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About SAT

  • Birthday 06/20/1998

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SAT's Achievements


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SAT's Awards

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good performance as infantryman in the battle of Tulagi.

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good performance as infantryman in the battle of Tulagi.

CMP FH2 #12: Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

Awarded , by Blander

Awarded for good performance as infantryman in the battle of Tulagi.

CMP FH2 #11: Army Commendation Medal

Awarded , by GeoPat

For contributing to our improving performance.

CMP FH2 #11: Army Commendation Medal

Awarded , by GeoPat

For contributing to our improving performance.

CMP FH2 #11: Army Commendation Medal

Awarded , by GeoPat

For contributing to our improving performance.

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