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GeJota started following Blackbeard-19F21
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Qué bueno verte de vuelta, Black!
hola a todo el regimiento hispano, estoy de vuelta, espero estar de nuevo en el campo de batalla y participar en esas campañas en las que ya tengo rato que me retiré. un saludo y adelante regimiento¡¡¡¡¡¡ i love the smell of napalm in the morning. @RayderPSG @SgtAlex @Pichu1199 @Schuman @mcpollo @fabrigrinovero35 @Fury1 @GracefulOutlaw @elvinu @Defender @Dela @Mane_Goddard @luacha2000 @Guli123 @Patan @Spike @vaje21 @Ramiro23 @xGastonxARG @ViejoKKarma @altsuprgamer @killer98 @Daniel @RauloWW2 @juandi1942 @Rorshack @Anra @Arsemex @DarkTrooper246 @GeJota @DAVID-SOLDIER @Henrique O Horrivel @Laiust @Maverick @Smashmachine @Wualy @Dr_sicario @Miguelrrr @Gabrii172 @xGastonxARG
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hola a todo el regimiento hispano, estoy de vuelta, espero estar de nuevo en el campo de batalla y participar en esas campañas en las que ya tengo rato que me retiré. un saludo y adelante regimiento¡¡¡¡¡¡ i love the smell of napalm in the morning. @RayderPSG @SgtAlex @Pichu1199 @Schuman @mcpollo @fabrigrinovero35 @Fury1 @GracefulOutlaw @elvinu @Defender @Dela @Mane_Goddard @luacha2000 @Guli123 @Patan @Spike @vaje21 @Ramiro23 @xGastonxARG @ViejoKKarma @altsuprgamer @killer98 @Daniel @RauloWW2 @juandi1942 @Rorshack @Anra @Arsemex @DarkTrooper246 @GeJota @DAVID-SOLDIER @Henrique O Horrivel @Laiust @Maverick @Smashmachine @Wualy @Dr_sicario @Miguelrrr @Gabrii172 @xGastonxARG
Saludos Mystic! A ver cuando te pasas por el grupo de wp o el teamspeak para jugar juntos..
Saludos desde Barcelona!! La de Esp, no la de Venezuela xDD Xauuu
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adamJ22 started following FH2 Mini-Campaign: "Rising Tides, Soaring Skies" Is Now OPEN!
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How To Join A Campaign Step 1: On the CMP forums at https://cmp-gaming.com/, register to create an account Step 2: After successfully registering, click on Campaigns from the top menu, or go to https://cmp-gaming.com/campaigns/ Step 3: Choose the current campaign and decide if you want to join Allied or Axis Step 4: Choose a regiment to join. You'll want to join an English Speaking International Regiment if you speak English, but if you speak Polish, Spanish, German or Russian then you are welcome to join those dedicated regiments. The information is below each regiment name Step 5: Once you have signed up for a regiment, you'll be granted access to the Campaign section of the forums. Find your regiment and post an introduction in your regiment's forum area and say hello! Then make sure to read the section titled "FH2 Campaigns - What You Need To Know". This has a lot of very important information in it that you'll need to know. Step 6: If your Discord account and CMP forums account are linked (use https://cmp-gaming.com/settings/login/?service=11 to do so), then you'll get access to your team's Discord channels (Allied or Axis) where you can speak with your fellow team mates about the campaign and upcoming battles. Importantly it is recommended to attend trainings for battles which take place on a Thursdays at 18:00UTC in Summer and 19:00UTC in Winter. You can only access battles by getting the password in Teamspeak from your Commanding Officer on a Friday night.
FH2 Mini-Campaign: Public Event - 7th And 8th February
RAnDOOm replied to Quicksilver's topic in General Announcements
!!! LETS GO GO GO !!!! -
FH2 Mini-Campaign: Public Event - 7th And 8th February
RAnDOOm replied to Quicksilver's topic in General Announcements
Yes. -
Dani3l started following FH2 Mini-Campaign: Public Event - 7th And 8th February
FH2 Mini-Campaign: Public Event - 7th And 8th February
Dani3l replied to Quicksilver's topic in General Announcements