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Everything posted by HaLoAL

  1. Yes, useless by 80% minimum. I saw how Axis arty works and how ours, and saw a big difference, given that the Axis arty coped well not only with our inf, but also with our tanks. And as I was saying, our arty has a map coverage radius smaller than Axis. Also, dont forget that Axis scouts were more than we have ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌
  2. Best: (-_-;)・・・ Worst: As my guys said, soviet 120mm mortars have poor accuracy and the radius of coverage of the map is smaller compared to the Axis arty. So our arty is mostly useless. I hate being a squad leader and i hate this map. Funniest: Nothing fun, only sadness, anger and desire to exit of FH2, but no one else to command the my squad (*sigh) <_< Most hated player: Axis scouts Most loved/liked player: Who could stand my burning (thicc) ass Best Battle Photo - Because I can Other: Lags...
  3. @SturmFlim dude, this topic is not about Battle 7 Strongpoint Joki. This topic is about Battle 8 Ogeldow xD
  4. Я бы сказал, с исчезновением хд
  5. Best: Noice map; last rounds, thx Axis, because my rus squad bored in Village Worst: Crystal T-20. Every time it needs to be repaired Funniest: Very much and everything is related to Village. - @mcpollo on T-20 that I was lured (on T-20 too) into a trap - AT mines - @Godall with T-20 destroyed 3 times axis T-20 xd - @RayderPSG realized the meaning of the phrase: "It was at this moment Jackson knew... he f'd up". When I saw my blocked rally, I went there on su-76, pre-prepared HE. I saw one axis and I went straight for him. As soon as I saw four axis looking at me, I panicked, fired and killed all axis with my rally - Actually, I wanted my all rus squad to take the scouts (ku-ku-ku). When was Blitzkrieg at Village, @Sir_Kowskoskey also didnt look at his feet and died on my mine. Watch your step, dudes xd - How to make a tea bag your teammates Me - It's a photo session. I'm serious, we had nothing to do - @Ombustman is lost. Amen. - Like roaches ... and more. Most hated player: @Malleus - he is AFK all time xd Most loved/liked player: Everyone (I lie, u know) Best Battle Photo: What is Love Other: This is not village you're looking for.
  6. Ilomantsi. Pause between rounds. We're talking about the Red Moon. And our one teammate asking a sincere question: "What is the Moon?" Goldbear228
  7. Best: ----- Worst: Lags enemy planes >_>; 6-7 ppl in russian squad; lags during reloading and aiming with a rifle <_<; angry Godall, whom I muted for myself for one round, because I accidentally killed him, and he's mad at me... (T_T) Funniest: ----- Most hated player: ----- Most loved/liked player: ----- Best Battle Photo Hunting season is open Other: If someone is sad from this battle, then I'm depressed. It reminds me of the last camp
  8. Enjoy it while you can. I will allow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. I dont believe you =b He laughs best who laughs last With @fabrigrinovero35. I remember xd However, I have more and more... fans, ja
  10. ... reacted "Sad" @Druidix, are you sad that you accidentally took someone else's kill or because it just happens? I think I should be the one who's sad
  11. Just IL-2 during the fire falls. La-5 is also, but you need a little less hit points to have. And well... That happens, in public server too
  12. Best: FH2, and thanks for keeping me company (¬‿¬ ) Worst: 1) USSR on defence side - IL-2 without bombs. Again. I have a question: "That's normal, right?" Because Axis have both sides have Kanonenvogel. Again. 2) Who doesnt remember or have not read the rules, please remember, Dolphin Diving and Bunny Hopping is NOT allowed. Thx Funniest: 1) My destroyed plane (by @Achtungsnow) killed... @Achtungsnow 2) @Sir_Kowskoskey is running again. @Malleus promised to give a medal to someone who will kill him and make a tea bag ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 3) @qufic destroyed my plane and me with arty. That happens ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌ Most hated player: Trees. Most loved/liked player: My magic plane =b Best Battle Photo Trees - The Best Anti-aircraft Warfare. As always. https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/1231-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: I hope it wasn't because of me
  13. Best: I could only play normally in the last two rounds, because there were no f****** lags. Win... Worst: ... lags, of course. For all the camps I participated in, for all the maps I was on, I was SOOOOO burned for the first time. Seriously. And spawn killing... Are you kidding me? Funniest: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner in the last two rounds, when I finally had no lags and I gave all axis the fun Most hated player: Lags, Lags, Lags, Lags, f****** server lags everytime... Most loved/liked player: Who teamkilled me, you put out my fire with kerosene. Come on, dudes, I'm NOT axis... Other: Today I burned xd Як же мене це все заїбало
  14. Battle 3 Nietjarvi Mantymaki. I fly over the flag, see my squad on the flag, see enemy T-20 coming to the flag and SU-152: Me: "@Godall, don't shoot the flag with 152, there our squad" Boom, all squad is killed... Ah, and T-20 too. Me: "Godall, blyat', I said don't!" Godall: "It's late" P.S. If you kick your own guys' asses, it will surely scare the hell out of anybody else out there! (Russian proverb) (¬‿¬)
  15. Because IL-2 is shit. I dont see anything without spot and havent bombs at 144th side - useless fucking log >< P.S. But axis inf hates me
  16. I can do it too, but no one will be flying like me. What matters to me is impede you. And I fulfilled my task =b P.S. Erwin also shooted me 2 times with Pak 40
  17. Best: For the first time, i dont know what to write... Worst: Not having rpg-43 and PTRD, again problems with server, IL-2 havent bombs only at 114th Division - useless log Funniest: Dont give @Sir_Kowskoskey to fly and ja, again you; @Ombustman was killed by the airscrew; and a lot of people who were hurt because of La-5 (*_ _)人 Most hated player: @Mr.ThunderMan, you left me alone >_< Most loved/liked player: Vocaloids/rock and coffee (Ja, its not players, but why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Best Battle Photo: Other: It's hard to use a joystick for hours. Ja, its the age @Hawk
  18. HaLoAL

    Comedy Central

  19. Just... you're Axis. I'm Allied. It's business, not personal ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
  20. I just followed orders of my squad leader: "Go entertain tankers, you're good at it" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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