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Everything posted by Pichu1199

  1. Not "my style" buuuuuuuuut... check this guys. From Argentina
  2. Guuuuuuys, have you ever heard of post rock??? It is awesome. I've been listening to it for like 5 months and barely listen to other type of music. Here you have some of my favourites I've found so far. If you are interested in more of this ask for it, I'll be glad to show you.
  3. Woooooooo, esto se ve mas genial de lo que pensaba. Good job @Harmonikater
  4. Ay, se me cae un lagrimon... Fue muy bueno volver al forgotten de esta manera, entrando de lleno a una campaña y que sea tan justa que solo ganamos recién en las ultimas rondas de la última batalla. Con respecto a lo de liderar, me gustaría probar pero claramente tengo una limitación y es la pc a carbón. Si un mapa me va a 10 fps sería inútil ocupar ese puesto. Cuando se sepa mas de la campaña y mis tiempos laborales (si es que alguna vez termina la cuarentena) me postulo donde haya que hacerlo.
  5. It's like christmas on june lol. Awesome work guys and thanks for this.
  6. Thanks quicky
  7. Best: Revenge teabag on @Sir_Kowskoskey 2 times in a row after he killed and teabbaged me. Most loved/liked player: The guy on the american light tank that evade my shots (stug 3) aproaching to me doing a zigzag... of course he killed me jaja Most hated player: Me for missing the shot while he wasn't moving
  8. With America you mean USA, right? Just to confirm
  9. Best: The whole battle. It was balanced and had all kind of excitement. I enjoyed this battle a lot. -Winning the race at the begining of the attack rounds two times. (got first to the flag while everyone else was hiding, running and falling to the ground. Of course I didn't take those flags) Worst: Teamkills, there were a lot of tks. -A personal mine exploding after 3 of us walked next to it without activating it and thus ruining the attack on Hamlet (I think). Funniest: -Defending strongpoint 1 and shooting an enemy while both screaming "no" "for the queen" and all that, none of us received damage from the other. Finally decided to equip my bayonete and go for it. This lead to a fight outside where enemy arty and bullets where all over the place and we were there just trying to win our personal battle lol. At the end it was a 3v1 fight and of course we won that... teabagged the poor guy. Whoever it was, you made my day . -(I'm not sure if this was on the same battle as previous fight) Our squad had the order to attack Farm so @Darkpotato, @Anguita36 and me took a kubel. On the way we saw a rp and inmediatly get out of the car to destroy it but potato just ran over it... it was squad 6 rp, our own team. - @RayderPSG's screams because of a tk with the AA, it was hilarious.
  10. Yesterday I opened YouTube one last time before sleep and found this band. Don't know if the greeks are doing great music resently or I just came across with this side of YT, but I want more! Some examples (that I know about) of their greatness below
  11. New songs by one of my favourite bands! The excitement, ooh boi
  12. I thought they were "dead", but this popped up on youtube and so glad it did. I've been listening to the old albums and it never went through my mind to listen new ones lol. Great song
  13. Jajajajajajaja wtf is this??? And I thought Alestorm was random (sometimes)
  14. If you like this, you must listen to the whole album (Departure songs) Do a favour to yourself and listen this too.
  15. Si es en el sentido de palabras como "barracas italianas" (para seguir con el ejemplo), voto a favor. Pero si se traduce incluso nombres propios (ciudades, pueblos, etc.) mi voto es en contra. Si la mayoría tiene facilidad con los idiomas, qué problema? Se vería con un aire nuevo el mapa y al mismo tiempo se podría reconocer cuando te mandan a tomar italian barracks (cosa que mucho no pasa en los servidores públicos). De todos modos sería un agregado aparte del mod supongo. Quien quiera puede usarlo y quien no, no.
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