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Everything posted by HaLoAL

  1. Well... You ran (run, forest, run) away from me only once =b
  2. Best: Too many ppl Worst: Lags 0.5 sec, allied HQ is lost. Funniest: This time - RPG-43. @Achtungsnow, @WOLFXL and especially @Pollenz know (¬‿¬ ) Most hated player: Who loves me Most loved/liked player: Who hates me Other: If someone hates me that means I played well today (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
  3. Best: Playing a full battle. I still be pretty good. Worst: Timings, as always. Funniest: @Sir_Kowskoskey, as usual ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Нe was riding a motorbike with somebody and I killed them with PTRD from a distance of 50+ m. Funniest2: I used PTRD as sniper rifle. @Hawk, who was lying on the roof of the buildingin at Northern Field, knows. @Raandom, who used Pak 35 and whom I killed from a distance of 100 m, also knows. Also a few people I dont remember, pardon Also, I'm one of hateful little armored car and apc. Most hated player: No one Most loved/liked player: All who joined Other: This's Fate, Kowsky. Just kidding, it's random ╮(︶▽︶)╭
  4. Congrats @Ombustman (7)
  5. @Sir_Kowskoskey Dude, you know i know that i accidentally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Best: I'm the best 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) Worst: Where are you, @florianmehne? (눈_눈) And you, @Malleus? ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ Funniest: @Sir_Kowskoskey *click* Most hated player: No one Most loved/liked player: Everyone (sarcasm) Other: We need ammo trucks, I guess
  7. @AL-SAHAD Happy Belated Birthday! @Hawk Happy Birthday!
  8. Best: Kill-Kill-Kill!!111 Worst: My russian teammates... are kind of boring?.. Well, I was squad leader -_-# all time and few ppl werent in TS ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ @ЯÖÏÖR, you're an officer, not me. Funniest: @Sir_Kowskoskey, as always, more often than all dies Most hated player: Nope Most loved/liked player: @HochuDeutschmeister, nice voice Other: 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
  9. @[Rus.field]_Vetel92 О, доров, с возвращением
  10. Happy Birthday @RayderPSG, @Erwin
  11. @Johonas
  12. Thx (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
  13. Ohh... Happy Belated Birthday, @Ensign_Steel , @truth_hun
  14. Happy Birthday @Tutvys
  15. HaLoAL


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  16. HaLoAL

    Comedy Central

  17. @SgtAlex I played in closed beta a long time ago.
  18. No, its immpossible =\ Only private matchs.
  19. @Quicksilver Okidoki
  20. or Wednesday evening, yep
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