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Everything posted by Spieler4

  1. Spieler4


    Super :-)
  2. Best: Having sex 4h every friday again Worst: Too much CTD or sex without orgasm Worst 2: That whisper "Psst" sound all over in the beginning Funniest: playing tournement is just hell of fun :-)
  3. Now more TV´s and Monitors will support it. Share your HDR experience LG 65UJ750V Nvidia Driver: 385.69 Dacota 5m 21Gbps Hdmi cable Win10 v1607 Dont know much about HDR, Only have 1 game so far :-) When starting Battlefield 1, TV detects HDR and deepcolormode and its possible to adjust some white box inside game gfx setttings. Works out of the box and looks fantastic 1080p120Hz (ultra + 200res scale) Yes 4K60Hz looks better on TV, but 120Hz is much more playable When I exit Battlefield 1, TV stays in HDR mode and everything is now in HDR : desktop or any game incl. FH2 (looks like some color Reshade filter) Its not the real deal,but still looks much better than normal :-) Only way to turn it off is by changing back to monitor in Multiple Display settings via nvidia control panel What is your HDR experience ?
  4. .Does it only happend with 2 screens running at same time ? .Try to run with no battery in laptop .What are the temps of cpu and gpu when flickering ? .Make sure laptop is not trying to save power. Set every thing in power profile and gfx driver settings to max performance. And maybe try different res and Hz in gfx settings I some how want to be religious and blame windows 10 as I turned back to 7 again. Windows 7 is light years faster when alt+tabbing or when making a change in nvidia gfx settings
  5. Smartphone speaker test
  6. 100 players on server and 200 waiting in line on TeamSpeak Cant wait :-)
  7. Hmmm. Thx Think I solved it. Deleted Discord shortcut in bookmarks toolbar in firefox. Logout of Discord At login I had to reset my password via email Seems to work now :-)
  8. have tried to log in and out, with no luck. it just auto syncs to spieler4#5788 in win 7 without letting me choose what Discord profile to use ( using Join Discord button on cmp-gaming homepage) spieler4#5788 have no email address as it is in use by my Spieler4#6770 profile
  9. On my dualboot win 7 and win 10 system. My cmp-gaming.com profile is the same on both OS, but syncs with different Spieler4 profiles on Discord in win 10 syncs to : Spieler4#6770 In win 7 syncs to : spieler4#5788 How can I make my cmp-gaming.com profile sync with Spieler4#6770 profile ???? (not possible for me to change 4digit number) No matter what I tried my cmp-gaming proflie keeps syncing to spieler4#5788 in win 7 and I cant claim it as my email belongs to other profile
  10. Spieler4


    The wood may make your pc sound louder. just a suggestion if its too loud :-)
  11. Spieler4


    Re pic. Move pc out of that wood speaker box -> more silent & cold pc -> less fan speed Or glue carpet around in that wood hole Maybe its enough just turning the rear chassis fan around and make it blow air into pc or move rear fan on to power supply inside pc to help airflow out of pc via psu. Should be easy to try out before drilling holes in top Chassis Make sure cables on new power supply supports your hardware
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