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Everything posted by caeno
Best: -Dogfights with the exact same plane! Always great to dogfight with you @Wasteland_Hero -Numbers. In the beginning it almost seemed like we won't even get a battle, but eventually got a full server! -Some very successful RP placements made me happy. -I liked the maps overall feeling. It had great variety in action and terrain features. -Seeing friendlies respond to your targets and seeing enemy tanks getting destroyed! Worst: -Those trees are a planes worst enemy, but not this time.... This time I crashed into a huge f****** FIELD. It was hilarious as it was horrible Funniest: - @kirbyris-cafe shooting down @Tore with the artillery Sorry for laughing so much because of this -HQ channel chatting was fun many times. -The field I crashed into. And I still laugh at the reply from @Tutvys "Nice kamikaze caeno"
Best: -Playing for the full battle even though I was dead tired. -Summertime! -I almost drove to the river with my Puma, but somehow I managed to drive on the edge and not get submerged. Worst: -Noticed the summertime is here and server's not full all the time Funniest: -Me trying to help out @WOLFXL in the last round and almost every time I got out of the tank to repair, I got killed by arty! I think I only survived once without arty killing me and all the other times had to wait for spawn and run back to the tank. -I almost drove to the river with my Puma, but somehow I managed to drive on the edge and not get submerged. -Some TS chatter on squad and CC -I was happy I managed to survive and drive to the west side of the map from north with my puma ONCE and then the round ended in less than a minute. -The many failed attempts to sneak toward Riverbank flagzone only to get killed multiple times by allies just when I was getting close to it, but that one time I was just sneaking around the flag and got lots of kills - @Magnet_Butt was helping with the numbers and then he was next to some allied tank which I satcheled and got him aswell Sorry, but it's always more fun to kill people from your own regiment
Best: -My favorite map on pubbie and atleast I had a lot of fun on this map even though I wasn't as effective as I had hoped. -Got to fly the FW190 for one round and didn't die once! -The couple of lucky times enemy tanks didn't see me and got them instead! Worst: -The cannon Stuka for me. I was completely useless with it Funniest: -Me happily driving a jeep from main to our flag and @Mr.ThunderMan shot me thinking I was enemy flanker. -Driving a tank into one of those damn trenches and getting stuck for over 5 minutes in the end of first round. I was very suprised I survived that. - @Quicksilver and @Sir_Kowskoskey... your harassement lawsuits are being delivered now!
Best: -FIRST!! (Sorry, never done that before! :D) -Like D&D ruined Game of Thrones - this map really subverted my expectations. -The whole battle felt really really even, but... well someone subverted my expectations. -Winning a round on both sides!!! Yes! Equalizing the numbers for the horde!!! (I mean for a good batttle). It's always fun Worst: -Aside from me sucking? None. Funniest: - @Quicksilver @Sir_Kowskoskey What are you doing? -So many little things I laughed during the battle - International squad 1. You're funny as hell and I like playing with you people -Swapping sides to equalize the number. - @alorbe shooting me when I was on top of a rock while defending their side! But equally funny was the part that I accidentally shot him in return a few minutes after. Sorry about that
Best: -I liked the map a lot and my job in it was fun even though my success could have been better... -Even with the battlescore like this, it never felt easy in any way and was hard fought on both sides! -Numbers numbers Worst: -So many allied tanks got away... So many undelivered little exploding lovepackages called Kasapanos... Funniest: -Teamspeak chatting with @turbomursu and @Sir_Kowskoskey for 2-3 rounds? I don't think I've laughed as much in a long time (I hope we didn't scare Bombarik with anything!) -Sorry @Tutvys for this, but it was funny when you seemed so crushed after the first round - you did a great job the whole time, but lucked out on kills -The oh so many failed attempts to kill enemy tanks - @The_Green_Bunny and your ISU on the west side of the map. I kept coming at you and was laughing so much when I just failed in killing you or getting to you. I did get 3 kasapanos shots on you, but you always got away and repaired Don't know how many times I got killed while doing it Other: -Was lacking the right weapon very often. Using faust kit and no chance to use it, using MG and suddenly all enemy activity stopped on the flag, perfect spot to help out friendly airplanes and no AA to use, only having engikit and then needing a bit more range on the AT. I had really bad luck with these this battle
Best: -Awesome map which felt even better in campaing play!! -The tight rounds are horrible?! Nervewrecking! Simply horrible! But I love them. Worst: -Felt like the map was missing something I can't really put my finger on....... Funniest: -Near the end of first round with very few tickets left, I decide to flip my tank over and die when I was really close to frontlines and possibly could have gotten a few kills if I just stayed alive... -Not sure which round, but I was going towards north from the west main and see 2 tanks spotted north of me. I realise that I can't run away or they'll see me, so I hide behind a building. After a few seconds I can hear one enemy tank stopping really close to me, but apparently didn't know I was there. We had two tanks heading north from our main aswell and soon they'd be shooting at each other. I thought that I sneak around the building and distract the enemy tank, so our bigger tanks can take care of it, but I opened fire too early and our tanks didn't get there in time. I had a fun time going around the little church with @Pr0z4c but he got me a bit before our tanks got him Was laughing at my failed distraction attempt for quite a while after that (Don't remember what happened to the other enemy tank though...) -The "invitation" to the admin channel for questioning... You made it sound like I was in trouble for a few seconds there. I was going through my mind thinking "I didn't DO anything!" Most hated player: -Not really hated, but god damn @Ombustman seemed to find me all the time Most loved/liked player: -@-Bombarik- and @turbomursu for their top secret contributions towards Axis win.
Best: -The map was awesome. It felt like the good old prokhorovka map from FH1 which was one of my favorites. The amount of tanks, airplanes, large open fields... I loved it. -The tough rounds. All were really hard and fought until the end. All of them could have been won by either side with a flag cap and some more kills. -Numbers of course. Always nice -Getting to fly a plane again in a long! I've missed it for so long -The dogfights with @Wasteland_Hero and @FadusTM(except fadus was always in the Il2... so maybe it was a bit one sided in that sense...) Worst: -Nothing really. Funniest: - @MrSagdyev shooting me with a mobile AT gun at the Mayors flag when I didn't except anything to be pointed at my direction - @Ombustman and his tank... you shot me down atleast twice with a tank. Damn you! -Was trying to strafe a jeep that was attacking Savinskiy flag and crashed into it eventually.... sorry about that - it was not intentional! -I think I was flying the stuka - really low health - and both enemy planes flying around me and suddenly I hear a boom and see 2 plane wrecks falling down in front of me. - @Hawk and his "target practice plane". I'm sorry I shot you, but I'm amazed that you got that flaming scout plane to our airfield and fixed it! - @Papillon and his "target practice plane". I had a hard time hitting that enemy scout plane and eventually crashed into it... it was soooooo slow. Was not intentional either! - @Tore "Stuka getting up!" - for some reason the stuka died right after that TS message and... no explanation. Shit happens and I'm sure it was annoying and frustrating as hell, but I laughed a bit. I did some stupid mistakes aswell during the battle and laughed a lot at those aswell -Also a couple of times when I was taking off with the stuka, I said something on TS about "give me targets" and suddenly I got like 4 different tank coordinates all over the map and was a bit overwhelmed by the amount and just chose randomly of the closest ones
- 6 replies
- 10
Best: -Actually made it to the battle for 3 whole rounds! Was working late and assumed I'd be home and maybe get to play 1 round. -Me being lucky in many ways during the rounds... I'm just suprised how I enemy planes missed me and some tanks just drove past me and when I stumbled upon an enemy rally etc. I'm sure it wasn't fun on the receiving end, but to me it was funny. I think I just used all my luck for this camp during these 3 rounds -And the numbers! God damn! Nice to see so many players! Worst: -Me sucking while trying to kill T34's. Funniest: -The many nearly heartattacks I got from driving too quickly and almost... just BARELY not flipping the tank over multiple times. I think once the tank's nose was directly upwards for 2-3 seconds, but in the end it did fall down on it's tracks and I think even the neighbours could hear my sigh after it - @Tutvys guiding me towards an enemy tank and me getting confused how many tanks there were and where they were and eventually getting killed because I missed 2 shots entirely due to bouncy tank That was embarrassing really
Best: -Thank you Covid-19 for sponsoring this campaign with such great numbers! -I thought it was an awesome campaign from start to finish. Great moments for both sides and really tough battles won and lost. -I got to fly planes and did not fly into trees as often as I thought! Also a couple of really awesome moments in a tank. -Close campaign. -Allied determination to keep going even when things started looking bad. -Some moments with awesome teamplay like: spotting enemies, calling for arty and seeing them go PUFF in the air just few seconds later, airplane&AA action (@Heyna and @Tore), some really great attacks to a flag or defences against a larger force and still holding the flag, teammates spotting enemy tanks and successfully flanking them, All these moments that make this game and CMP so awesome Worst: -Meh, can't think of anything that bad really. Funniest: -Easy TS channel. Thank you all in Easy Company -So many funny moments - too many to remember or already shared them in individual BWF threads before, but some like: Admins tk'ing lots of squadmates, people driving badly or flipping vehicles, hilarious accidents (for some reason @knokworst was part of these many times ) and many many more... Most hated player: -caeno after a winebottle Most loved/liked player: -Everyone in the end! Other: -Thank you all for a great camp! See you the next one!
Best: -The Sawmill of death, west of the city flags. -I liked the map. Sure it had some small problems, but overall it was great and will work nicely when completely finished. Worst: -I might have to cut down on the alcohol entirely... Funniest: -Getting my revenge on @CptBocquier from his sniperwork from previous battle! They were some lucky moments, because you just happened to appear in front of me. Once you just drove a jeep right infront of me and another when you were on an open field I was driving towards We did exchange puma vs m24 kills later on aswell - @Anguita36 for saving my life with his perfectly timed satchel kill in 6th round! I just killed a P4 and crossed a bridge and saw an enemy jagdpanzer looking straight at me and thought "...ok this is it." And then BOOM went the satchel -The Sawmill of death, west of the city flags! -Killing @knokworst by accident. He was close to me for a couple of minutes in his mortar, happily firing shells without care in the world and then for some strange reason when I decided to change my location, I accidentally shot an HE round behind him when I was leaving the area... -My daredevil moment when I drove through the entire city from north to south and survived. Think I was spotted though as I did not get away to safety and was killed maybe 150 meters south from the city. -(sorry but I did laugh at Papillon getting kicked for AFK) Most loved/liked player: -Allied spotters and comms for a great evening! -Axis tankers for a fun evening!
Best: -Really intense infantry action map - sad that I sucked as infantry today. Ran out of luck in every situation -Numbers were good regardless of a frustrating battle! Worst: -Missing some of our best infantry players on allied side. Funniest: -Driving a jeep northwest of Forest, get shot by ROIOR. Just before spawning in Forest, I saw in the deathcam that someone hopped in the jeep. I was just looking at the flagzone and after it was said to be clear, moved north and I hear a jeep coming. Lay down, shoot the driver and it's ROIOR in my jeep he just shot me out of Most hated player: -It felt like I had an arty magnet and overall axis magnet whenever I tried to flank or sneak to a flag. So... everyone who caught me sneaking!
Best: -Flying!! Thank you @Heyna and @Tore for some great teamplay and flying We have too few maps with planes!! Lets hope next camp changes this -2nd round began very well for me and just felt awesome Worst: -Too few rounds flying Funniest: - @Hawk and his extremely annoying AA fire in many rounds, but especially in the 2nd. Always had to watch out for you and you shot me down atleast once! -Smoking Jager with his succesfull landing, repairing and taking off. Damn AA kept me from destroying the landed plane -Killing a panther with the P51 .50cals
Best: -Ohman... I laughed a lot this battle. So many hilarious things happened, but sadly I forgot a lot of them in the heat of the battle. -Great numbers and a nice map with lots of action. Stoumont (the flag) was fun and horrible at the same time -Some great teamplay in Easy 1! Worst: -Lost my mojo during the battle. It all went well at some point, but then I just started missing every shot and died all the time and.... Funniest: - @Mr.ThunderMan has the screenshot of this I think, but someone ( @AdmiralBG ? ) in our squad said "watch and learn" when he tried to cross the river with a truck and then drove the truck into the river.... And what's more funny is that second Easy squad apparently had a similar incident happen with a kubel! We have the best drivers really -The general banter in Easy 1 was hilarious... Thanks all for the laughs - @kummitus tk'ing a LOT of our squad in one round. It was hilarious
Best: -I've always liked this map and the battle was intense the whole evening! Afterwards I kinda wished I would have played on the ground the whole evening. Such a nice cityfighting map -Only 3 suicides with plane! Worst: -3 stupid suicides with plane! Funniest: -*Running to flagzone and almost greying* Suprise friendly nade next to me!! (Nice timing @turbomursu ) Spawning in again: *Running to flagzone and almost greying* Suprise friendly bullet!! (Thanks @AdmiralBG ) - @ShadowNick and his "drill bit" -Some hilarious chatting in Easy I for the whole evening. -Only time I got a gunner in the bomber: I go for crossroads and hear Pap asking "You're not gonna bomb this flag are you?" (The east side of the flagzone was full of friendlies). I proceed with the bombing and kill a rally by chance on the west side of flagzone ( and ZERO teamkills ) . Then getting hit by AA and I do a panic move and crash to the ground..... Thanks for flying the suicidal airlines @Papillon - @Tutvys getting annoyed by the amount of MG's we kept spawning with
Best: -This map wasn't as traumatic as last time I played it. -Tough fighting all around the map for the whole evening! -That 0-9 round! Even though we lost it; it was awesome! Worst: -Can't really think of anything... except Quicksilver killing everything I was also aiming at Funniest: -First round, someone came to church with a pickup mortar kit, placed it nicely next to a house, aimed at something, shot, died from the explosion when the shell hit the building next to him I was laughing so hard once I realised what happened. No idea who it was -Killing @CptBocquier and then giving him a medpac after it. Didn't seem to help though... But you got your revenge at bunkers when I tried to chase you north of the flag and you somehow got behind me - that bayonet to my back really hurt my feelings... -Generally I had a lot of fun during this battle and was laughing at small things all the time - maybe I was just tired.
Best: -Nice map and a full server the whole time! Awesome! -Some really tough rounds that could have easily gone for the other side. Worst: -My own performance in a couple of rounds. Funniest: -"Comoon, gimme the knife kill! gimme the knife kill!!! Pffffftttt...." @ShadowNick -"Right about now" @BaskaBommis line was repeated very often and for the entire night the Fatboy Slim song was stuck in my head and it still is -I gotta say that my worst round was so bad that it kinda became a funny thing. -Our "sneaky" attack to north flag in the last round was the best and funniest, because we were being shot at multiple times and had to swap drivers during the ride because of bleeding and still getting to our destination and capping the flag! -I tried to position myself on the edge of a wall, failing badly, falling down and thinking "Ok, I'll stay here then." After 2-3 seconds thinking "No, bad spot - I'll change" and got up and of course the axis player came around the corner just that second and shot me. Most hated player: -None Most loved/liked player: -Easy company 2nd squad
Best: -Full server for the whole evening! Always great to see this. -I've always liked this map regardless of what I'm doing on it. -It's been a long time since I last flew in a battle and it was fun. Awesome dogfights Worst: -My old nemesis... the trees that suddenly appear in front of my plane... Funniest: -My old nemesis... the trees that suddenly appear in front of my plane... they got a new friend: The dragon teeth tank obstacles. Sneaky ones! Most hated player: -Pap, you betrayed me! Help me one round and then try to kill me in the rest!
Best: -Great last battle with full server the whole evening and with a good chance for both sides to win the whole camp! Worst: -Not really worst, but of course winning the camp would have been nice Funniest: -There were some funny moments during the battle, but I have to admit that the stuff after the battle was funnier with the trains etc. and the chatting in TS Other: -Thank you all on both sides for a great campaign! (Too many to link all, but all means all :D) And especially thanks to the admins and mappers and behind the scenes people that make this possible!
Best: -That one and only kill I got on @Mr.ThunderMan when I was bleeding with red screen. I mean... that made my day, because I really sucked in everything I did today -A really tough fight with great numbers. Our first round got me pumped up! Worst: -After a great first round, we kinda lost our focus. My pumped up feeling went away too quickly! Funniest: -We had the worst luck in our squad. I mean it was so crappy that it became funny. We lost multiple rallies by really random encounters with enemies and in the end it was just hilarious. Other: - -I gotta admit this - last round when axis were attacking Camp. Great job. I mean that attack was awesome and it overwhelmed the defence completely.
Best: -The variety of the flags and areas on this map. Different kind of flagzones that all needed a bit different tactics to be successful. -Numbers were nice all the time. Lucky for my group, we didn't have to rotate anyone out and still had good numbers. -Even though we lost, the athmosphere on Allied TS was mostly great. Worst: -Server crashes and panzershrecks -Some people in my group having problems with the map or TS throughout the whole battle... -I really sucked as infantry and had a really frustrating time killing anyone as one... Am I really getting that old? Yesterday it hit me hard. Funniest: -At Chateau flag we were clearing out the flag after capture and I was crouching in the little Pipe looking for enemy players when @Spieler4 placed an Smine really close to me and I didn't realise it... so of course without noticing it I got up and started to run aaaaaaand killed both us by triggering the Smine... - @AdmiralBG missing his Shreck shot even though I was completely unaware of their new rally and attack from the south side of Bunkers. That missed shot cost you your attack though and I almost felt bad taking you out But you got me the second time. Sneaky bastards
Best: - -Paradrops! Ohman... it's been so long since I last got to play a really nice paradrop map and this was the perfect starting map for this campaing -I'll join the choir by saying that numbers were awesome! Great to have 100 players for the whole evening! -Can I just say that I did not die in my little tank in 3rd round at all! Thanks to all our spotting people! Worst: - -Nothing really comes to mind. Funniest: - -One of the first things I hear in TS after first round started "Oh crap, I took the wrong kit" and then see a couple of people dying - @Erwin and @turbomursu APC rampage. -I kinda hope that the "officer choir" doesen't become a thing, but it sure was funny -Our second assault round was supposed to be a paradrop, but someone forgot to choose it before the round started -"Get ready to die!" "That's not a nice thing to say..." (Conversations before an attack, but I forgot who the other player was ) Most loved/liked player: - - @Bzdziuchanson what an awesome job with jeep patrols
FH2 Campaign #7: Scrim 1 - Best/Worst/Funniest
caeno replied to RAnDOOm's topic in Community Games - Best / Worst / Funniest
Best: -Did someone mention the numbers already? Nice start indeed! -Seemed like the evening went without any major problems Worst: -Well, I had one strange problem with CC where I couldn't hear @Ronid over CC, but could hear everyone else Funniest: -Guess I was so excited that I forgot the funny stuff... I did laugh a lot, but don't even remember what for. And it wasn't the 3 beers! Other: -Yeah, I did seem to run into you a lot @Pyradus and seemed like you killed me every time..... -Lets keep the numbers up next week! More mayhem coming! -
Best: -Awesome end to the campaing -Numbers through out the evening! -M24 is a nice little tank. Kinda hope I would have used it more in this battle! Worst: -Server crash while allies were leading on attack and in a good situation. -Battle ended too early. I could have played a lot longer with all these nice planes and tanks! Funniest: -Never have I ever.... being shot down in a plane with artillery, using a smoke shell... @RAnDOOm Awesome job! -Taking off in the bomber, tip of wing hitting a tree very slightly... aaaaaaand plane did a full 180 degree turn and is now nosediving into the forest. Damn. Most loved/liked player: -The people spotting enemy planes and tanks. Especially @wrenchorbinoculars again! - @Tore, @HaLoAL and @Smashmachine for protecting me in the bomber Other: -Merry christmas everyone! Happy holidays! Happy whatever you feel like being happy for! See you in the next campaing! Also Happy new year