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caeno last won the day on June 26 2021

caeno had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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caeno's Achievements


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caeno's Awards

CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 4 battles.


CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 4 battles.


CMP FH2 #10: Parachutist Badge

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 4 battles.


CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Merit for the Volunteers of the 1940-45 War

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 8 battles.


CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Merit for the Volunteers of the 1940-45 War

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 8 battles.


CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Merit for the Volunteers of the 1940-45 War

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 8 battles.


CMP FH2 #10: Medal for the Victory Over Greece

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 4 trainings.

CMP FH2 #10: Medal for the Victory Over Greece

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 4 trainings.

CMP FH2 #10: Medal for the Victory Over Greece

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for attending 4 trainings.

CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Aeronautic Valor

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for great contribution to the victory in campaign as a reliable pilot. Thank You. Avanti!

CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Aeronautic Valor

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for great contribution to the victory in campaign as a reliable pilot. Thank You. Avanti!

CMP FH2 #10: Medal of Aeronautic Valor

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for great contribution to the victory in campaign as a reliable pilot. Thank You. Avanti!

CMP FH2 #10: Colonial Order of the Star of Italy

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for great contribution to the victory in campaign. For his dedication and support. Also for all help with recon thread. Thank You. Avanti!

CMP FH2 #10: Colonial Order of the Star of Italy

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for great contribution to the victory in campaign. For his dedication and support. Also for all help with recon thread. Thank You. Avanti!

CMP FH2 #10: Colonial Order of the Star of Italy

Awarded , by genp

Awarded for great contribution to the victory in campaign. For his dedication and support. Also for all help with recon thread. Thank You. Avanti!

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Smashmachine

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Smashmachine

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Italy Star

Awarded , by Smashmachine

Awarded to those serving in the Sicily and Italian campaigns

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Forces' Decoration Medal

Awarded , by Tore

For operation Diadem

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Forces' Decoration Medal

Awarded , by Tore

For operation Diadem

CMP FH2 #6: Canadian Forces' Decoration Medal

Awarded , by Tore

For operation Diadem

CMP FH2 #5: Brothers in Arms

Awarded , by RayderPSG

For winning the public votation. CMP FH2 Campaign 5, "On Rommel's Trail" 

CMP FH2 #5: Brothers in Arms

Awarded , by RayderPSG

For winning the public votation. CMP FH2 Campaign 5, "On Rommel's Trail" 

CMP FH2 #5: Brothers in Arms

Awarded , by RayderPSG

For winning the public votation. CMP FH2 Campaign 5, "On Rommel's Trail" 

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Panzer Badge

Awarded , by AdmiralBG

Self explanatory 

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Panzer Badge

Awarded , by AdmiralBG

Self explanatory 

CMP FH2 #5: Silver Panzer Badge

Awarded , by AdmiralBG

Self explanatory 

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by AdmiralBG

Self explanatory 

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by AdmiralBG

Self explanatory 

CMP FH2 #5: North Africa Medal

Awarded , by AdmiralBG

Self explanatory 

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