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Everything posted by eXHaLe

  1. Alles Gute youngster
  2. Long live @Heia Safari!
  3. Disable any energy saving stuff
  4. Guess your mainboard is broken. Check if the capacitors aren´t blown.
  5. Unfortunately that is the truth. And this should be fixed right now. "You are fake news, you are a rude person" Best: +80 players, hard fights for River crossing and Reservoir Worst: Battle last only for three hours Funniest: Flamethrower duell with @Pichu1199, sunk the landing craft with a long range rifle grenade shot Most hated player: none Most loved/liked player: everyone Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1573-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: The imbalance must be corrected, the best would be a strong player would switch over. Let´s keep the moral up.
  6. Just tested it with Roior on the trainingserver, there is no kit which can see the mine marked. And i´m sure this isn´t a bug, it´s intended
  7. And for that exactly why we are here for: maximum fun per minute
  8. On the 762 server it is activated, as it is desired by the developers of FH2. It is argued that this is intended to serve realism, but in my opinion it takes much of the game's originality, the immediate sense of achievement by the display of a hit. Anyone who has ever tried to shoot a plane without hit detection with a MG knows what I mean. I had this experience in one of the last encounters, own pilots were missing and the opponent did some neatly duck shooting with their fighter bomber.For experienced Flak gunners, this may not be a problem, but for everyone else, it's just frustrating. And that's not the point of the matter after all. Forgotten Hope 2, as a modification of the pure arcade shooter BF2, goes for realism. Nevertheless, the developers have implemented the "hit detection" via the crosshairs. Why does CMP prefer to disable the same? Gameplay Realism in the sense of PR or Post Scriptum, is not the subject in the series of FH2 campaigns at CMP. You could play the over-realism card and spawn only once per round, after 10 minutes the round would be either over or in a state of shock. The realism part in FH2 is done with the selection of contemporary equipment. That's exactly what I want to see, e.g. Tiger tanks and Sturmgewehre as from 1943 etc. Do not overdo it with pseudo-realism folks. Presumably this has been done to create somekind of increased realism in gameplay. The direction the game is going is towards more realism, there are further measures on the horizon which could be done to further increase the level of realism. Concentrate on that but keep the gameplay power packed, excitement always close. Of course it is ultimately the decision of the admins how to go on.
  9. Happy Birthday Malleus, hope to see you soon at the battlefield
  10. Is this song from my youth really 28 years old ?
  11. Happy Birthday RAnDOOM
  12. @DerSohnGottes and @Haraldt wish you all the best
  13. I wonder if a RX 580 8Gb can fire a 27 inch @ 144 hz in FH2 ? The clock should be a Ryzen 5 2600x
  14. Hoch die Tassen Jungspund
  15. Happy Birthday luacha2000 :clappingorange:

  16. France vs Croatia / 2-2 England vs Belgium / 1-1
  17. Tell us about what error messages you get.
  18. France vs Belgium / 1-2 England vs Croatia / 2-0
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