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Everything posted by Pr0z4c

  1. ah Deftones, i bought 5 of their albums
  2. sure! when? I remember that some of us played this before
  3. Dutch finest hip-hop
  4. https://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Ryzen-4000-Zen-3-will-be-compatible-with-Socket-AM4-but-it-is-end-of-the-road-for-X470-B450-and-below-motherboard-owners.464426.0.html Your motherboard is compatible with the upcomming ryzen 4000 series
  5. i would get a m2 ssd and install that on the mobo. install windows there good looking setup there. a 650watt power supply would be fine aswell.
  7. Funniest: - I farted during the round and told the other guys it smelled like italian sausage, not any sausage, but the good kind of sausage. the kind of sausage you are happy to pay a little extra. ''shits and giggles''
  8. @Sir_KowskoskeyI'm proud that i'm a contributing factor to bring sophisticated culture to this high society
  9. Happy birthday @Tutvys oah thats a bit late, posted it and the thread got updated Happy birthday @Ubersoldaten!
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