spot where I killed you Other: @GeoPat, @Spieler4, @qufic, @Ronid, @knokworst, @CaproGreeneand @Spindrifter49 (did I forget someone?) was nice to play with you yesterday, I am sorry for my TS spamming sometimes
  4. Best: 80+ players and I found it a great map, at least I had some fun with the MG42 again (so many laying around wasted, did I say great map?). Worst: numbers and not knowing the map so well Funniest: Joining my team ranks again, after last week renting out to allies, into a great team (@Schampus and boys!). Unfortunatly we needed 2 volunteers. I waited at first but only Marihutz seemed to want to switch sides for the first round, so I volunteered. Played 3 rounds with allies, first with prozac in his squad and then 1 round with new squad Matsku, achtung, sahad. Was great fun guys. Then Hawk was asking himself what I sturmflim doing, after a not very clear reply from my side he pulled me in HQ squad, with Elmo, Pappa, Sandre, o and Hawk ofcourse. Last 3 rounds I ended up playing the allied squads I was in first. By the way I did not uncover your secrets, but it was weird to 'feel' what the enemy was up to sometimes. Funniest 2: Amidst all great micro battles, knifing and tumbling tanks, 1 round we had the frontline flag secured. I was running around a bit when one guys from another squad (Middel it was you!) stared driving the flags kubel, but soon he ended up in a bombing hole right in front of me and the kubel got stuck, Middel got out and started running instead leaving the kubel for what it was. I thought 'hey no that kubel aint stuck', jumped into the vehicle, started its engine, and the miracle of the evening happened, I got it safely out of the hole. Pfffft I mean 'DAMN NICE WORK' if I must say so myself, HAHA! I sounded the cars horn, toot toot, our Russian friend recognised the situation and quickly turned back, jumped into the car, did not say thank you, and went on his job...hahaha you drunken basterd! Most hated player: Achtung you killed me 30+ times I believe, damnit how man times I did not see you, good work my Finnish friend! Most loved/liked player: I have serious dual love hate feelings for everyone Hehe! Triple spy alike problems. SO I love you all, and hate you all depending which side I am on. Other: At the same time we were fighting our battles, the public server also seemd to have almost 80+ people at a certain moment. I remember the guys asking ourselves, who is playing were the fools and the sane ones.
  5. Best: 84+ players! Best2: Saying 'hello' to Elmo and Hawk at 'bunkers' Worst: To fill up half the allied side with axis players Funniest: Managed to teamkill ODIUM yet again while he spawned near the church with the anti tank gun, on the allied side! Funniest 2: Who parked that Messersmith (No. 5) next to church in round 5 (or was its sixth) and left it empty? Surprisingly it was not destroyed for many minutes. Most hated player: Must be Kowskoskey with his knife Most loved/liked player: Spindrifter and all allied squad mates, was a pleasure to also have been playing with you guys for once Other: Hope to fix my internet connection soon
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