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Everything posted by The_Spine

  1. Sounds interesting.
  2. The_Spine

    Arma III

    Invading Poland this evening as Gebirgsjägers. See discord for details.
  3. The_Spine

    E3 2018

  4. The_Spine

    E3 2018

    It's that time of year again EA Play 2018 Saturday, June 9 11:00 AM PDT Xbox E3 2018 Briefing Sunday, June 10 1:00 PM PDT The Bethesda E3 Showcase Sunday, June 10 6:30 PM PDT Square Enix E3 Showcase Monday, June 11 10:00 AM PDT Ubisoft E3 Media Briefing 2018 Monday, June 11 1:00 PM PDT PlayStation E3 2018 Showcase Monday, June 11 6:00 PM PDT Nintendo Direct: E3 2018 Tuesday, June 12 9:00 AM PDT What do you want to see?
  5. http://www.secretscotland.org.uk/index.php Has a massive amount of random interesting stuff around Scotland.
  6. The_Spine

    Arma III

    Vlad's wolves will be back in action this evening. Join us.
  7. The_Spine

    Arma III

    The next Arma 3 Campaign starts tomorrow evening. From what I see in discord, it looks pretty interesting.
  8. The_Spine

    CoD WWII

    Truly the accurate WW2 FPS we have been waiting for...
  9. "Anyone know Diamonds in the Shoes?"
  10. The_Spine

    E3 2017

    If you missed it, here's everything you need to know about E3 2017
  11. The_Spine

    E3 2017

    I'm looking forward to seeing more about Far Cry 5 and what Bethesda is going to be announcing. Hopefully the PC Gaming show will actually have something interesting this year. Also all the cringe
  12. This. It's the easiest and best solution.
  13. The_Spine

    E3 2017

    E3 in 2 weeks. Is there anything you are hyped for or hope to see? Will Project Scorpio look like a Beta Max player? Will there be much cringe?
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