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Everything posted by crapinabox127

  1. Shake those hips
  2. Had some 90'ies nostalgia lately Try not to get too "mad"
  3. Cool little song. But beware it might not leave your head again
  4. okay then something is wrong on my end cause when i click on overall stats numbers haven't changed. all in top 10 (kills) has same numbers as after battle 11 (so does the rest i presume). achtungsnow shows 1873 kills ( for comparison) what does it show for you? and checking my profile the 2 knife kills with finish puuki knife I only found in tornio stats not overall stats. so somehow the whole thing didn't update for me. update: i went in and added achtungsnow's kills together battle for battle manually and ended up with a total of 2195 kills.
  5. Thank you for putting in the last 2 battles Will you be updating overall stats aswell?
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