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Everything posted by RayderPSG

  1. It exists. But it's up to us in what direction we want to use it, and in whose favor.
  2. Anyone here could have any idea why this happens? It happened in Ogledow. Not sure if it has happened to me in other maps.
  3. VID_20180608_230424.mp4
  4. Congrats @Pichu1199 !! Putazoooo
  5. Best: New maps and new players playing. Also numbers for a scrim. Hopefully we have a 50 vs 50 campaign. Best2: Wualy playing again. Worst: Me having shit loads of technical problems, couldn't be able to play well and communicate with theammates, due to many new guys ( good news in fact!) asking and also people out of the server asking for maps and other shit. Check the forum guys! It's easy! Funniest: HalfTracks trips with @Sir_Kowskoskey . At one time, we leave, we see someone, Kowsky just clicks his mouse. @Druidix gets theamkilled Funniest2: Fighting against Geo's squad in joki. Also, trying to knife @Spindrifter49 like 20 times, in the end he sees me and kills me. Won't try anymore to knive high ping people. Funniest3: Killing spaniards when they switched. Especially @Wualy Most hated player: mememe. And my PC Most loved/liked player: all who joined and who makes this a thing. Other: -let's continue!.
  6. Exactly mate! with the standalone all is easier
  7. ¡Muy buenas! Os recuerdo que hoy es la primera Scrim, batalla de prueba donde testearemos varios mapas nuevos y donde algunos tendrán su primer contacto con el modo campaña. Aquí os dejo el link, susceptible de cambio ( Es posible que los mapas hoy ya estén en el updater) LOS NUEVOS, ya sabéis, intentaremos hacer un mini entrene a las 19 Esp 14 Argentina, para explicar lo básico.
  8. Hola Jhon, Tendrás los links aquí en el foro y también en el comunitty updater. Te recomiendo que te unas a https://discord.gg/Cxbd83 porque el foro puede ser algo engorroso.
  9. Link removed. If you want to play bf2, try buying it via amazo... Others tricky solutions we all know about
  10. Well, I say money is no problem because what I ve choiced makes already 1500€ SSD makes at least double price, you think it s worth?
  11. Ey guys, It's been like +10 years since I don't change my PC, so time's arrived and I should have a new one in 1, 2 months. I'd like to share characteristics, and if you think I should change something... As fortunately money shouldn t be a problem atm: -Processor: Intel i7-8700k -Motherboard: Asus ROG Maximus X HERO -RAM: Corsair DDR4 16G 2x8 3000Mhz -Graph: GTX 1060 6GB -hdd: WD Black 2TB Sata 3 (7200 rpm) -Computer source: Corsair RM850W 80+g
  12. The beggining of Punk in Spain As there is no translation in the link: I met him in a guateque, He was a tall, thin boy, He was staring at me It seemed very decent. I could not resist, temptation overcame me, the demon invaded me and I sinned, yes I accepted. And my punishment in hell will I have, and my punishment in hell will I have ... We left that place, sweaty after dancing. He took me to his room, He proposed to me to make love. Then I was scandalized, but so I accepted everything ... He turned on the record player, a very strange music, they only shrieked, He took off his tie. He went to another room, he came back dressed weird, with very ironed hair, He had evil eyes. All in black leather, a whip pulled out, Then he told me that he was going to give me my deserved That all this happened to me for being a slut bitch! It left me so badly hurt, the other day I confessed repentant. The priest rebuked me, but it undid my confusion. That's wrong, it's not natural, fornicating is a mortal sin ... I have prayed Our Fathers, prayers to Mary, I will enter a convent, So you'll see that I regret it. Lord, it was not my fault I'm not a pervert ...
  13. Recuerdo, sobre todo a los que no están en whatsapp o discord, la importancia de mirar el foro una vez al día aunque sea.
  14. Hola @JhonKiller111 ! Me alegro que estés aquí. Lo que comentas sería ideal, pero hay que adaptarse a cada mapa y además muchos de ellos son NUEVOS, nunca han sido jugados, así que no, no hay nada preparado. Eso es algo que tendremos que hacer entre todos. Sí, lo normal es que llevemos a cabo algún tipo de coordinación. De hecho de esto se trata el modo campaña. En cuanto al apoyo aéreo, no todos los mapas tendrán aviones, y de el equipo intentaré encargarme yo en la medida de lo posible.
  15. Happy birthday!! @King FronXos and @Yronno
  16. That s what Karl Popper said (more or less) and he was a liberal.
  17. Komm schon, Hochu! Was ist eine Kampagne ohne dich? ps: Sie können mehr Leute taggen, es gibt ungefähr 10 weitere Deutsche @kunderico ps2: Jetzt werde ich Deutsch lernen, ich habe die Hispanics satt ... hahahaha
  18. Veo mucha gente que se preocupa por la duración de las batallas...las batallas duran 4 horas pero PARA NADA es obligatorio (si deseable) jugar las 4 horas seguidas, mientras mantengamos al menos 10 jugadores todo el rato, el regimiento sobrevive. Aunque siempre hay que mirar palante Pero lo dicho, el que pueda jugar todo y le apetezca, lo juega todo. El que pueda media hora, también es bienvenido.
  19. RayderPSG


    Bienvenido Tercio...o deberíamos llamarle..."Hermano de defender"? Hay más gente nueva! Como @Rataconfuscay@EddAvilaRuiz
  20. Luacha, as this isn t our subforum, you should post in English here. Just translate mate @luacha2000
  21. @Sir_Kowskoskey "Vaya con dios, Garrido"
  22. Hier spielen alle Deutschen! mit oder ohne sein eigenes deutsche Regime ! komm schon! (Entschuldigung für mein Deutsch)
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