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Everything posted by Ronid

  1. Not to get into any specific political discussions, but people generally get increasingly more angry, stop talking and start yelling at each other. Video games one of very few "safe" ways to blow off steam, which in turn makes communities playing them shite. It is places like CMP to keep up old style communities, but even here there are lot's of frictions as I heard (also, don't want to discuss specifics). What is a problem now, is that people are getting estranged. I started playing in FH2 tournaments quite a few years ago first because I was curious and then because I met some awsome people, with whom I could talk on TS or at least share views on forums. Now, except for the furm here, I didn't experience much casual talk on CMP TS. Granted, most of you guys know each other back from FH and this makes me as ex-WaW person more difficult to fit in. Still, there was much talk about lack of communication on the allied side this campaign, but I get a feeling that people ignore one important thing. In order to have good tactical communication, people should be used to talk to each other in general, know each other voices and engaged in small-talk. As a person who used to live in a real backwater, it was awsome to me to be able to talk with someone from across the globe about a hobby, history, or other interests. The best way to build every community is to base it on interaction such as this. And this is what is generally lacking, though I still hope there will be a way to bring it up. Sorry for going a bit off-topic here, but I do see a relevance in my ramblings when it comes to playing BF, espcially as it becomes more and more "single-multi player game," because you may be playing with other people, but you are not playing in an actual TEAM.
  2. Some Balkan tunes for ya!
  3. Ronid

    Arma III

    Thank you Tutvys! Will do when I will have some questions.
  4. Ronid

    Arma III

    Hi guys! Got Arma III on recent sale and was wondering if there is a chance for a total noob to play with you sometime (haven't played Arma ever, but am willing to catch up asap).
  5. Ronid

    Favorite WW2 Pistol

    FB Vis (aka Radom)
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