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Everything posted by Darkpotato

  1. Best: Making kills with the AP mines Worst: Being teamkilled by @Luis 1944 and facing @FranzKruger with his PPSH-41 in Sinimaed Funniest: Overall we had some fun but the battle was a bit frustrating Best battle photo: If you have to describe the battle with one photo...
  2. well I was a bit upset about it, when @Luis 1944 teamkilled me while I was putting an AP mine, and he even waited like 2-3 seconds standing in front of me before kill me... I just didn't understand...
  3. Best: Playing Worst: Playing only 2 rounds Funniest: Looking a finnish attack crossing the bridge with a full civilian truck and a bicycle. Sad that I didn't take any photo of it Most hated player: No one Most loved/liked player: Everyone Best Battle Photo: "The spot"
  4. Yo prefiero Rusos
  5. Best: Destroying light vehicles and a PzIV with the american halftruck. Stable fps for some weird reason... Worst: Almost destroying my 2nd PzIV with the halftruck but I got killl just when It was set on fire... Funniest: The 6-0 round, it was really intense! Most hated player: @Achtungsnow who annihilate a spaniard squad twice, while he was capturing House on Hill alone Most loved/liked player: Really fun Battle with Rayder's squad. @RayderPSG Best battle foto: I always forget it... Other:
  6. Best: Best teamwork and adversary, very close rounds. Worst: Too many fps drops. Most hated player: No one. Most loved/liked player: @kirbyris-cafe, I wasnt able to shoot properly, but as always I could spot for him and he saved my ass many times. Funniest: Chasing with @mcpollo (maybe, i did not remember who) in my Opel some american guys that were driving around west Petite Ferme and when I realized that they placed a RP I tried to run them over but we were both killed. No photo Best Battle Photo: "Need death spawns at Swamp!, now Etable, La Peninsule... Ok now attack Petite Ferme" I did not die in swamp... and I managed to walk all the way to Petit Ferme, just when I arrived the last round of the night ended. Funniest 2: On the way I managed to kill the mortar guy from E4.
  7. What about to use 32p official maps with that? It could be very nice and fun, and we don't need many people and only a few officers. I also propose that it will not be competitive, simply a number of friendly games where everyone can move freely between squads led by an officer. Maybe 1HQ and 2-3 officers per team. In this way anyone can try to be officer or HQ without pressure. Very friendly also it could be an introduction to campaings for the new players.
  8. Statistics? I use them to know which player attended the battles. @Papillon
  9. The thing is that Japanese recon has 2 ap mines that can also be grenades, we know that with a normal ap mine you can put max 3 so we applied that concept to the japanese recon and... yep 6 ap mines per soldier... @Pavel_[RUS74]
  10. AP mine party!! by @RayderPSG
  11. Best: - A really nice map. I really liked it. Some really nice rounds. Worst: - Not my best day and some new spaniards that they were disturbing the game. We were struggling in the city. I really hated Troina West spawnpoints. Worst 2: - No pilots in our side at the start of the battle. Funniest: - Fighting against @RayderPSG in the city. Most hated player: - I really hated that axis pilot . I didn't remember his name. Most loved/liked player: - All Spaniards, they are keeping the numbers and new ones are improving a lot in spite of their latency. Best Battle Photo - One day I'll remeber it... Other: - Nice photo of the training:
  12. Best: - Attacking succesfully Checkpoint with @L.L.HERRAIZ and the rest of spaniards and defending it. - Holding Village all the round with the spaniards. - Helping spotting and giving info to our tanks. Worst: - Too much complaints about everything and a lot of noise from the spaniard squad. - Having to leave at the second round. Funniest: - Killing the guy that was spotting blander's tiger and then spotting their tanks in the same place and giving info to blander. Most hated player: - @Mr.ThunderMan defending checkpoint and almost killing every spaniard. Same when he was attacking and we were defending. Most loved/liked player: - @Blander and his tiger <3. Best Battle Photo: - I always forget to do one at least.
  13. A pesar de los problemas de potencia se le coje cariño al kubelwagen
  14. @chulito12345 No sé si eres Chulo1234, sabemos que has entrado a una batalla sin estar registrado, si te interesa seguir jugando tienes que unirte al regimiento hispano: Una vez te hayas unido podrás realizar el registro por escrito (obligatorio para jugar) para saber información básica de tí y así podrás jugar las batallas: Para más info, la página del foro del regimiento hispano: https://cmp-gaming.com/forum/227-pionier-bataillon-900/
  15. ANUNCIO Primera Scrim este Viernes 3 de Mayo Horario habitual: Viernes a las 18:00 UTC (20:00h España / 15:00h Argentina -Para uniros al regimiento: --------> Únete al regimiento hispano -Cualquier duda antes de la batalla (antes, no durante ) podéis hacerla mencionándome a mí en el apartado: Recon -Recordaos que necesitáis estar registrados en la sección "Registro" para poder jugar: Registrarse -También tenéis todo lo necesario para poder jugar tanto técnicamente como de conocimiento en el apartado: Aspectos esenciales Nota: una scrim es una partida de prueba que se suele realizar al comienzo de las campañas para detectar fallos de última hora, por lo que es importante que asistáis para tener un primer contacto con el equipo, los mapas y el modo de juego. Perdonad el spam a los ya registrados @ALBREIN @Alecont @ArgentinaMania @ARG_Matayo @arielzurdo @AbelllGp @Anguita36 @Anra @arbustito @Arsemex @Astalor @Avantey @B4R0N @Beyers @Chad Negro @Chus @Darkpotato @DarkTrooper246 @engelxd2 @DAVID-SOLDIER @Erik Fernando Tanyag @Andre1212 @chrystiango @Dela @juandi1942 @Berlin @koenigsfelsen @Rorshack @Vheil @Defender @Durru @Duttget @Edgar @elvinu @ermahe @Ferdinand_Bach @Gabrii172@NeedAmmo @GeJota @GGarrido @Henrique O Horrivel @VELKRO @jozevillano @Kelevra @Laiust @L.L.HERRAIZ @LopeteguiDiversion @Machacasaurio @Malakra @Maverick @onebullet95 @PKdor @Rataconfusca @RayderPSG @rubimalo @Santini1973 @Schuman @SgtAlex @Smashmachine @Sorem @Spanish_Tercio @Sparhez @spectrun @SrVallejo @Super @URKA @Verticorda @vitorio9898 @wanchekid @Wualy @3DvD3 @Beatnikjude63 @Blackbeard-19F21 @Charmzz @DarthTemoc @EddAvilaRuiz @ElRayjuega @Logian @ninioartillero @PollitoJrH12945 @punishedsnake77 @Xavhia @BanzaimeN @baronrojo4 @Blander @CABEZO [Goz-[Mauri94]-[ @CochoSGO @coco @colores @CorderoZ @Diepla @elcheeky2 @elchristo326 @ENEKA00 @fabrigrinovero35 @Fatigatti_AR @Feedee21 @Fritz @Fury1 @Guli123 @JARHStarkiller @JohnIsASerb @[KKCK]Fedetech[Arg] @Lobo solitario @luacha2000 @LuisSs@Dahjeshi @Mane_Goddard @MarceloGallardo @Mati.Mattman @MatM1996 @Martin.ar @mcpollo @Nightwing @-PANZER ALCON- @Patan @Pichu1199 @Pollenz @franyerson @Dr_sicario @eloyreinaldo @GracefulOutlaw @LEGION-XV@leonardopachano123 @Miguelrrr @N3LK @TheGringoLoco @TheNoiSe @Ramiro23 @Roul @Sagwyn @Solid @Spike @STALKER @Starpom @vaje21 @vicius2012 @Gunyaboss14 @Ubersoldaten @ViejoKKarma @xGastonxARG @altsuprgamer @chulito12345 @Daniel @inlifex @killer98 @nemesisk @Neutral_true @q(-_-)p @RauloWW2 @Renko @Sherwin_Em2 @RadicalDestroyerr @Snow @TKRShadowBlack @Terrormaik @Andres_Gomez @jaaruizhe @JhonKiller111@poloviskk@sgtsanti6 @Thesalamanderman @Tommy @Zenex @AlCapone345
  16. Si sí contad conmigo
  17. En princpio me ofrezco de SL de nuevo, aunque como la campaña empieza en abril no? Supongo que estaré menos disponible @RayderPSG
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