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Everything posted by Ombustman

  1. Try cpubg.net custom server, it's a different experience with 8-man squads. You can vote for the next custom game on their website and get notified when its about to start. Also, always try to join squad 7 that's where you can find English speaking people most of the time https://c.pubg.com/
  2. Almost got killed by a kar98 headshot but the level 3 helmet saved my life D :
  3. Found this http://imonstream.com/
  4. (mute the videos for your own safety) Best: - Shooting down a plane with mg42 ( I forgot to record it) Worst: - Shooting at kt's side with jumbo and no damage Funniest 1: - Getting stuck in the woods and exploding randomly: https://youtu.be/blpihY3Fkmo Funniest 2: - Shooting down @Airshark79's plane with m36 and the debris flipping me over: https://youtu.be/9nZWORjOt_Q Funniest 3: - Random car crashing to my light tank and tking 3 people @mcpollo @elvinu @luacha2000 : https://youtu.be/qPkHvHRXPMA Most hated player: - Hetzer Most loved/liked player: - idk Other: - Hetzer pls
  5. Test Server 1.0 update http://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PLAYERUNKNOWNS_BATTLEGROUNDS/
  6. Hi, I want to join the team :-D This is my steam account:http://steamcommunity.com/id/domatesliyumurta/
  7. Can I join? This is my steam:http://steamcommunity.com/id/domatesliyumurta/ Just don't let me drive any vehicles I tend to flip them.
  8. Best: Numbers Worst: Crashes Funniest: A teammate blowing up my tank with a satchel charge when I though he was repairing it. Most hated player: Me Most loved/liked player: Me
  9. Kevin pls
  10. Best: 4 hours of teamwork Worst: Low numbers Funniest: Me shooting down a plane with mg42 Most hated player: Noone Most loved/liked player: Everyone :3 Other: Don't hate me : (
  11. Client: Steam, Origin Your ID: ( Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/domatesliyumurta/ ) , ( Origin: 0mbustman ) Games you play: PUBG, Apex Legends, Mordhau, Mount&Blade:Warband,Banerlord, Battlefield(1942,2,bc2,3,4,1,V), Forgotten Hope 2, Squad, Insurgency, Insurgency Sandstorm, Day of Infamy, Cod 4, World of Warships, Post Scriptum, Hell let loose, Civ 5 and 6.
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