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Everything posted by AL-SAHAD

  1. Thanks Halo' and congratz to Hawk also
  2. thank you my friends)
  3. Many thanks ))))
  4. Hey Papi are you going to mix/sum 100|2A + 4[25] stats for players? My kills should be 1522 then
  5. While we wait ... there is only something to do: Dance! obviously, dedicated to Papa !!!
  6. for me one hour later it's not a problem, as I come back from work always too late and I need to eat my classis bread with tomatoes during the battle ☺ .
  7. Hello Helmut, new campaign is not yet active - stay tuned on the topic ... as Randoom said : soon in September
  8. Finland helmet .... so Russian maps. Right?
  9. Best: First Round, lots-lots of kills in the city and around 150 pts Worst: Last round, running like chickens ... around 50 kills but i died too many times Funniest: Intense TB during all the battle. During the penultimate round, saw someone killing Kows close to HQ. Me and Prozac was close... so i screamed : Prozac...the dead body here is Kowskoskey ... let's TB him! Have anyway to admit that Kows had lots of TB against me . @Ryder : By pure chance we are always at the same flag. Maybe destiny wants us to play in the same team for next campaign? Funniest 2: mmm a part of chickens, looks like we have all the jungle's animals in our team . My friends, it was too fun to play with you. I never get bored. Other: Sad, campaign is over. Wish you all good summer-time. See you on the public 762 server .. or in Sept-Camp.
  10. Funniest: the intensive TB session (made and received) in classic "Bunga-Bunga style" against @Sir_Kowskoskey by me and Pr0z4c. What a tradition !!! We should take a fun-stat from next battle.
  11. Best: Happy to see better ppl number ... already in the scrim !! Worst: Maps which we play so rarely makes a lot of mess Funniest: after battle chat about "mutande" Other: Bungabunga it's the new TB ... from now on
  12. ehm... that reminds me my situation during the last campaign's battles ... 1) playing ... 2) feeding kids ... and 3) discussing with my wife ... at the same time.
  13. Hey Proz ... This reminds me our free-style-singing during the battles !!
  14. Medals for everyone! I could name +/- 40 frequent-players which have driven this campaign making it interesting in many ways. Many ppls had important roles as infantry, in air-ground-sea forces, some more strategics and other more ...Banzaiiii . It's time to give candies and bottle caps to all those players and organizers (which we have had the pleasure to see in-game :)) as souvenir of the good-times which we had. This new CMP-site is interesting and intuitive - I like it. The time of honors has come. Do not wait for the next campaigns.
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