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Everything posted by Granate

  1. Best: great infantry battles, a great Battlefield 1918 map with canalisation, stationary machine guns, mortars and nice city, one of my favorites Worst: Funniest: Brazil declared peace with germany Most hated player: Most loved/liked player: Titanium for showing us the route to win the last 3 rounds --- I hope we can have a great final match next saturday, i will also try to get some more russians to the front line
  2. Best: Close combat in trenches I think this map was a good tournament map, i think Halen and Mons are also nice tournament maps, but you must study these maps well before the match. But there are a lot Bf1918 maps which are more suitable for a tournament i think (lutte de honneur, la grande bataille, monte piana, ... ), these maps are like Langemarck with identical starting conditions for both teams. You will see, on these maps there is nothing that has to be changed by a CMP-mapper (as on Langemarck i think) There are nearly 100 Bf1918 maps i think, a good choice of 10 maps can generate a fair tournament. Most loved/liked player: [KA1] who played on Entente-side ---- I am sorry about insultings by Hanos, some russians do not take such words that serious and just say it to others, we have such words in our teamspeak too sometimes ; )
  3. But if we do another Battlefield1918 tournament with CMP we may should balance teams and maps a bit better before the start, maybe we could make a vote for the 10 maps. If the german army is said to be strong we could also change to austrian-hungarian or ottoman army for central powers on some maps. Greetings Granate
  4. Best: You cannot call the Bf1918 Maps we have played so far unbalanced, but I agree that this one was difficult for the Entente, but as Entente has shown in 1 round they can also win this. Worst: the german spawn point was just on this "main base line" Funniest: Most hated player: - Most loved/liked player: --- german-Entente photo
  5. Thanks Quicksilver, everything works now. Greetings Granate
  6. Removed details - Quicksilver Greetings Granate
  7. Hello, since there is currently a battlefield1918 campaign running a person wants to sign up on this website, but it is said "You are not allowed to register a user account on this site." He lives in Ukraine, i have added a photo here. He also cannot sign in via facebook-account. Greetings Granate
  8. Battle of Halen is not difficult for Entente Greetings Granate
  9. Best: player numbers, intensive infantry battles Funniest: waiting for Sputnik at the south flag
  10. But Erhardt can be destroyed by 2 cannon shots or 1 cannon shot + 1 grenade and it did not always pass the bridges. We also practiced a lot with that vehicle. Greetings Granate
  11. @Hawk can you move a post of AdmiralBG to this, he put it in "best of vosges", but it is photo of "mons"? Best: player numbers and agressive machine gun fire from the church tower, real atmosphere of the early world war 1, before it changed to the trench war. Greetings Granate
  12. But this is Battle of Mons, not Battle of Vosges : ) Greetings Granate
  13. Best : Great map, there was a hell of artillery fire, tanks, trenches and infantry fights. I felt as if i were thrown in a world war 1 movie in several moments! : ) It was a close fight, 5:3 Group photo at the end with Born-42 and another one of the Entente:
  14. Best: server run stable Worst: Funniest: getting lost in russian gun fire
  15. Thanks all
  16. Группа в "вконтакте" https://vk.com/bf1918
  17. Salut! Je m'inscrivais sur ce forum, parce que j'ai entendu que vous voulez organiser un tournoi de Bf1918. Bien cordialement Granate
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