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Everything posted by Papillon

  1. until
  2. Papillon

    CoD WWII

    Okay, I am intrigued: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/apr/25/call-of-duty-wwii-historians-video-games-activision
  3. Ich empfehle die Allieds :-)
  4. Papillon

    Arma III

    Well @Raandom you are into ARMA III right?
  5. Got the CD lying around still, but battlelog is more convenient.
  6. Papillon

    Arma III

    I just bought it
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/20/hereat-wherewithin-convoluted-indian-court-ruling-has-lawyers-baffled Okay.....“However, the learned counsel ... cannot derive the fullest succour from the aforesaid acquiesence ... given its sinew suffering partial dissipation from an imminent display occurring in the impunged pronouncement hereat wherewithin unravelments are held qua the rendition recorded by the learned Rent Controller...”
  8. Oh my MS and its bicarre update policy... I love them not supporting older CPUs anymore....
  9. Join Discord button in the upmost menu
  10. Papillon

    FH2 Dev Blog

    haha i won't reverse it... It is originally Lebanon from WaW used as Operation Compass in FHT initially and converted to Italy by me in Camp 15 :-) It will again use the mainbase selection, so either Sea/Air or Land based attack.
  11. Nice color pics from WW2: https://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2017/apr/19/the-second-world-war-in-colour-in-pictures
  12. I love John Oliver:
  13. that guy really is a smacktard. Isn't he busy licking Trumps boots for more selfies in a golden elevator?
  14. yeah, the next U-Turn of glorious UK government. The one thing she said she won't do, and *baaam* let's fuck up the country even further..... And their Labour opposition is a shambles.
  15. Ja, wird wohl so kommen. Weil Samstag für die meisten noch schlechter ist...
  16. hmm. könnte man bevor oder nach der camp machen. ist die frage, will mans public machen oder mit rallys?
  17. Review of CMP map Peleliu from @Watchtower
  18. ja holla der gunhead. wie läufts?
  19. meh and i cannot be there....
  20. I just realized it was sub-smart to let CMP stock maps run, as @Hawk wants to shoot smth with rally points *facepalm* Will roll back tonight to last camp maps.
  21. ah yeah. So guys with multiple names, could you post here which ones you used? I promised to fix that, and I will :-)
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