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Everything posted by Dani3l

  1. those Rambo soundtracks you posted last month are really awesome Spieler!!! (click "replied to a topic" below to get there)
  2. Dani3l

    New PC

    What did you get? I have i5 6600K (after I had my i7 2600K for ages which had worst single core performance) and ordered Ryzen 5 1600Xyesterday
  3. Dani3l

    Arma III

    Hm there is no Tiger I tank in FoW mod, is there in IFA ? (call me a Tiger I whore, idc )
  4. Dani3l

    Arma III

    IFA WOOOW!!! Are you guys going to play tonight or tomorrow?
  5. Athena is the worst thing though... WikiLeaks published it, a CIA hacking tool, not even Win 10 is save... Wtf. Lol fkin Wiko Sunset 2 Smartphone. Worst French company ever. How could Google even give them the license to install android on their bs laggy device (getting continuous android error message here: "could not find ressource for applock_sensitive_mc_262" or so. WTF WIKO??)
  6. Related to Microsoft's awful policy: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/user-made-patch-lets-owners-of-next-gen-cpus-install-updates-on-windows-7-andamp-8-1/
  7. Dani3l

    Arma III

    Play on the CCG Wasteland Tanoa server (Apex required), TONS of fun!!! (No mods needed, serverside mission file contains all) But u need good CPU... Cause ArmA 3 not CPU (or server CPU?) optimized...
  8. Jo werde dieses WE Squad zocken... adde(t) mich pls http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015576032/
  9. Hey guys, who of you already owns the game and wants to form a small group to play some evening this weekend? http://joinsquad.com/about
  10. SRSLY??? And you guys consider this "https:" encryption by "Let's encrypt" safe? (free certificate, srsly? Illegal or what? I thought people have to BUY those https certificates)
  11. Too late (Couldn't delete my post above anymore... could use a tweak in the forum settings)
  12. Hey, who is paying for that certificate in this forum, and who is (how many people) are sharing the costs? (Monthly, yearly costs?)
  13. Wow nice dass wir alle hier wieder zusammenfinden! Auch Thorshammer! Ist lange her!
  14. delete please (can we get rights to delete our own posts within 5 minutes of posting or unlimited time or so please?)
  15. Dani3l

    FH2 Dev Blog

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