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  1. Если 5-ая кампания состоится - я участвую! Посещение битв будет не с 146%-ой вероятностью, но постараюсь быть на каждой. P.S: Куда у нас пропал slava-on?
  2. Oooh Arma 3! nice ! I will try to join you, though in English I speak poorly.
  3. Yes, you are right, seeing that the tank's gun is being turned on me, in a panic I threw two mines and they both did not reach their goal
  4. the guys from my squad asked how I could go there. It was a shady enterprise. Yes, it was fun, a large crowd of Britons ran with explosives behind me. That's why I shot everything that moves. Funny2: funny moment when I ran up to Stuart on the Camp flag with explosives and he was rolling backwards away from me
  5. Funniest: -kill by katana Best Battle Photo - banzai
  6. haha it was me. Perhaps this is the most successful my arrival on the tank in this campaign
  7. Best: -My day off and team game in FH2 Worst: -Everyone who used against me winchester Funniest: -as someone from the allies killed with a shovel a fighter from my squad Most hated player: -Sir_Kowskoskey and his c4 on my Chi-Ha Most loved/liked player: -all who attended the battle today Best Battle Photo - "something went wrong"
  8. Mid4eL


    Играет кто-нибудь из русскоговорящих в squad?
  9. Foxhole multiplayer interactive game, interesting strategy.
  10. Mid4eL прибыл в расположение ...
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