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Everything posted by Kwiot
Best: -Intense action all the time, doesn't matter which flag! - Finally BAR for the win!!! Worst: -Sorry for the hanomag kill inside the mainbase perimeter... I lost my orientation and this Sdkfz looked so tasty... Couldn't resist... On the other hand, main base perimeters were too big on such small map, there should be simply no-go area blocking infantry effectively and that's all! -wanted to make a screenshot with Hanomag bazooka kill for Best Battle Photo, but before I could manage to that I was kicked... meh, meh... -Meh, this battle evenings run so fast, let's play 8 rounds for each battle next campaign maybe? :D Funniest: -Some nice Bazooka kills, pity that I don't have screenshot... Most hated player: -not specific person, maybe Axis arty and MG42s were really painful... Most loved/liked player: -Whole allied team for their spirit and fighting till the end! Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3141-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
Best: -Action all the time! Worst: -Flags without spawns, changing the whole idea of Battlefield - we don't go for the flag, we go for the enemy rally first! It was quite difficult for me to adapt to this new situation... Funniest: -My throw by 3 points with satchel over Panzer IV - standing behind Panzer IV, I threw it and it landed in front of it somehow... - this rolled over running Heinkel on the street was quite WTF moment Most hated player: -well enemy arty, bomber bombs generally avoided me, maybe because I usually dont stick to flagpole on defence? Most loved/liked player: -Yeah, I liked you all... Best Battle Photo - Other: -Time for revenge in the next week!!!
Best: -Map turned out to be possible for us to win in the end - what a nice surprise! - The round with 6-0 or 9-0 in the last round! Worst: -My performance - apart 1st round I was below my average and didn't make big input into the win, fortunately others did! - Our task was to defend crossing. I thought - "easy peasy, I will mine the round - have some time until they reach us!" It took me a while to come to my mining location from the furthest spawn, I lied down on the road and before I started minig, I noticed charging Kubel on the horizon - "holy shit! I don't have much time, quickly let's set this mine!" Well, that 1 second was decisive... However, even if I had successfully set this mine, Kubel would have probably survived, as quickly moving vehicles survive driving over mines in this game.... Funniest: -Situation on the bunkers flag - we were attacking it, I passed near Panzer IV which was near the flagpole, and got inside one of the bunkers, inside was one guy manning MG42, so I got our beloved @Achtungsnow and hid in the corner. Then another German came and without noticing me manned MG42, this time I was more silent and used my knife ^^ I thought: "hmm... let's see what weapon had our beloved Achtung? He always carries nice weapons! Oh, STG44 - how nice! Oh and it has Geballte Lagung - it's even nicer! Oh, is this Panzer IV still standing there? Yes, it is! Let's make some suicide action!" Don't remember which Geballte was successful, but although plenty of flying bullets into me, I managed to destroyed that Panzer IV Most hated player: -Only myself Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - "Stopping one of Kowsky kubel charges on Bunkers flag - there should be award for this!" Other: -Speaking about awards - what award was for correct answer in the last round? I haven't still got it!
Best: -Full server, action all the time! 3-0 round!! Worst: -My performance. Also Browning LMG - I somehow missed the moment when one of the FH2 devs decided to fuck it up, making this weapon simply useless. Have you noticed that when you start firing it automatically immediatelly turns left? This is ridiculous! MG42 doesn't have that! Can we tweak it and make our own CMP version of this weapon? If not, can we change it to BAR for next battles? I decided to make a drop for a round which turned into 3-0 later... Pity that I missed that! Funniest: -My duel vs admins' Hetzer - I was on flak88 and well... nobody could hit each other! I had to make a short break and destroy Jagdpanther in the meantime, than I could return firing into that Hetzer! With 2nd or 3rd shot finally the hit was well registered... Last round I decided to pickup German weapons and made a nice usage of MG42!!! Most hated player: -MG42s... Most loved/liked player: -Playing in a squad under @BaskaBommi was a real fun! Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/3141-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
Best: -Nice battle and nice attendance! The 2nd round which ended 6-0... Ah we pushed too hard in the end... Worst: Apart 1st round my performance... And the fact that we played only 4 rounds... I think we should stick to 6 rounds... It's also easier to plan the rotations if we know how many rounds we play... I don't get it... We have nice attendance, people waiting in the waiting rooms and we end it because it's midnight... meh... I missed these times when we played it till 3 AM... Funniest: Waiting for our SL to drop a rally in the beginning of a round... We had 2 jeeps... None of them arrived to Hill because of accidents... Spawning on Hill, because other squad did his job right! Most hated player: -Nobody this time Most loved/liked player: Nobody gave me ammo or bandage, so none! Best Battle Photo - I know it's a bit late, and voting already started, but this time I have something: "This Bier will remain ours!!!" Hey @The_Gentle_Uncle - I hope you won't accuse me of GDPR or sth!!! Other: See you next battle!!! @turbomursu Yes, exactly!!!
Best: -1st round Worst: -only 1st round where my performance was ok, rest rounds where worse and worse... 3rd round was an epic failure... so many stupid tks... example: group of enemies sprawned just in front of me - so without any hesitation I threw the grenade in to that hole to destroy enemy rally, but before it blew up some of allies already reach the rally and was destroyed it with rifles... Result? 2 or 3tks... and Yes.... I killed myself too with that grenade... or another one - I spotted enemy rally, was really close to it and I was about to destroyed it, but @Heyna tked me... I of course yelled at him, spawned angry, coming back to that rally and noticed some guy there, fired single bullet and guess what? Tked @turbomursu... then, Heyna came to that rally quicker than me but enemy spawned just before he reached it... So in the meantime they were shooting at each other I decided not to wait any longer and threw a grenade on that rally... before it blew up, Heyna won the firefight and came on that rally... another tk and in the middle of around I had "-1" point.... Also I couldn't adapt to the server latency... hitting moving enemies was a something which I could dream of... but firing at not moving enemy and doing completely nothing to him was something awkward.... Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: -
Haha! To do usłyszenia zatem! :D
What are the other 3 maps? In the announcement there is mentioned to be 7 maps in total.
Best: -Such victory is a great answer for previous week defeat! Well done allies! That was great teamwork and cooperation between units! Worst: -Spending most of the time in a tank in a sector where mostly nothing spectacular happen. But sometimes there were attacks, so my presence was required there. I was also bad luck to fight against Panther frontally with my Sherman 76. Fortunately, sometimes I got support from my tanking mates (see best battle photo). Also getting stuck with Greyhound in groundholes was pretty annoying!!! meh, and the fact that we played only 4 rounds... I'm expecting to play rounds every battle on Fridays, you know? Funniest: -Dealing with Panzer IV in my Greyhound inside the town was quite hilarious! Most hated player: -That Panther coming frontally towards me! Most loved/liked player: - @Heyna , for best cooperated tanking action I had in this campaign so far! Best Battle Photo - "Bye, bye Panther!" (this photo was taken during my flanking manouvre towards Panther while @Heyna was taking its attention)
Best: I was thinking for about 5 mins what could be positive in getting slaughtered entire evening and losing by 200 every round and I didn't figure anything out... Sorry... Worst: -getting slughtered by Axis team every round... we had ~150 more deaths at the end of each round... - missing allied tank destroyers so much this campaign... Funniest: - @krakki chasing me with jeep, equipped with a piat... fortunately sb warned me on TS Most hated player: -entire Axis team I would say Edit: Oh, and I forgot about @Quicksilver - it was in the first round - I moved back to repair my Cromwell after destroying Panther and Panzer IV, I was repairing, repairing and getting back into my tanks, 1 sec later- BOOM! I was blown up by his Geballte - I will remember that! Most loved/liked player: -That allied squad which desperately was trying to cap and hold Western camp in the last round. I was trying to help you, but it was tough... Thanks for spots anyway in that round - they were really helpful! Best Battle Photo - This time, finally I have sth for you: "2 Panzer IV, well-done, as you wished sir!" Other: Let's have an interesting last battle next Friday!
Best: -One of the rounds when I annoyed pretty well Axis on Bridgehead. Also interesting, equal battle where each side managed to win at least once at defending or attacking option. Worst: - Unfortunately rest of my rounds werent such spectacular in my M8 - I played a role of a spotter, a bait for Axis tanks, often getting stuck in groundholes and ditches, however managed to shoot down some Pumas and Panther once when we nicely flanked it with Lajtus from different directions each. Funniest: -once I got stuck in groundhole with my Greyhound, I gave up and decided to blow it up. It was just near our Farm flag. When I put satchel on it, some random guy was passing nearby and decided to stop just at the M8 only to write sth to his squadmates... When I saw him, I decided to warn him quickly on chat, but when I started writing, I realised that we are both in big trouble now... BOOM! Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Caeno because he volunteered to do sth extra in the last 2 rounds Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
Best: -One of my favourite custom maps, additionally with Polish history Best2: -Nice defence at Hill 262 Worst: -Map issues, and we played only 4 rounds on this great map. Of course big thank you to admins and the mapper who managed to fix it and we were able to play in the end! However, I might be wrong, but Im not sure if having enemy assets in our main was caused by new FH2 update... strange it wasnt detected earlier... Funniest: -After playing 10 years this mod, I was quite surprised that there is no 2nd gunner in Firefly... Most hated player: nobody Most loved/liked player: Everyone Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Attached heatmap at Hill 262 - we managed to hold it Edit: Oh, and I forgot - that was finally a great victory!
Ciiii!!!! Z tym Breslau to miała być tajemnica kontrwywiadu!!! Edit: A tak w ogóle to czołem Clavish!
Cześć Clavish! Kupę lat! (ciekawe czy odpisze na tego mojego posta... )
Best: meh... meh... do not know what to write here... Worst: First time in this campaign the map really frustrated me... Probably some Project Reality fan wants to make FH2 gameplay similar to PR gameplay. No spawnpoints on flags? Seriously?! This is ridiculous that we must find and destroy enemy rally first than rush into a flagzone... Also what was the point of removing town flags and leaving spawnpoints on Trainstation flag which was just next to the town flags, making it really important... And really Panther nad Tiger in Axis team while we didn't have any tank destroyer... missing Hellcat so much in this campaign... it was enough for me to play only 2 rounds in that battle... Funniest: nothing at all... Most hated player: not sure if the player... maybe the situation where Panther, Tiger and Panzer IV came to our Chateux flag and we had only Sherman 75 to deal with them... so sad... Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/2786-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: Anyway, Im looking forward to next week battle
Please remove "Kwioteczek" from that list - I got my old account "Kwiot" back!
Best: Even though we lost this battle, I think the rounds were quite equal. I must admit that battle was quite intense too (at least from my perspective) - we were constantly under attack and it didnt matter on which flag we were currently assigned to Worst: This goddam rally is "harder" than it used to be... I need to adapt to this.... Standing 1m in front of it and firing from Springfield to this usually ended with getting shot in my back by an enemy who came back to protect it... Funniest: Axis squad who placed a rally next to our rally in a barn on Village flag! Most hated player: Achtung who always had an answer on my missed shot... Most loved/liked player: Lajtus with Gruby driving and cooperating with 2 tanks was something I would like to see more in these campaigns Best Battle Photo: Obviously forgot to take one aż always... Other: See you all next weeķ!
Best1: Good numbers and one of my favourite custom maps! Best2: My successful lonely sneak attack on 2 Panzer IV at 45 nest with bazooka Worst1: My performance... Could not hit anything... Losing often 1vs1.. Worst2: Due to some circumstances our tanks became an useless asset that in the last round they stayed in main... Worst3: 3 Server crashes due to unusual and rare asset bug and 9 min of waiting for the round restart. Funniest: Admins: "DO NOT USE MOBILE AA!!" 1st Allied player: "Why?" 2nd Allied player: "Because when enemy takes our mobile AA, the server crashes." 1st Allied player: "But how?" 2nd Allied player: "Simple, I will show you how!" And takes the mobile AA at beginning of the round, drives straight into just captured Le Ham (which was still under attack) and gives it to the enemy. Result? Server crashed Most hated player: Panzershreck and FW with bomb Most loved/liked player: All! Best Battle Photo - Other: Waiting for the next week sweet revenge
Best1: Having so many players all night long! Best2: Having so many Polish players - I believe there was sth like 20 players at least at one moment! Great! Best3: Great teamwork, nice job everyone, we had a great victory! Best4: One of the best actions which I had in my FH2 tournament history - our small squad of 4 people led by Heyna (+Zabstone, TomTom and me) were attacking Chateau from behind (Axis main) we had to avoid Panzer IV and enemy APC which were chasing us, we were crawling through the open fields and all we need was caution and patience. And we did that - we capped that flag with only 4 men and it was crucial for winning that round! Worst: So many players in wating round forced us to skip some rounds. How about launching 120 players server maybe? On the other hand with 120 players server might become unstable and some maps might be unplayble... Funniest: TS chat! Most hated player: No one special this time! Most loved/liked player: I love you all Best Battle Photo - Would post one, but is there any possible to get server video? Do we record battles? I know we did in the past. I would make some nice photo from one particular moment Other: I'm already looking forward to the next week battle!
Best: - These rounds where there was plenty of action. Also Thompson carnage in close quarters combat. I'm still a little bit rusty after some longer break from this game, but happy that there were some good rounds from myself. Worst: These rounds where we simply had nothing to do, but it seems it sometimes happens... And really, fock off with this tea bagging!!! Funniest: This moment where full squad was chasing me in Vallevona (or sth like that) and couldn't get me for a while Most hated player: - No one special, I must admit, I have some nicks already on my blacklist, so see you next time on the battlefield to meet my sweet revenge! Most loved/liked player: - Nobody gave me a candy, so... Best Battle Photo - Oh, I forgot to make one, I will prepare something for next time! Other: Good to be back!