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Everything posted by The_Spine

  1. I would be interested, but I'm busy on Sunday afternoon. Another time perhaps.
  2. User: The_Spine Level: 29 Preferred Nation: Brits and USA. Grinding German atm Preferred Mode: Realistic
  3. The_Spine

    CoD WWII

    Well that was a whole lot of nothing. Omaha beach, Normandy and Ardennes. How original...
  4. Looks like another UK general election on 8th June.
  5. I'm trying to sent out a pm and when I select Compose new, I get a message saying "Your inbox is full. You must delete some messages before you can send any more" However i only have 1 pm in my inbox. Is this a bug or are the PMs here just extremely limited?
  6. until

    I'll be there
  7. The_Spine

    FH2 Videos

  8. The_Spine

    FH2 Dev Blog

    Will it be less Orange?
  9. The_Spine

    FH2 Videos

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