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kunderico last won the day on November 8 2018

kunderico had the most liked content!


About kunderico

  • Birthday 07/24/1977

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kunderico's Achievements


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kunderico's Awards

CMP FH2 #5: War Medal

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 3 battles

CMP FH2 #5: War Medal

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 3 battles

CMP FH2 #5: War Medal

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 3 battles

CMP FH2 #5: The Africa Star

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to all Allied participants at the end of the campaign

CMP FH2 #5: The Africa Star

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to all Allied participants at the end of the campaign

CMP FH2 #5: The Africa Star

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to all Allied participants at the end of the campaign

CMP FH2 #5: Star Campaign Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 10 battles

CMP FH2 #5: Star Campaign Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 10 battles

CMP FH2 #5: Star Campaign Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 10 battles

CMP FH2 #5: George Cross

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For giving great number casualties to the enemies in the past battles and helping setting up vital rally point positions

CMP FH2 #5: George Cross

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For giving great number casualties to the enemies in the past battles and helping setting up vital rally point positions

CMP FH2 #5: George Cross

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For giving great number casualties to the enemies in the past battles and helping setting up vital rally point positions

CMP FH2 #5: General Service Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 8 battle

CMP FH2 #5: General Service Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 8 battle

CMP FH2 #5: General Service Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 8 battle

CMP FH2 #5: Distinguished Conduct Medal With Bar

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For achieving Victory in the battle of Sidi Muftah while showing great skill/coordination in defensive and attacking formations

CMP FH2 #5: Distinguished Conduct Medal With Bar

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For achieving Victory in the battle of Sidi Muftah while showing great skill/coordination in defensive and attacking formations

CMP FH2 #5: Distinguished Conduct Medal With Bar

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For achieving Victory in the battle of Sidi Muftah while showing great skill/coordination in defensive and attacking formations

CMP FH2 #5: Distinguished Conduct Medal

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For achieving Victory in the battles of Keren and Thernopyles while showing great skill/coordination in defensive and attacking formations

CMP FH2 #5: Distinguished Conduct Medal

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For achieving Victory in the battles of Keren and Thernopyles while showing great skill/coordination in defensive and attacking formations

CMP FH2 #5: Distinguished Conduct Medal

Awarded , by RAnDOOm

For achieving Victory in the battles of Keren and Thernopyles while showing great skill/coordination in defensive and attacking formations

CMP FH2 #5: Defence Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 5 battles

CMP FH2 #5: Defence Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 5 battles

CMP FH2 #5: Defence Medal

Awarded , by Incognito

Awarded to members of the 3rd King's Own Hussars who have attended 5 battles

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by Hawk

Für außerordentliche Tapferkeit sowie effektivem Wegbumsen feindlicher Infanterie, insbesondere im Kampf um die Insel Tulagi!

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by Hawk

Für außerordentliche Tapferkeit sowie effektivem Wegbumsen feindlicher Infanterie, insbesondere im Kampf um die Insel Tulagi!

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 7th

Awarded , by Hawk

Für außerordentliche Tapferkeit sowie effektivem Wegbumsen feindlicher Infanterie, insbesondere im Kampf um die Insel Tulagi!

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by Hawk

Für eine fortwährend gute infanteristische Leistung in den kürzlich ausgetragenen Verzweiflungsschlachten gegen einen übermächtigen Feind

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by Hawk

Für eine fortwährend gute infanteristische Leistung in den kürzlich ausgetragenen Verzweiflungsschlachten gegen einen übermächtigen Feind

CMP FH2 #4: The Order of the Golden Kite 6th

Awarded , by Hawk

Für eine fortwährend gute infanteristische Leistung in den kürzlich ausgetragenen Verzweiflungsschlachten gegen einen übermächtigen Feind

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