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Pavel_[RUS74] last won the day on December 13 2019

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About Pavel_[RUS74]

  • Birthday 03/17/1991

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  1. Ah, mah lovely Wolfie! I never doubted the power of Sujuk...
  2. Heh-heh, in previous campaign, I had something similar - of enemies in light armored vehicles, most often came across @Sir_Kowskoskey, when I shot from an plane. I think someone cursed him. We must pray to Pizza God to forgive him! Thank you for attention. It's nice to see gentlemanly behavior and fair play from another player.
  3. Maybe he's referring to the clucking of chickens that can be heard in a burned chicken coop?..
  4. Best: The patience of Poles in previous battle was fully rewarded by their same persistent play in this battle. Good job, guys! (@gen.p, @Heyna, @Pr0z4c, @Zabstone, @[GDW]SierzantGrubas and others) I also want to thank "German" side - this time most of your players played honestly and fought with tenacity. (most, but not all) Best (2): The new patch seems more arcade (in relation to physics of weapons), and has a problem with registering hits... but animation of crawling is just great - it looks very authentic and realistic. Worst: @Quicksilver forbade me to talk about it. Funniest: We looted 2 Sd.Kfz.251 "Hanomag", 2 BMW 75, 1 german mortar and several small german weapons like Chicago gangsters. Not bad. A good addition to our existing Panther, by the way: Most hated player: @Quicksilver forbade me to think about it. Most hated player (2): - Agree with @Sir_Kowskoskey: Most loved/liked player: Our HQ sent us to most difficult flag, which was just teeming with German tanks. (apparently, to try to break us morally, or to mock our defeat, which did not happen) It was a wild cycle of shooting, explosions, violent and brutal fights, in which we were supported... @Papillon Oh, this guy definitely deserves a medal, @Slepov92. As a real комиссар, he was not afraid of first line of battle, using American "vuvuzelas" to destroy German tanks on a par with us. Together with us, he went into Inferno, and proved himself as a true спецназ. Good work, comrade, it was nice to see you in action! Battle Photo: After repulsing tank attacks on Pasveld, tried to take a selfie during battle on Van der Vlue... Vletu... Vlute... Van der Fluggegecheimen. Before that, we crawled through the sewers, and @Papillon with us. Battle Photo (2): Some Vietnam flashbacks for @Slepov92. ...damn, I just noticed that @Papillon was always with us. Best VicPic: Scariest After Battle Photo (by @Vlasov) : "Human Centipede": Coolest Before Battle Coub (video by @kutuzovrusss) : Other: - @RAnDOOm, I'm sorry for all killing I had to you. It's just that my boys were very hungry, and I tried to keep everyone away from that cow...
  5. Best: The patience shown by Polish players. You guys are great for not losing heart! Worst: I don't even know what to specify from the list. A new patch that broke the hit registration system? The presence of British forces where previously there were American forces? (including best weapons for them, against backdrop of our defeat in this campaign) It is sad to see this. Funniest: Nothing funny, really. Most hated player: And again - those players who are afraid to go into a knife fight, although the advantage is on their side. God, I remember those situations when in previous campaign 4-5 "Canadians" could take turns to fight with 1 "Italian" player - they did not shoot him, but really acted like a gentleman, participating in a 1-on-1 fight. Here "German" players seem to be afraid of losing... Most loved/liked player: @0utlaw, who was left alone in TS-channel. Best Battle Photo: This screenshot looks like a frame from a horror movie. Poor @Belzebuth, I already feel sorry for him. No flame posts @Pavel_[RUS74]. Edited by Quicksilver
  6. Best: Damn, great update to FH2. ...what, CMP? Oh yes, I forgot all about it when I looked at new look of FH2. Funniest (1): It looks like we've gone too far into Europe, @Quicksilver. Look, there are already signs of German culture here. Funniest (2): Damn, what a beautiful new mod...  Most loved/liked player: @Wasteland_Hero, who showed a fair fight as a skilled and adequate pilot. Best VicPic Photo: Together with Polish friends. Battle Photo: "The hard work of war - infantry" and "Clear sky". Other: What a wonderful beauty in the new mod, just look at this design!..
  7. Worst: When you use 76-Sherman to fire a high-explosive shell at a Pak 40, and you see how the shell hits the shield of Pak 40, explodes and the shield burns, but the Pak 40 remains alive, almost without taking damage. Funniest: Oh, my God, they killed private Ryan!
  8. Best: Silent Hill in territory of Louisiana. Let's start with the fact that it is beautiful... Worst: Even at the scrimmage stage, there was a technical problem with the map - a drawdown of up to 10 FPS, while on others everything works at the level of 60-90. As a result, only one role remained in the game - the spotter and the man with knife. Most hated player: All those who were afraid to engage in a fair fight with a guy with a knife, being experienced players. Most loved/liked player: Spotters.
  9. 75 mm from the Pak 40 too. Got it. If anyone thinks that Wolfie is joking, I can assure you that he is not joking - during training last campaign, this is exactly what happened to me with him.
  10. Funniest: I don't see the point in your "teabag" on @Sir_Kowskoskey - we did something similar in CS 1.6 10-20 years ago, but then we were just children. As an adult, you should show respect for the fallen enemy - for example, protect his body, dig his grave, and honor his memory with a shot from a shovel in the air. Worst: I lay down in the trench and looked around. When @turbomursu ran out on me, I accidentally shot him. Fortunately, he escaped with only a wound, but as soon as he came around the bend, he also fired at another ally, who lay further away. ..Oh, my God, I think we've discovered a new human-to-human virus - TKOVID-20! Best player: I noticed that @Heyna had a tired voice - apparently, the week was not so easy for work and/or personal matters? It was a little complicated for me, too. I would like to thank all those who were able to attend this event (as well as the training) and participate in it despite their obligations, personal affairs or other interests. Thank you guys, and good luck next week! I wish you an easy business, good relations and a positive mood. Other: My face when I try not TK my teammates. Other (2): " - Have you ever had the feeling that someone is looking at you?" " - Nope."
  11. Best (before battle): Best: Sorry, @Hawk, but @wanchekid made the best shot. Not so Best: Dropping out of the game due to mobile AA and/or mortars is a tolerable misfortune. But what surprised me is that the P-38 gets damage in -70% HP if you immediately pull the handle on yourself (beats the tail on the ground). Funniest: Not the best players: Those players who play unsportsmanlike, and who do not listen to the instructions of CMP admins about restriction on the use of bugged vehicles or weapons. Most loved/liked players: All well done, especially the big Polish group.
  12. Best: Only one such map may already be sufficient to participate in campaign, and CMP as a whole. I join the words of @RAnDOOm, and express my gratitude to map authors, as well as CMP community, and all participating players, especially those who could not be in battle, but still came to support their team in TS. I would also like to mention @RayderPSG positively - even at the stage of first scrimmage, i accidentally noticed that he was working with new players, teaching them the features of game, and this is great, respect for this work. In general, you are all the best, and thank you for playing and participating! "Worst": It's great that the mod is getting a second breathe, but it would be better if it didn't have something to do with coronavirus. Also, it would be nice if all players in campaign could go through parachuting - after all, this is a rare thing for FH2 (even for public maps, where you don't have to parachute - you can land the plane itself), and original game allows this, and it's all very well implemented in mod. I hope everyone who wanted to jump with a parachute was able to do it. Funniest: Exchanged shots with @Smashmachine Funniest (2): In the last round, i happened to see from the outside how one squad of Germans went along the wall of Chateau in a chain, one after the other. They did it so symmetrically and beautifully that i stared at them. Most loved/liked player: It is a beautiful sight to see the domes of parachutes under your feet when you are hanging from the slings, and to see your comrades landing around you when you are already in town, and fighting with enemy who is close to you. But, it is impossible not to consider that Peqper's shot was good too. Funniest (3): Playing on a potato computer, i try to read text on explosives to correctly use against StuG. Other: (i hope that at least someone took and will present a picture of first parachuting in battle, because i did not have time to do it, although i have a dozen pictures of parachuting during scrimmage and training ) Parachuting was successful, and paratroopers achieved victory. But what will happen next?..
  13. Best: Landing with parachutes - that's cool. However, this does not make the map itself any easier, but even just having one such map makes the Campaign interesting and desirable. Thanks to those involved for having it. Worst: Drunk driving. Do you see the consequences of non-compliance with safety and traffic rules?!.. Funniest: In previous campaign, I had a case when using a StuG I could not destroy a "Stuart" with two hits, only third hit destroyed it. This time it turned out something similar, only opposite - @Awisko on "Tiger" fired at my "Sherman" three times, without causing significant damage. Most hated player: Nobody. All well done, played well, within their capabilities or desires. Most loved/liked player: Was CMP-server completely full? And were there any players who were not able to participate in this event, although they were ready, and were in waiting room? If so, I personally express my gratitude to those who showed attention to event, and who were ready to participate in it, but who may not have had opportunity to be at least a couple of rounds in game. Other: I'll just leave it here...
  14. Best: It was an interesting and enjoyable scrim that took longer than a normal battle. In the course of several rounds, we were able to see interesting maps, try ourselves as future squads and teams in general, and in some places even have fun. The number of players on server was off the scale, the officers offered those who wanted to rest, if they wanted to. Wonderful: My squad leader @Slepov92 gave target designation to enemy, just randomly pointing to a random section of forest. (that is, not knowing that someone might be there, at random) While i was driving a tank in this direction, i noticed enemy infantry and opened fire. Surprisingly, a high-explosive shell hit near mark destroyed not only enemy infantry, but also their RP. Just amazing precision of target designation from SL. Funniest: There was a war going on all over the map , but our team (after capturing the point) still found time and place for selfie and tea. Most "hated" player: All those guys who climbed on my tank during after scrim photo, and stuck their ass in my monitor. Thank you, now i know exactly what seams are sewn German uniforms, and what - British. Most loved/liked player: Everyone who came and participated in this great event. Other: For those who don't know: this is what every attempt to take a photo looks like:
  15. @Quicksilver and @RayderPSG Thank you , friends, it's nice!
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