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FH2 Campaign # 1: Battle 3 Hill 262 Best/Worst/Funniest

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Best: Really nice map and a REALLY well foughten battle by the allies

Worst: People not honouring those knife fights....

Funniest: The never ending knife fight with (i think it was munkron) :D

Most hated player: Guess who has a peak and runs with a thompson

Most loved/liked player: Wualy. Not even his bad day can make him annoying on the channel :jumprope:

Other: Woooooooooooooah where did that come from????

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Best: Playing the entire battle after long time.

Worst: Every bullet of every Allied soldier around 300m from me, were shot directly to me. No chance to survive even a bit.

Worst 2: Not being able to kill anyone almost all the night, even by accident.

Funniest: Someone flipping one PIV in hill 247. You deserved one week peeling potatoes, man :D

Most hated player: Three guys. Wualy, myself and both of them.

Most loved/liked player: Kowsky for his ever high optimism!

Other: I spent three pair of boots yesterday running from here to there. I feel really tired today...

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7 hours ago, Wualy said:

Best: Playing the entire battle after long time.

Worst: Every bullet of every Allied soldier around 300m from me, were shot directly to me. No chance to survive even a bit.

Worst 2: Not being able to kill anyone almost all the night, even by accident.

Funniest: Someone flipping one PIV in hill 247. You deserved one week peeling potatoes, man :D

Most hated player: Three guys. Wualy, myself and both of them.

Most loved/liked player: Kowsky for his ever high optimism!

Other: I spent three pair of boots yesterday running from here to there. I feel really tired today...

I can give names if you want :)

Edited by WOLFXL
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Best: Nice map

Worst: For the first time because of the joystick on his hand made calluses. Seriously xD

Funniest: Accidentally in a fit of passion and on automat, during a fight with Spitfire knocked down ROIOR ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Most hated player: A couple of our AA wanted to knock HaLo out. One succeeded on Panzer Flak T_T 

And the enemy AA at times grew insolent.

Most loved/liked player: I don't remember :scratchheadyellow: who, but at moments some helped on the AA. Thank you very much!

Other: Panzer Flak is FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!1111 (We, the pilots, were lucky that caeno was not there. Otherwise, not only the AA were like splinters in the ass. And not only enemy :D )

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2 hours ago, sch@mpus said:

@ HaLoAL : Sorry for that TK, good to know i could save your butt as compensation later on :) .

Well, This one is waiting)

2 hours ago, sch@mpus said:

And the only reason why i abandoned my wirbelwind after second round was, that i had the feeling you and ROIOR  were on top of things

Yeah? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :scratchheadyellow:

Okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Best: playing Fh2

Best2: some good defense and intense fights

Best 3: Wualy playing since beginning. 

Worst: hispanics ( with love:D)

Worst2: numbers. Not general growing since battle 1. Still enough to play good battles but gotta improve.

Funniest: Pak 40 bug and s'mines.

Funniest2: @mcpollo stealing the mighty jagdpanther from wolf. 

Most hated player: me and the 2 who put our RP there ( they know)

Most loved/liked player: All. 

Other: Thx the guys who sitched when needed. Keep this going CMP! 

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Best: MG42, MG42 and MG42 :D. Having the first tank-badge of the division, although i`m not even a tanker :) .

Worst: shooting down ME 109 with wirbelwind :o

Funniest: Flipping Wirbelwind two times in one round. conclusion : dont drive and stare at the sky !

Most hated player: the guy that jumped on my wirbelwind and shot me with a rifle :D

Most loved/liked player: TAFKAP (aka papa aka nichtdiemama ) for his dirty laughs when he made one of those multikills with the nebelwerfer .


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