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Everything posted by Johonas

  1. Like always, a solid campaign made done by solid fellas! Salut and thank you all! Till next time!
  2. For those, who are interested in AI and art and how those two collide and made something really cool. Here are the right place to get a first taste of It. Midjourney, is a small groupe: "An independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species." As they call themself. Here you can made out of kits of words and sentences unique art, made by a growing AI. The first image you made... the AI made. It will blow you mind. Thats for sure. And it is pretty easy. All you need is discord. On the hompage of Midjourney (https://www.midjourney.com/home/) you go for "Join the beta", this wil lead you to the discord server. Here are are channels called "Newbies-51" or "Newbies-81". Once there, you already see how other newcommer and bots made art with the AI. All you need is to type "/image" in to the chat and the bot window oben. Now you can fill it with your thoughts, your journyes. In words and sentences. All deeper infomation you also get throu the homepage and discord from Midjourney. Have fun! Johonas
  3. A great track and even a great movie, One of my favorites german movie:
  4. @Pr0z4cwhy you didn't tell me about this band?
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