Best: Extremely interesting close combat fighting. Just love it.
Best2: Extremely well working system with all parts of group. Im happy!
Worst: A few issues, that will be fixed.
Funniest: Neverending tea pag battle and getting Double pagged by Al-Sahad and someone else. (I WILL FIND YOU WHO EVER YOU ARE )
Funniest2: Wiberlwind flipping part 1: FLipping the tank in an empty field and listening Gabottos laughter.
Funniest3: Wiberlwind flipping part 2: Climbing a hill and telling DTBG to place a rally. The same time he climbs out the tank hits a bump and starts to fall. DTBG ends up on the hull and places the rally in the air. I have time to yell "not on me you fool" and the tank flips over and explodes with the RP.
MHP: Al-Sahad and that still unnamed soldier doing bad things to my body with Al-Sahad
Best: Getting it up without any aids (i mean the campaign ofcourse, silly)
Worst: Confusion in the begining, but here we go
Funniest: The never ending knife battle with Quicksilver in Gela. Result was both dead.
Most hated player: Al Sahad and Ombustman
Most loved/liked player: Deffinetly my fat sidekick DTBG, getting stuck all the time in akward places. ( We both need to run it off mate)
Other: Bungabunga!
Daniel, if you have an oppinion to make it better please send it to me by pm and it will be discussed. If the goal in this was just to make a remark ive learned to expect from you. Please leave em without a post and inside your head. Help is always welcome but bs rubaruba posts are not really needed.