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CptBocquier last won the day on November 5 2024

CptBocquier had the most liked content!


About CptBocquier

  • Birthday 09/16/1992

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  1. Thanks for sharing @RAnDOOm !
  2. Best: - Playing this map that i've mapped with friends of mine mapped 11 years ago. Quite heartwarming. Worst: - Stucking my truck with the AA in one small canal for 10 minutes lol Funniest: - People at the enscreen camera enjoying the seaside Most hated player: - / Most loved/liked player: - ROIOR being fair, I know you are hunting me now on maps
  3. In France there is a famous comic 1940 movie with this kind of seen... "Oh qu'est ce que vous nagez bien cheeeef"
  4. Best: - Playing with @SputnikFighter and enjoying an old French Hope map. Worst: - Being straffed when you bring a pickup kit from the main multiple times. Why cruel world. Funniest: - The encounter with @Sir_Kowskoskey and my 25mm. Most hated player: - People talking too much on voice chat, couldn't really focus on defence and important intels Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG saving us on Glaire ! Also really appreciated last round with @GeoPat Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/6449-best-battle-photo-medal/ For once, I know it's not Knokworst ! (sorry Ayrton )
  5. Best: - The lads, the map, the fun. Supporting the FT17 M31 as infantry Worst: - Lag spikes Funniest: - those nasty kubels trying to flank at Merdorp Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - @SputnikFighter for spending a whole round scouting and reporting enemies at Merdorp. Low score made but such an impact on the defence of that flag during round 4 Best Battle Photo - Other: - Couldn't kill @RayderPSG at the last second of the last round on Merdorp flag
  6. Ride quietly, manage to kill a tank, do a trick move, do not elaborate, leave.
  7. Best: - Playing this map for the first time, really enjoyed it. Back with some lads too, and some chaps i'm not that used to play in the same squad ! Worst: - Bad habits die hard, just flipped lot of tanks and armored cars. Also wtf with that stream area where you just blow a truck in a second. Funniest: - / Most hated player: - myself for Tking quite a few friendlies Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG Best Battle Photo - / Other: - will be late for battle #2, but hope i'll be enjoying that one as much as this one !
  8. Best: - Blasting with the Calliope Worst: - Calliope Map bug Funniest: - Circling around a Panzer IV/70 during 2 minutes waiting for someone to come and help, thanks @killerofall for taking care of that tank lol Most hated player: - myself Most loved/liked player: - @Beariale on last round Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/5600-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - @RayderPSG and the other spanish speaking players after the battle
  9. Best: - Playing with the laads Worst: - Couldn't get a victory Funniest: - @Ombustman explosive dead body ! Most hated player: - @WOLFXL for destroying my M51quad Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG Best Battle Photo - METAL GEAR ? Other: -
  10. Best: - Playing with the lads from alll sides, and a new french player ! Worst: - Not killing @krakki with my knife, i got a hit but it wasn't enough. Damn solid duck Funniest: - The squad attack on the final map. All the team was watching my two soldiers get in a jeep and fell in every ditch possible Most hated player: - / Most loved/liked player: - @RayderPSG Other: -
  11. happy birthday @Wualy !
  12. Thanks lads for the wishes ! much appreciated !
  13. Perkele'd!
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