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mcpollo last won the day on November 2 2018

mcpollo had the most liked content!

About mcpollo

  • Birthday 12/21/1990

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mcpollo's Achievements


Private (104/183)



mcpollo's Awards

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento Seaforth Higlanders le entrega esta medalla por asistir a 8 batallas.

The Seaforth Higlanders regiment gives him this medal for attending 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento Seaforth Higlanders le entrega esta medalla por asistir a 8 batallas.

The Seaforth Higlanders regiment gives him this medal for attending 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento Seaforth Higlanders le entrega esta medalla por asistir a 8 batallas.

The Seaforth Higlanders regiment gives him this medal for attending 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #6: Imperial Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por asistir a al menos a 3 entrenos

The SH Regiment awards you this medal for attending at least 3 trainings

CMP FH2 #6: Imperial Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por asistir a al menos a 3 entrenos

The SH Regiment awards you this medal for attending at least 3 trainings

CMP FH2 #6: Imperial Service Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por asistir a al menos a 3 entrenos

The SH Regiment awards you this medal for attending at least 3 trainings

CMP FH2 #6: Military Cross

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por ser mencionado más de 10 veces en la recomendación de medallas, así como por la ayuda mostrada en cuanto a liderazgo se refiere.

The SH regiment awards him this medal for being mentioned more than 10 times in the medal recommendation, as well as for the help shown in leadership.

CMP FH2 #6: Military Cross

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por ser mencionado más de 10 veces en la recomendación de medallas, así como por la ayuda mostrada en cuanto a liderazgo se refiere.

The SH regiment awards him this medal for being mentioned more than 10 times in the medal recommendation, as well as for the help shown in leadership.

CMP FH2 #6: Military Cross

Awarded , by Darkpotato

El regimiento SH le otorga esta medalla por ser mencionado más de 10 veces en la recomendación de medallas, así como por la ayuda mostrada en cuanto a liderazgo se refiere.

The SH regiment awards him this medal for being mentioned more than 10 times in the medal recommendation, as well as for the help shown in leadership.

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Volunteer Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu desempeño ayudando a los Oficiales Hispanos, siempre pendiente de las banderas y los rally points. Enhorabuena.

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Volunteer Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu desempeño ayudando a los Oficiales Hispanos, siempre pendiente de las banderas y los rally points. Enhorabuena.

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Volunteer Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu desempeño ayudando a los Oficiales Hispanos, siempre pendiente de las banderas y los rally points. Enhorabuena.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #6: Distinguished Service Medal

Awarded , by L.L.HERRAIZ

Por tu asistencia a 3 batallas del frente italiano.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Awarded to all Axis participants at the end of the campaign.

CMP FH2 #5: German Cross In Silver

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 10 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 10 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: German Cross In Silver

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 10 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 10 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: German Cross In Silver

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 10 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 10 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: Gold Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 8 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: Gold Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 8 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: Gold Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Otorgada a los soldados de la Wehrmacht que han asistido a 8 batallas.

Awarded to soldiers of the Wehrmacht who have attended 8 battles.

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 5 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 5 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 5 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Bronze Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 3 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Bronze Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 3 batallas

CMP FH2 #5: Bronze Close Combat Clasp

Awarded , by Darkpotato

Por asistir a 3 batallas

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