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Everything posted by Dani3l

  1. So the campaign will start on 1st of june I hope? (assuming the patch doesn't break anything)
  2. And before or after FH 2.53 ? @Quicksilver
  3. How did the test go, what is ETA for next campaign? July? August?
  4. Anyone else gets this for free (if you supported Squad on kickstarter or so) ? (I am getting it for free)
  5. I wonder if/hope there will be a game mode without reviving, like FH2.
  6. So how many are going to attend? only ~ 10, ~20 or even ~40 ? Has this test been advertised on other forums too or do you want to keep it very small (do you anticipate critical bugs on all these maps?) ?
  7. I fear you guys missed the train... (had months to start the campaign, there are many many good FH2 maps out there already, and replacing a faction with russians can be done in BF2 editor), now VERY soon we'll have Post Scriptum (Epic Unreal Engine 4 WW2 tactical shooter) and many players will primarily play that instead of FH2 then. (Ofc I'll gladly still play FH2 campaigns, but we need to advertise more!)
  8. I hope many of the maps feature GER vs RU ?
  9. Erst wenn Papillon und andere sich einig sind, welche maps denn nun genau gespielt werden, befürchte ich... -.- wahrscheinlich erst im Sommer (lol).
  10. https://totalwararena.net/en/news/latest-news/total-war-arena-enters-open-beta-february-22/ Download and play with me! (post your Steam profile link here to play with me, I play archers mainly atm)
  11. nearly half a year later is a biiiit too late, you know... xDDD
  12. Nvm I PMd Papillon, at least he gives honest answers...
  13. Will next FH2 campaign have many maps with russians vs germany? (please)
  14. I thought he became pirate for "teamkilling" me accidently (through a ramp-bug of his ship)
  15. As I said I only was PASSENGER (as I wrote "about to land", not "landed") the other random guy was flying it...
  16. Also on the list of "things NOT to do when you want to stay alive": When you're inside the Drake and about to land on Olisar, don't walk onto the ramp while it's opening... you will instantly die (and the pilot get pirate status I think, as shots were fired right after I died)
  17. Ooops... And is the gun-station really not working, still?? (the one on top, I entered it, saw barrels when moving it, they wouldn't fire...) Also is it normal for the freelancer to spawn with the right wing missing? (happened 2 times I think) LOL
  18. last night... (my advice: never enter the freelancer with random pilots... Freelancer pilots tend do be d*cks it seems) Watch out for "Falcor_Yeah"...
  19. Of which it seems CIG has way too few of... (Otherwise they'd already fixed this bug) Also I'm getting tired of the ship not spawning bug... (get killed, try to spawn new ship, after 5 minutes are over ship not spawning, cannot access console anymore... happening to me with Mustang Delta many times). And the the Star Citizen.exe freezes... You guys have this bug too with other ships?
  20. Lol why would a helipad collision bug NOT be client specific. Please, Quicksilver. Collision is collision, it will perform the same on every client...
  21. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/issue-council/star-citizen-alpha-3/STARC-51690-Player_will_get_stuck_between_landing_pads_on_Kareah please click "able to reproduce" guys, to give it some attention (I even attached video of it there)
  22. Am on my 2.5 GB/s PCIe SSD now, still 15-20 fps... and CPU cores only showing 50-60 % usage... So I assume it's the servers only
  23. Around 1,4 MBit/s download isn't much imo... (while flying on Daymar)
  24. Yeah but even an alpha should run at continously 25 fps (minimum) with a 6core12thread CPU and GTx 1060... (no single core used at 100%, task manager reports...)
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