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Quisiera añadir que, con la update, es MUY posible que se os HAYAN DESCONFIGURADO LOS CONTROLES. La siguiente vez que iniciéis FH2, por favor, dedicad unos minutos a revisar que todos los controles estén configurados como deseáis. Además , resaltar que NO es posible volver a la configuración anterior para el inclinado, de ninguna manera.
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Getting BF2 Error Debug assertion failed! on CMP Berlin map
bsn19 posted a question in Technical Help
So what I did:I loaded Berlin_64 and _32 maps both in singleplayer and in multiplayer-coop mods. The map loads fine, but when I select any spawn point and confirm, I immediately get the error: Both FH2 and CMP are updated to the current version. For example, Tarawa map on the other hand works fine. ps: seems like I'm not the onlyone who get this error, found few people on reddit with the same issue -
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@AbsurdDive @Adriano0o0o0o @Ag8S @alancito @ALBREIN @Alecont @alexander_noriega0 @allien3787 @ArgentinaMania @ARG_Matayo @arielzurdo @Avazord @BanzaimeN @Baranovsky420@baronrojo4 @BigotePolaco @blacktrooper92 @Blander @BlueSoldier20 @CABEZO [Goz-[Mauri94]-[ @Chango_killer @CochoSGO @coco @colores @CorderoZ @corvofef @DavidCruz2020 @DavidG @depretux @Diepla @elcheeky2 @elchristo326 @elgordomoii123 @Eljotajota_27 @ellocode33 @EL_REY_747 @ENEKA00 @Falken78 @F.Sansberro @fabrigrinovero35 @Facunino@Fatigatti_AR @Feedee21 @F.E.G @Fenriz @Franco123 @Fritz @Fury1 @GianFH2005 @Guli123 @Heisenberg-arg @Ian @Ibupirac @IsaTron10 @Jager_43 @JARHStarkiller @Jaskiuu @JohnIsASerb @johnnymzq @josh @JuqnDev @[KKCK]Fedetech[Arg] @kirbyris-cafe @KumaquiWolf @lautar0 @LEO. @LeoCSP @Lobo solitario @luacha2000 @Luciano_ARG @lukazsit @Luh333 @LuisSs@Dahjeshi @Malvinero @Mane_Goddard @Mantelord @MarceloGallardo@marcelo123m @Mati.Mattman @MatM1996 @Martin.ar @mcpollo @MessiLover69 @Mokusoo @Mrtn1998 @Neros @n1c0 @NahuelXDD02 @NahuelXD01 @Nezor21 @Nemerian118 @Nightwing @-PANZER ALCON- @Papita05 @Patan @Patofeliz100 @Pavlov442 @PBT-FRAN @Pichu1199 @Pollenz @Ramiro23 @RASPUTI @Roul @Rushit @Sagwyn @sansan555 @santiago32 @sas_elite 1 @SebastianL @SebastianL92 @Simo Hahya @Solid @Spartan_101 @Spike @STALKER @Starpom @Tachu97 @Talion @tomas050611 @troxta @vaje21 @vicius2012 @Vicleoon @ViejoKKarma @WassapDude94 @WINNERSTONE @xGastonxARG @zYaShImIr0 @cristhianxd @UwU_Ley @VADE @Guinho @Jeferson @KrazyDogui @altsuprgamer @Bixixa @Bixixaa @carvajal.cri @chulito12345 @CristobalMelo @Daniel @DIABLO_ZAMURAI @dylanxd @FlahnB @gabriel @Guillessj @inlifex @killer98 @kropstap @LanXcL @MAX.MAXO @Mr.pepe @nemesisk @Neutral_true @Pascuero45 @q(-_-)p @RadicalDestroyerr @ranger501rex @simiox @Snow @Terrormaik @TKRShadowBlack @tomillo2004 @Tovarish Vjerjod @Andres_Gomez @bilmaster @Black_Hawk @BryanUS @Cocchiola @DavidRambo123 @DavidSchulz0399 @ElKazama @El_Ramitos @FH2SOLDIER YK @1nTrU @jaaruizhe @Jason @Jonah @JhonKiller111 @juank @juanse120 @Khatarsyz @Manheim @miguelrrr5 @NicoFenix1 @poloviskk @Portela1942 @Racevil @Rambokill34 @sgtsanti6 @Thesalamanderman @TheSirN @THETHREEISWHACHING @Tommy @veams @VEGA_365 @vengado @Algam @EDGARWAR989 @KorTainYT @KORTAINNN @Legionario2 @PKM^ @RauloWW2 @Renko @Sherwin_Em2(*) @steven Bohorquez @titos @xXCeLuLaXx @Zenex @AlCapone345 @C3s4rPR9 @Wolverine @TuncaCeleste @VladimirManzur @1DVCervantesESP @AbelllGp @Anguita36 @Anra @arbustito @Arsemex @Arturo_145 @Asde900 @Astalor @assasin666 @Avantey @B4R0N @Becafer @BelleAndSebastian @Bertol.ok @Beyers(*) @Cactus @Chad Negro @Chus @Darkpotato @DavidTrollero @DarkTrooper246 @DAVID-SOLDIER @Defender @Dost @Durru @Duttget @Edgar @elvinu @ermahe @FearSystem @Ferdinand_Bach @Gabrii172 @GeJota @GGarrido @goblin_español @Godofredo La Chupa @guildertool @Henrique O Horrivel @isaachn02 @Jester @josedavidxxx @Jotta @jozevillano @Kelevra @klmk @Laiust @Layon @lmlz @L.L.HERRAIZ @Lopder @LopeteguiDiversion @Machacasaurio @MajorMajor @Malakra @ManWithBow @marisco @Matt @Maverick @Mayorhkiin @Miguemae @OddBall@onebullet95 @OrangeMarmalaid @p3p3 @padre @Pakito849gh @pepe @PKdor @Rataconfusca @RayderPSG @rubimalo @Santini1973 @Schuman @Senor_tactico2 @sergioten @SgtAlex @Sgt.Alexander98 @Sgt.SteinerCross @Shadow457 @Shadow457 Spots @Smashmachine @SolracK Khan @Sorem @Spanish_Tercio @Sparhez @spectrun @SrVallejo @Super @TudensHope @URKA @Verticorda @vitorio9898 @xtoangel @wanchekid @Wualy @Xavhia @DerFer29 @joseuc1 @srjefers @Luis 1944 @VELKRO @ZOCIO @Adrianimus @Alberto_DLTorre @Albert.K-101 @3DvD3 @Beatnikjude63 @Blackbeard-19F21 @Blagu @Charmzz @CptRolan @Dali96 @DarthTemoc @David5p4rt4n @EddAvilaRuiz @emiliano3314 @ElRayjuega @esparjose @Harel065 @Ibrahim @iAntraxMeXz@ImmortalCrab @johkars @juasjuasmjxd @K37 @kropstap @leonardorobles05 @Logian @ninioartillero @pepparockera @PollitoJrH12945 @PollitoJr1294Frozen @punishedsnake77 @Taiday @Visir_Ahmed @David5p4rt4n @FrosT_K @Ciclops23 @Gold @Borizsov @mikel2.0 @NeedAmmo @Andre1212 @Berlin @chrystiango @Danielikus @Dela @juandi1942 @PanchitoPe @Revenger @AlphaWolf17 @engelxd2 @Greg545 @Albert.K-101 @alwaisdry @AnYElo1207 @Blanco960 @CactusMcCoy @CactusMcCoy @Camacho @camilonav @Cap.Mactavish @CarlosKoinaki @chacon @Darnico @Derp26 @Dr_sicario @eloyreinaldo @Elfrancotirador_28 @Endersline @franyerson @Gabriel1324 @Gettiz @Ghost.,@GLiTCH_74 @GracefulOutlaw @JuanchoA @koyer@LEGION-XV@leonardopachano123 @lorsan2906 @Miguelrrr @MrJero @N1troZ @N3LK @Nzar @PacMan @RicardoCFC1995 @rodrigorod @Roxwork @Strelok1754 @SpetsBomb @TheGringoLoco @themanxangel2015 @TheNoiSe @XxArrecialxX @18yEjido @Gunyaboss14 @matias1002 @POOL31010 @powerUY=[URU]= @santiago @Ubersoldaten @muchachos19 @aguamineral9 @aguamineral999 @Srg_Romero @Coyote45 @Darkisthenight Buenas, Hago este post porque ayer 17/12 se implementó una actualización de FH2, la versión 2.65, que además de traernos el evento navideño de mapas de invierno, es en sí una actualización de FH2, y trae varios cambios sensibles que creo que son merecedores de explicación. 1. El primer cambio sensible tiene que ver con la nueva función añadida en la última gran actualización, la inclinación a izquierda o derecha como en los juegos modernos. Con la 2.65, ahora PODEMOS ELEGIR LA TECLA QUE QUERAMOS para inclinarnos, y podemos también SELECCIONAR SI QUEREMOS MANTENERNOS INCLINADOS AL PULSAR UNA VEZ LA TECLA ( debiendo pulsarla de nuevo para ponernos rectos, o apretar la tecla de correr) O TENER QUE MANTENER LA TECLA APRETADA PARA SEGUIR INCLINADOS. Para ello, nos dirigiremos a Controles>Infantería>Inclinar izquierda y derecha. Como veis en la siguiente imagen. En "Activar Inclinar", si dejáis marcado, el personaje quedará inclinado indefinidamente hasta que volváis a tocar la tecla asignada o la de correr. 1.1 Peeeero, como decía, la actualización trae más novedades a este respecto. Resulta que ahora TAMBIÉN PODREMOS ELEGIR SI MANTENERNOS AGACHADOS O NO tras presionar la tecla asignada. Anteriormente, debías mantener pulsada la tecla para mantenerte agachado sí o sí. Esto, junto al cambio explicado justo antes, facilita inclinarse al estar agachado. Para ello, una vez más >Controles>Infantería>Activar agachar. Marcamos o no en función de lo que deseemos, con el mismo proceso explicado antes. 2. Más cosas. La manera de cambiar la mira de los fusiles francotiradores TAMBIÉN ha sido modificada. Anteriormente, teníamos que usar las teclas de comandos (Q o T, una de esas) para elegir entre mira telescópica o mira de hierro. Pues bien, eso también se ha automatizado, y como no es muy intuitivo, os lo enseño, aunque debería haberse establecido por defecto. Esta vez el destino es distinto> controles> COMÚN>Selecc. Cámara. Ahora, sencillamente apretando la tecla asignada en Selecc. Cámara, C en este ejemplo, la mira del fusil francotirador cambiará cada vez que apretemos, al apuntar. Se ha querido usar esta sección porque no hay ya muchos espacios libres y algunos se quieren usar para futuras nuevas funciones. 3. Otra cosa relevante, que no tiene que ver con el gameplay, es el directorio en el que se guardan los perfiles, el CACHÉ (ojo!!), las Capturas, etc. Anteriormente, como recordarán, estas se guardaban en MisDocumentos/FH2. Pues bien, aparentemente, tener eso guardado en mis documentos era una fuente de problemas para muchos usuarios, entre la sincronización de disco y las restricciones de acceso del sistema operativo se producían errores que provocaban que algunos jugadores cuando no pudieran guardar o cargar sus perfiles, perdiéndolos. Por eso, la carpeta AHORA se encuentra en LocalDisk(C:)\Usuario\(tu usuario)\LOCALAPPDATA%\Forgotten Hope 2\ Sin embargo, esto presenta una serie de problemas, ya que "LocalAppdata" suele encontrarse automáticamente escondido por windows. Por esa razón OS RECOMIENDO MUCHO hacer lo siguiente: 3.1: Abrid el ejecutor de comandos, con WINDOWS+R 3.2: Se os abrirá el ejecutor de comandos que debe mostrarse como en la siguiente imagen. En el espacio para escribir, pongan "appdata" y acepten. 3.3: Posteriormente, se os debería abrir la carpeta de appdata, y dentro encontrar estas carpetas o similares. Van a "LOCAL". 3.4: Dentro, encontrarán normalmente bastantes carpetas. Surfean y deben encontrar la carpeta de toda la vida, "ForgottenHope2". Esa es la MISMA carpeta que hemos tenido hasta esta actualización en MisDocumentos. Encontrarán todo lo mencionado: caché, perfil, screenshots, demos del battlerecorder...Y en principio la vieja de mis documentos se puede eliminar sin problemas. 3.5: Para NO tener que HACER ESTO UNA Y OTRA VEZ, RECOMIENDO, botón derecho en Forgotten Hope 2 y crear acceso directo. De esa manera, pueden mover ese acceso directo a done quieran: Escritorio, a donde siempre lo han tenido en Mis Documentos...donde quieran, y se ahorran hacer esto continuamente. 4. Para acabar, quiero hablar del tema del HUD que lleva ya más de un año disponible y algunos todavía no saben como se usa o para qué, y se siguen quejando de las marcas que ponen los squadleaders (por ejemplo), cuando lo que ocurre es que no han aprendido de las opciones que les da el juego. Hace tiempo como decía se añadió en el launcher de FH2 la sección de HUD. Una vez van ahí, arriba tienen la opción general de esconder o no la información que se ve mientras juegas ( todo lo que no sea terreno, texturas, armas, etc...) como el minimapa, la lista de muertes...o las famosas marcas del SL. Una vez asignada la tecla que quieren y activada esa opción, abajo tienen TODAS las opciones que se pueden: mantener por siempre, desaparecer por siempre, o ACTIVAR Y DESACTIVAR (Show, Hide o Toggle, como se muestra en el recuadro y por ese orden) con la tecla de toggle que previamente asignaron. Para los dichosos markers, sería la opcion de "Nametags y 3D Icons", por ejemplo. En mi caso, cuando un marker me molesta para perseguir una kill, simplemente lo quito con la tecla de toggle, sin quitar de esa manera la información general a los demás. Pero literalmente pueden esconder todo lo que quieran pulsando una tecla y hacerlo volver a aparecer pulsando esa misma tecla. Cualquier duda o pregunta, aquí o al grupo.
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eXHaLe started following Forgotten Hope 2 News - Christmas Event
Thanks for sharing @RAnDOOm !
Christmas Event Posted by: Guarnere, Matt Baker and Eat Uranium 15.12.2024 20:00 GMT Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update. Firstly we would like to thank everyone who had voted for us in the first round of ModDB's Mod of the Year competition again. We have once again made it to the second round of voting among the Top 100 Mods. We would once again be very thankful for any votes that you might want to send our way. We will be running another event over the Christmas season, bringing with it a few new maps made by the FH2 and CMP team. The event will run with the map list below over the following weeks: Friday 20th December to Sunday 5th January The map list will be the following official maps: Bastongne Eppeldorf La Hardt Forest Meuse River Operation Mars St. Vith As well as the following new and updated maps: Foy Hatten Rittershoffen Herrlisheim La Gleize Operation Little Saturn The Storm Valirisk Verdenne The Italian Vanghetta per fanteria Mod. 1907 was the standard spade issued to the Italian infantry through WW1 and WW2. This trench shovel is particularly characterized by having two tiny holes drilled in the blade. This tiny detail was to allow the shovel to be attached to the knapsack using a leather strap or to be attached to the frog that held both the rifle bayonet and the shovel. The Regio Esercito Italiano was one of a kind among other armies in using this carrying system. The Italian Vanguetta was also very popular among the Afrika Korps Pioniers, who also used it during the North African campaign. Ours was made by IvanWazowsky. The No.36M Mk.I was an improved version of the World War 1 era No.36 Mk.I fragementation hand grenade. This defensive grenade, that became the British Army standard hand grenade in 1932 and through WWII, was designed with an oval body featuring a cast iron grooved pattern, a hand lever and a safety pin with a ring. The main improvements that differentiated it from the previous version were that it was waterproofed by coating with shellac. This chemical kept moisture and humidity out of the detonator's fuse, making it more efficient in tropical and hotter climates, hence, the letter "M" for "Mesopotamian" in its designation. The green band paint in the center of the grenade indicated that was filled with a mixture of Baratol and Trotyl and the red "X's that was waterproofed. This family of grenades, starting with the No.5, followed by the No.23, to the present one, were nicknamed "Mills Bomb" from the name of its designer. The new WWII-period texture was added by CptBocquier, to the original model made by McGibs. The Belgian Grenade Defensive Mills or Mills-Granaat was a defensive grenade used by the Belgian Army during WWI through WW2. They used the No.5, No.23 and No.36 versions with a blue and yellow band painted of them and they were filled with Tolite/Salpeter as explosive charge. During and after WW1, the Belgian Mills grenades were supplied by a large number of British manufacturers and there were still sufficient numbers to equip the Belgian Army in 1940. The Grenade Offensive or O.F.-Granaat used the same thin sheet metal pressed oval body design as the French Grenade Offensive N°1. Nevertheless, the main visual feature was the large Belgian ACEC 38 fuze, manufactured by "Atelier de Costructions Electriques de Charleroi", located in Herstal. The model of the Belgian Mills Grenade was made by McGibs and the texture was added by Matt Baker. The Grenade Offensive was made by Seth Soldier. When originally conceived in 1940 the requirements for the M1 Carbine called for a select fire gun that had the ability to operate in both semi-automatic and fully automatic configurations. As the design progressed this requirement was dropped and the mass produced version of the M1 Carbine became a semi-automatic weapon. During the war, troops in the field (especially those in the Airborne and fighting in the Pacific) showed a real desire for a personal defense weapon that could utilize fully automatic fire in close quarters. This drove enterprising armorers to convert many M1 Carbines to fully automatic fire with field modifications. Anecdotal accounts relay numerous instances of veterans modifying their M1s by adding an auto-sear to the internal components to create an ad-hoc, fully automatic or select-fire carbine. In May 1944 Winchester, Springfield Armory and Inland Manufacturing began developing a standardized group of components that could be added to an M1 Carbine to give it the select fire ability. Inland and Springfield eventually created the T17 and T18 conversion kits respectively. As these kits were tested in the field, the select fire carbines became known as T4 Carbines until October 1944 when the T4 project was officially adopted into the Carbine, Caliber .30, M2. Our M1 Carbine was made by Seth Soldier and converted by Matt Baker. On November 27th, 1944, Hitler ordered the creation of 20 to 30 Flammpanzer for the upcoming Unternehmen Nordwind. These flamethrower tanks were to be built on the existing chassis of available Panzer or Sturmgeschütz as quickly as possible. By December 3rd the Army reported back that a total of 30 to 35 Flammpanzer could be created by refurbishing at least ten Pz.Kpfw.III (Fl) and converting twenty Jagdpanzer 38(t). The Jagdpanzer 38(t) were pulled from the Böhmisch-Mährische Maschinenfabrik (BMM) production line in December and subsequently displayed the later type of production modifications such as the flammvernichter muffler, removed armor guard for the driver’s periscopes and later type of idler wheels. The main 7.5cm gun was removed and an armored plug was welded over the aperture with a hole that allowed the Köbe flamethrower a limited traverse and elevation. The weapon was aimed by way of a periscope of the same type used by the driver on the Panther G that was protected externally by a sheet metal cover. Inside the vehicle was a tank with 700 liters of flame oil and a pump that allowed for approximately 60-70 bursts of fuel out to ~35-50 meters. This fuel was ignited using cartridges and ejected from the end of the nozzle that was covered by a two piece sheet metal shield. The Flammpanzer 38(t) retained the MG-34 ‘Reundumfeuer’ mount that allowed the crew to use the weapon while protected inside the vehicle, however this was likely relocated to the center of the roof to accommodate the rearranged hatch layout. The loader’s and commander’s hatches were retained in the same positions but a 3rd hatch was added to the front of the roof above the driver and gunner’s position. A fuel filler cap on the roof and an exhaust on the rear hull for the flame fuel pump engine was also added among other miscellaneous parts. Two units were assembled for the Nordwind offensive in the form of the 352. & 353. Panzer-Flamm-Kompanien and subordinated to Army Group G for the Operation. Our original Jagdpanzer 38(t) was made by Toddel and the Flammpanzer modifications were made by Matt Baker. Along with the previously announced wide repertoire of Willys MB variants, we also bring you the important version equipped with the .30 caliber Browning M1919A4 that was widely used in the US Infantry and Armored Divisions and their allies. Textures were made by Matt Baker and the original model was made by Rad and Toddel. In the effort to try to represent in the most reliable way the different vehicles and assets present in the mod, the FH2 team has continued their research and documentation, successfully adding more new correctly historical sights for the different existing tanks and updating and correcting some others. These updates have been made by Seth Soldier and McCloskey with the help of Radiosmersh and Guarnere's research. Reworked sights: TFMD (T-34 Model 1941) TFMD-7 1943 version (T-34 Model 1943 and KV-1S) No.43x3 L Mk.I (Sherman VC 'Firefly' and 17-pdr M10 SP 'Achilles IC') TZF 5b Vergr. (Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F and Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. N) TZF 5d (Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J with 50 mm KwK 38 L/42) TZF 9b (Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. H 'Tiger') TZF 9d (Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. B 'Tiger II') New sights: T-5 (KV-2 Model 1940) TOD-8 (KV-1E Model 1940) Alzo per Semovente 75/18 (Semovente M40 da 75/18) TZF 5e (Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J with 50 mm KwK 39 L/60 and Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. L) TZF 5f/2 (Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H) TZF 9c (Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. E) Original news here : http://forgottenhope.warumdarum.de/news.php?id_news=666
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Best: - Cool, different fast paced map Worst: - Ba-10 flipping hahaa , and me on a tank Funniest: - coalmine! Most hated player: - no one Most loved/liked player: - everyone Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/6449-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
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eXHaLe changed their profile photo
MrHolmes changed their profile photo
Share your opinions about the scrim. Replies are ok but no flaming, keep it clean! Copy and paste below: Best: - Worst: - Funniest: - Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: - Best Battle Photo - https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/6449-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: -
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Fufusman changed their profile photo
kapii changed their profile photo
Bebrrr changed their profile photo
Revan5o9 changed their profile photo
SoldatRoyal changed their profile photo
Hello everyone, since the official servers of ArcheAge for EU and NA are unfortunately no longer online, there is only the possibility to play on private servers. Fortunately, there is one that has been active for several years and is being developed internally. Update 9.0 was recently released here with various custom changes, as a result of which the server has recently seen a strong influx of players. There are now also very good opportunities for new players to join the active players. So if you are still interested in Archeage, be sure to check it out again. Further information can be found in the picture.
Best: - Playing this map that i've mapped with friends of mine mapped 11 years ago. Quite heartwarming. Worst: - Stucking my truck with the AA in one small canal for 10 minutes lol Funniest: - People at the enscreen camera enjoying the seaside Most hated player: - / Most loved/liked player: - ROIOR being fair, I know you are hunting me now on maps
Best: - The teamwork, the changes on strat, the overall atmoshpere, the close round...yeah, also the 0-1 one . Great map, ty! Worst: - my pvp performance, I suck so much, specially in this battle . The mainbase issues , the purpose low graphickers Funniest: - close rounds-! Best Battle Photo - Other: - Let's keep going!
Best: - Flying in Luftwaffe again) Worst: - @CptBocquier and other players with AA, no relax flying) Funniest: - Many moments with @CptBocquier @cristhianxd @Ghost., @TOBU94 Most hated player: - Nooo! I love even @CptBocquier and @DonbasCossack with his AA Most loved/liked player: - All peoples, who play and create this atmosphere! Best Battle Photo - Simply beauty picture with Stuka on sundown https://cmp-gaming.com/topic/6449-best-battle-photo-medal/ Other: - Was cool moment with @Ghost., or @cristhianxd, when he is emergency landing at field and I dont shoot him and give a chance for repair and take off again. But he runaway from plane and plane explode(( And funny in the end of round, when we create End Round Photo. I recording this moment on video:
Best: - It was an intense fight Worst: - I died too often again and the French rifles are shit^^ Funniest: - The evening was a lot of fun, but also exhausting really cleaned up at the end Most hated player: - Admiral bg and Hupert PL, you are so annoying you were really a challenge for my nerves Most loved/liked player: - Aquintus for joining us again, and watchtower and Rayder for team maintenance in the TS channel Best Battle Photo - Other: -
Best: - Annoying the other team by constantly harassing Sanatorium flag. Worst: - Getting harassed by the other team on Sanatorium while defending. Funniest: - One plane falling on and killing Sparky and then another plane almost falling on me. Best Battle Photo - Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. Other: -